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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "mozilla/DelayedRunnable.h"
#include "mozilla/Atomics.h"
#include "mozilla/RefPtr.h"
#include "mozilla/TaskQueue.h"
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "mozilla/gtest/MozAssertions.h"
#include "MediaTimer.h"
#include "mozilla/media/MediaUtils.h"
#include "VideoUtils.h"
using mozilla::Atomic;
using mozilla::MakeRefPtr;
using mozilla::Monitor;
using mozilla::MonitorAutoLock;
using mozilla::TaskQueue;
namespace {
struct ReleaseDetector {
explicit ReleaseDetector(Atomic<bool>* aActive) : mActive(aActive) {
*mActive = true;
ReleaseDetector(ReleaseDetector&& aOther) noexcept : mActive(aOther.mActive) {
aOther.mActive = nullptr;
ReleaseDetector(const ReleaseDetector&) = delete;
~ReleaseDetector() {
if (mActive) {
*mActive = false;
Atomic<bool>* mActive;
} // namespace
TEST(DelayedRunnable, TaskQueueShutdownLeak)
Atomic<bool> active{false};
auto taskQueue = TaskQueue::Create(
"TestDelayedRunnable TaskQueueShutdownLeak");
NS_NewRunnableFunction(__func__, [release = ReleaseDetector(&active)] {}),
60e3 /* 1 minute */);
// Leaks are often detected after process shutdown. This doesn't wait that
// long, but leaking past thread shutdown would be equally bad since the
// runnable can no longer be released on the target thread. This is also the
// reason why timers assert that they don't release the last reference to
// their callbacks when dispatch fails (like when the target has been
// shutdown).
TEST(DelayedRunnable, nsThreadShutdownLeak)
Atomic<bool> active{false};
nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> thread;
ASSERT_EQ(NS_NewNamedThread("Test Thread", getter_AddRefs(thread)), NS_OK);
NS_NewRunnableFunction(__func__, [release = ReleaseDetector(&active)] {}),
60e3 /* 1 minute */);
ASSERT_EQ(thread->Shutdown(), NS_OK);
// Leaks are often detected after process shutdown. This doesn't wait that
// long, but leaking past thread shutdown would be equally bad since the
// runnable can no longer be released on the target thread. This is also the
// reason why timers assert that they don't release the last reference to
// their callbacks when dispatch fails (like when the target has been
// shutdown).
* This tests a case where we create a background TaskQueue that lives until
* xpcom shutdown. This test will fail (by assertion failure) if the TaskQueue
* shutdown task is dispatched too late in the shutdown sequence, or:
* If the background thread pool is then empty, the TaskQueue shutdown task will
* when dispatched require creating a new nsThread, which is forbidden too late
* in the shutdown sequence.
TEST(DelayedRunnable, BackgroundTaskQueueShutdownTask)
nsCOMPtr<nsISerialEventTarget> taskQueue;
nsresult rv = NS_CreateBackgroundTaskQueue("TestDelayedRunnable",
// Leak the queue, so it gets cleaned up by xpcom-shutdown.
nsISerialEventTarget* tq = taskQueue.forget().take();
mozilla::Unused << tq;
* Like BackgroundTaskQueueShutdownTask but for nsThread, since both background
* TaskQueues and nsThreads are managed by nsThreadManager. For nsThread things
* are different and the shutdown task doesn't use Dispatch, but timings are
* similar.
TEST(DelayedRunnable, nsThreadShutdownTask)
nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> thread;
ASSERT_EQ(NS_NewNamedThread("Test Thread", getter_AddRefs(thread)), NS_OK);
// Leak the thread, so it gets cleaned up by xpcom-shutdown.
nsIThread* t = thread.forget().take();
mozilla::Unused << t;
TEST(DelayedRunnable, TimerFiresBeforeRunnableRuns)
RefPtr<mozilla::SharedThreadPool> pool =
mozilla::SharedThreadPool::Get("Test Pool"_ns);
auto tailTaskQueue1 =
TaskQueue::Create(do_AddRef(pool), "TestDelayedRunnable tailTaskQueue1",
/* aSupportsTailDispatch = */ true);
auto tailTaskQueue2 =
TaskQueue::Create(do_AddRef(pool), "TestDelayedRunnable tailTaskQueue2",
/* aSupportsTailDispatch = */ true);
auto noTailTaskQueue =
TaskQueue::Create(do_AddRef(pool), "TestDelayedRunnable noTailTaskQueue",
/* aSupportsTailDispatch = */ false);
enum class State : uint8_t {
} state = State::Start;
Monitor monitor MOZ_UNANNOTATED(__func__);
MonitorAutoLock lock(monitor);
tailTaskQueue1->Dispatch(NS_NewRunnableFunction(__func__, [&] {
// This will tail dispatch the delayed runnable, making it prone to
// lose a race against the directly-initiated timer firing (and
// dispatching another non-tail-dispatched runnable).
NS_NewRunnableFunction(__func__, [&] {}), 1);
MonitorAutoLock lock(monitor);
auto timer = MakeRefPtr<mozilla::MediaTimer>();
timer->WaitFor(mozilla::TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(1), __func__)
->Then(noTailTaskQueue, __func__, [&] {
MonitorAutoLock lock(monitor);
state = State::TimerRan;
// Wait until the timer has run. It should have dispatched the
// TimerEvent to tailTaskQueue2 by then. The tail dispatch happens when
// we leave scope.
while (state != State::TimerRan) {
// Notify main thread that we've finished the async steps.
state = State::TasksFinished;
// Wait for async steps before wrapping up the test case.
while (state != State::TasksFinished) {