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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import json
import os
import pathlib
import re
from gecko_taskgraph.util.attributes import match_run_on_projects
from manifestparser import TestManifest
from mozperftest.script import ScriptInfo
from perfdocs.doc_helpers import TableBuilder
from perfdocs.logger import PerfDocLogger
from perfdocs.utils import read_yaml
logger = PerfDocLogger()
This file is for framework specific gatherers since manifests
might be parsed differently in each of them. The gatherers
must implement the FrameworkGatherer class.
class FrameworkGatherer(object):
Abstract class for framework gatherers.
def __init__(self, yaml_path, workspace_dir, taskgraph={}):
Generic initialization for a framework gatherer.
self.workspace_dir = workspace_dir
self._yaml_path = yaml_path
self._taskgraph = taskgraph
self._suite_list = {}
self._test_list = {}
self._descriptions = {}
self._manifest_path = ""
self._manifest = None
self.script_infos = {}
self._task_list = {}
self._task_match_pattern = re.compile(r"([\w\W]*/[pgo|opt]*)-([\w\W]*)")
def _build_section_with_header(self, title, content, header_type=None):
Adds a section to the documentation with the title as the type mentioned
and paragraph as content mentioned.
:param title: title of the section
:param content: content of section paragraph
:param header_type: type of the title heading
heading_map = {"H2": "*", "H3": "=", "H4": "-", "H5": "^"}
return [title, heading_map.get(header_type, "^") * len(title), content, ""]
def _get_metric_heading(self, metric, metrics_info):
Gets the heading of a specific metric.
:param str metric: The metric to search for.
:param dict metrics_info: The information of all the
metrics that were documented.
:return str: The heading to use for the given metric.
for metric_heading, metric_info in metrics_info.items():
if metric == metric_heading or any(
metric == alias for alias in metric_info.get("aliases", [])
return metric_heading
if metric_info.get("matcher"):
match =["matcher"], metric)
if match:
return metric_heading
raise Exception(f"Could not find a metric heading for `{metric}`")
def get_task_match(self, task_name):
return, task_name)
def get_manifest_path(self):
Returns the path to the manifest based on the
manifest entry in the frameworks YAML configuration
:return str: Path to the manifest.
if self._manifest_path:
return self._manifest_path
yaml_content = read_yaml(self._yaml_path)
self._manifest_path = pathlib.Path(self.workspace_dir, yaml_content["manifest"])
return self._manifest_path
def get_suite_list(self):
Each framework gatherer must return a dictionary with
the following structure. Note that the test names must
be relative paths so that issues can be correctly issued
by the reviewbot.
:return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
"suite_name": [
raise NotImplementedError
def build_metrics_documentation(self, yaml_content):
Each framework that provides a page with descriptions about the
metrics it produces must implement this method. The metrics defined
for the framework can be found in the `yaml_content` variable.
The framework gatherer is expected to produce the full documentation
for all the metrics defined in the yaml_content at once. This is done
to allow differentiation between how metrics are displayed between
the different frameworks.
:param dict yaml_content: A dictionary of the YAML config file for
the specific framework.
:return list: A list of all the lines being added to the metrics
raise NotImplementedError
class RaptorGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
Gatherer for the Raptor framework.
def get_suite_list(self):
Returns a dictionary containing a mapping from suites
to the tests they contain.
:return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
"suite_name": [
if self._suite_list:
return self._suite_list
manifest_path = self.get_manifest_path()
# Get the tests from the manifest
test_manifest = TestManifest([str(manifest_path)], strict=False)
test_list = test_manifest.active_tests(exists=False, disabled=False)
# Parse the tests into the expected dictionary
for test in test_list:
# Get the top-level suite
s = os.path.basename(test["here"])
if s not in self._suite_list:
self._suite_list[s] = []
# Get the individual test
fpath = re.sub(".*testing", "testing", test["manifest"])
if fpath not in self._suite_list[s]:
return self._suite_list
def _get_ci_tasks(self):
for task in self._taskgraph.keys():
if type(self._taskgraph[task]) == dict:
command = self._taskgraph[task]["task"]["payload"].get("command", [])
run_on_projects = self._taskgraph[task]["attributes"]["run_on_projects"]
command = self._taskgraph[task].task["payload"].get("command", [])
run_on_projects = self._taskgraph[task].attributes["run_on_projects"]
test_match ="[\s']--test[\s=](.+?)[\s']", str(command))
task_match = self.get_task_match(task)
if test_match and task_match:
test =
platform =
test_name =
item = {"test_name": test_name, "run_on_projects": run_on_projects}
self._task_list.setdefault(test, {}).setdefault(platform, []).append(
def _get_subtests_from_ini(self, manifest_path, suite_name):
Returns a list of (sub)tests from an ini file containing the test definitions.
