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# mypy: allow-untyped-defs
Provides interface to deal with pytest.
session = webdriver.client.Session("", "4444", "/")
harness_result = ("OK", None)
subtest_results ="/path/to/test", session.url)
return (harness_result, subtest_results)
import errno
import json
import os
import shutil
import tempfile
from collections import OrderedDict
pytest = None
def do_delayed_imports():
global pytest
import pytest
def run(path, server_config, session_config, timeout=0):
Run Python test at ``path`` in pytest. The provided ``session``
is exposed as a fixture available in the scope of the test functions.
:param path: Path to the test file.
:param session_config: dictionary of host, port,capabilities parameters
to pass through to the webdriver session
:param timeout: Duration before interrupting potentially hanging
tests. If 0, there is no timeout.
:returns: (<harness result>, [<subtest result>, ...]),
where <subtest result> is (test id, status, message, stacktrace).
if pytest is None:
old_environ = os.environ.copy()
with TemporaryDirectory() as cache:
config_path = os.path.join(cache, "wd_config.json")
os.environ["WDSPEC_CONFIG_FILE"] = config_path
config = session_config.copy()
config["wptserve"] = server_config.as_dict()
with open(config_path, "w") as f:
json.dump(config, f)
harness = HarnessResultRecorder()
subtests = SubtestResultRecorder()
basetemp = os.path.join(cache, "pytest")
"--strict-markers", # turn function marker warnings into errors
"-vv", # show each individual subtest and full failure logs
"no", # enable stdout/stderr from tests
basetemp, # temporary directory
"--showlocals", # display contents of variables in local scope
"no:mozlog", # use the WPT result recorder
"no:cacheprovider", # disable state preservation across invocations
"-o=console_output_style=classic", # disable test progress bar
plugins=[harness, subtests],
except Exception as e:
harness.outcome = ("INTERNAL-ERROR", str(e))
os.environ = old_environ
subtests_results = [(key,) + value for (key, value) in subtests.results.items()]
return (harness.outcome, subtests_results)
class HarnessResultRecorder:
outcomes = {
"failed": "ERROR",
"passed": "OK",
"skipped": "SKIP",
def __init__(self):
# we are ok unless told otherwise
self.outcome = ("OK", None)
def pytest_collectreport(self, report):
harness_result = self.outcomes[report.outcome]
self.outcome = (harness_result, None)
class SubtestResultRecorder:
def __init__(self):
self.results = OrderedDict()
def pytest_runtest_logreport(self, report):
if report.passed and report.when == "call":
elif report.failed:
# pytest outputs the stacktrace followed by an error message prefixed
# with "E ", e.g.
# def test_example():
# > assert "fuu" in "foobar"
# > E AssertionError: assert 'fuu' in 'foobar'
message = ""
for line in report.longreprtext.splitlines():
if line.startswith("E "):
message = line[1:].strip()
if report.when != "call":
self.record_error(report, message)
self.record_fail(report, message)
elif report.skipped:
def record_pass(self, report):
self.record(report.nodeid, "PASS")
def record_fail(self, report, message):
self.record(report.nodeid, "FAIL", message=message, stack=report.longrepr)
def record_error(self, report, message):
# error in setup/teardown
message = f"{report.when} error: {message}"
self.record(report.nodeid, "ERROR", message, report.longrepr)
def record_skip(self, report):
"In-test skip decorators are disallowed, "
"please use WPT metadata to ignore tests.",
def record(self, test, status, message=None, stack=None):
if stack is not None:
stack = str(stack)
# Ensure we get a single result per subtest; pytest will sometimes
# call pytest_runtest_logreport more than once per test e.g. if
# it fails and then there's an error during teardown.
subtest_id = test.split("::")[-1]
if subtest_id in self.results and status == "PASS":
# This shouldn't happen, but never overwrite an existing result with PASS
new_result = (status, message, stack)
self.results[subtest_id] = new_result
class TemporaryDirectory:
def __enter__(self):
self.path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="wdspec-")
return self.path
def __exit__(self, *args):
except OSError as e:
# no such file or directory
if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: