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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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.set NGPRGES, 8
.set NFPREGS, 8
.globl SharedStub
.hidden SharedStub
.type SharedStub,@function
move $t0, $sp
addi.d $sp, $sp, -8*(NGPRGES+NFPREGS)-16
.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8*(NGPRGES+NFPREGS)+16
st.d $a0, $sp, 0
st.d $a1, $sp, 8
st.d $a2, $sp, 16
st.d $a3, $sp, 24
st.d $a4, $sp, 32
st.d $a5, $sp, 40
st.d $a6, $sp, 48
st.d $a7, $sp, 56
fst.d $fa0, $sp, 64
fst.d $fa1, $sp, 72
fst.d $fa2, $sp, 80
fst.d $fa3, $sp, 88
fst.d $fa4, $sp, 96
fst.d $fa5, $sp, 104
fst.d $fa6, $sp, 112
fst.d $fa7, $sp, 120
st.d $ra, $sp, 136
.cfi_offset 1, 136
/* methodIndex is passed from stub */
move $a1, $t6
move $a2, $t0
move $a3, $sp
addi.d $a4, $sp, 8*NGPRGES
bl PrepareAndDispatch
ld.d $ra, $sp, 136
.cfi_restore 1
addi.d $sp, $sp, 8*(NGPRGES+NFPREGS)+16
.cfi_def_cfa_offset -8*(NGPRGES+NFPREGS)-16
jirl $zero, $ra, 0
.size SharedStub, .-SharedStub
.section .note.GNU-stack, "", @progbits