:param str manifest_path: path to the ini file
:return list: the list of the tests
desc_exclusion = ["here", "manifest_relpath", "path", "relpath"]
test_manifest = TestManifest(
[str(manifest_path)], strict=False, document=True, add_line_no=True
test_list = test_manifest.active_tests(exists=False, disabled=False)
subtests = {}
for subtest in test_list:
subtests[subtest["name"]] = subtest["manifest"]
description = {}
for key, value in subtest.items():
if key not in desc_exclusion:
description[key] = value
# Add searchfox link
key = list(test_manifest.source_documents.keys())[0]
if (
and subtest["name"] in test_manifest.source_documents[key].keys()
description["link searchfox"] = (
+ manifest_path
+ "#"
+ test_manifest.source_documents[key][subtest["name"]]["lineno"]
# Prepare alerting metrics for verification
description["metrics"] = [
for metric in description.get("alert_on", "").split(",")
if metric.strip() != ""
subtests[subtest["name"]] = description
self._descriptions.setdefault(suite_name, []).append(description)
self._descriptions[suite_name].sort(key=lambda item: item["name"])
return subtests
def _get_metric_heading(self, metric, metrics_info):
Finds, and returns the correct heading for a metric to target in a reference link.
:param str metric: The metric to search for.
:param dict metrics_info: The information of all the
metrics that were documented.
:return str: A formatted string containing the reference link to the
documented metric.
metric_heading = super(RaptorGatherer, self)._get_metric_heading(
metric, metrics_info
return f"`{metric} <raptor-metrics.html#{metric_heading.lower().replace(' ', '-')}>`__"
def get_test_list(self):
Returns a dictionary containing the tests in every suite ini file.
:return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
"suite_name": {
if self._test_list:
return self._test_list
suite_list = self.get_suite_list()
# Iterate over each manifest path from suite_list[suite_name]
# and place the subtests into self._test_list under the same key
for suite_name, manifest_paths in suite_list.items():
if not self._test_list.get(suite_name):
self._test_list[suite_name] = {}
for manifest_path in manifest_paths:
subtest_list = self._get_subtests_from_ini(manifest_path, suite_name)
return self._test_list
def build_test_description(
self, title, test_description="", suite_name="", metrics_info=None
matcher = []
browsers = [
test_name = [f"{title}-{browser}" for browser in browsers]
for suite, val in self._descriptions.items():
for test in val:
if test["name"] in test_name and suite_name == suite:
if len(matcher) == 0:
"No tests exist for the following name "
"(obtained from config.yml): {}".format(title)
raise Exception(
"No tests exist for the following name "
"(obtained from config.yml): {}".format(title)
result = f".. dropdown:: {title}\n"
result += f" :class-container: anchor-id-{title}-{suite_name[0]}\n\n"
for idx, description in enumerate(matcher):
if description["name"] != title:
result += f" {idx+1}. **{description['name']}**\n\n"
if "owner" in description.keys():
result += f" **Owner**: {description['owner']}\n\n"
if test_description:
result += f" **Description**: {test_description}\n\n"
for key in sorted(description.keys()):
if key in ["owner", "name", "manifest", "metrics"]:
sub_title = key.replace("_", " ")
if key == "test_url":
if "<" in description[key] or ">" in description[key]:
description[key] = description[key].replace("<", r"\<")
description[key] = description[key].replace(">", r"\>")
result += f" * **{sub_title}**: `<{description[key]}>`__\n"
elif key == "secondary_url":
result += f" * **{sub_title}**: `<{description[key]}>`__\n"
elif key == "link searchfox":
result += f" * **{sub_title}**: `<{description[key]}>`__\n"
elif key in ["playback_pageset_manifest"]:
result += (
f" * **{sub_title}**: "
f"{description[key].replace('{subtest}', description['name'])}\n"
elif key == "alert_on":
result += (
f" * **{sub_title}**: "
+ ", ".join(
self._get_metric_heading(metric.strip(), metrics_info)
for metric in description[key]
.replace("\n", " ")
.replace(",", " ")
+ "\n"
if "\n" in description[key]:
description[key] = description[key].replace("\n", " ")
result += f" * **{sub_title}**: {description[key]}\n"
if self._task_list.get(title, []):
result += " * **Test Task**:\n\n"
for platform in sorted(self._task_list[title]):
self._task_list[title][platform].sort(key=lambda x: x["test_name"])
table = TableBuilder(
widths=[30] + [15 for x in BRANCHES],
headers=[["Test Name"] + BRANCHES],
for task in self._task_list[title][platform]:
values = [task["test_name"]]
values += [
if match_run_on_projects(x, task["run_on_projects"])
else "\u274C"
for x in BRANCHES
result += f"{table.finish_table()}\n"
return [result]
def build_suite_section(self, title, content):
return self._build_section_with_header(
title.capitalize(), content, header_type="H4"
def build_metrics_documentation(self, parsed_metrics):
metrics_documentation = []
for metric, metric_info in sorted(
parsed_metrics.items(), key=lambda item: item[0]
metric_content = metric_info["description"] + "\n\n"
metric_content += (
f" * **Aliases**: {', '.join(sorted(metric_info['aliases']))}\n"
metric_content += " * **Tests using it**:\n"
for suite, tests in sorted(
metric_info["location"].items(), key=lambda item: item[0]
metric_content += f" * **{suite.capitalize()}**: "
test_links = []
for test in sorted(tests):
f"`{test} <raptor.html#{test}-{suite.lower()[0]}>`__"
metric_content += ", ".join(test_links) + "\n"
metric, metric_content, header_type="H3"
return metrics_documentation
class MozperftestGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
Gatherer for the Mozperftest framework.
def get_test_list(self):
Returns a dictionary containing the tests that are in perftest.toml manifest.
:return dict: A dictionary with the following structure: {
"suite_name": {
for path in list(pathlib.Path(self.workspace_dir).rglob("perftest.toml")):
if "obj-" in str(path):
suite_name = str(path.parent).replace(str(self.workspace_dir), "")
# If the workspace dir doesn't end with a forward-slash,
# the substitution above won't work completely
if suite_name.startswith("/") or suite_name.startswith("\\"):
suite_name = suite_name[1:]
# We have to add new paths to the logger as we search
# because mozperftest tests exist in multiple places in-tree
# Get the tests from perftest.toml
test_manifest = TestManifest([str(path)], strict=False)
test_list = test_manifest.active_tests(exists=False, disabled=False)
for test in test_list:
si = ScriptInfo(test["path"])
self.script_infos[si["name"]] = si
self._test_list.setdefault(suite_name.replace("\\", "/"), {}).update(
{si["name"]: {"path": str(path)}}
return self._test_list
def build_test_description(
self, title, test_description="", suite_name="", metrics_info=None
return [str(self.script_infos[title])]
def build_suite_section(self, title, content):
return self._build_section_with_header(title, content, header_type="H4")
class TalosGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
def _get_ci_tasks(self):
with open(
pathlib.Path(self.workspace_dir, "testing", "talos", "talos.json")
) as f:
config_suites = json.load(f)["suites"]
for task_name in self._taskgraph.keys():
task = self._taskgraph[task_name]
if type(task) == dict:
is_talos = task["task"]["extra"].get("suite", [])
command = task["task"]["payload"].get("command", [])
run_on_projects = task["attributes"]["run_on_projects"]
is_talos = task.task["extra"].get("suite", [])
command = task.task["payload"].get("command", [])
run_on_projects = task.attributes["run_on_projects"]
suite_match ="[\s']--suite[\s=](.+?)[\s']", str(command))
task_match = self.get_task_match(task_name)
if "talos" == is_talos and task_match:
suite =
platform =
test_name =
item = {"test_name": test_name, "run_on_projects": run_on_projects}
for test in config_suites[suite]["tests"]:
self._task_list.setdefault(test, {}).setdefault(
platform, []
def get_test_list(self):
from talos import test as talos_test
test_lists = talos_test.test_dict()
mod = __import__("talos.test", fromlist=test_lists)
suite_name = "Talos Tests"
for test in test_lists:
self._test_list.setdefault(suite_name, {}).update({test: {}})
klass = getattr(mod, test)
self._descriptions.setdefault(test, klass.__dict__)
return self._test_list
def build_test_description(
self, title, test_description="", suite_name="", metrics_info=None
result = f".. dropdown:: {title}\n"
result += f" :class-container: anchor-id-{title}\n\n"
yml_descriptions = [s.strip() for s in test_description.split("- ") if s]
for description in yml_descriptions:
if "Example Data" in description:
# Example Data for using code block
example_list = [s.strip() for s in description.split("* ")]
result += f" * {example_list[0]}\n"
result += "\n .. code-block::\n\n"
for example in example_list[1:]:
result += f" {example}\n"
result += "\n"
elif " * " in description:
# Sub List
sub_list = [s.strip() for s in description.split(" * ")]
result += f" * {sub_list[0]}\n"
for sub in sub_list[1:]:
result += f" * {sub}\n"
# General List
result += f" * {description}\n"
if title in self._descriptions:
for key in sorted(self._descriptions[title]):
if key.startswith("__") and key.endswith("__"):
elif key == "filters":
# On windows, we get the paths in the wrong style
value = self._descriptions[title][key]
if isinstance(value, dict):
for k, v in value.items():
if isinstance(v, str) and "\\" in v:
value[k] = str(v).replace("\\", r"/")
result += r" * " + key + r": " + str(value) + r"\n"
# Command
result += " * Command\n\n"
result += " .. code-block::\n\n"
result += f" ./mach talos-test -a {title}\n\n"
if self._task_list.get(title, []):
result += " * **Test Task**:\n\n"
for platform in sorted(self._task_list[title]):
self._task_list[title][platform].sort(key=lambda x: x["test_name"])
table = TableBuilder(
widths=[30] + [15 for x in BRANCHES],
headers=[["Test Name"] + BRANCHES],
for task in self._task_list[title][platform]:
values = [task["test_name"]]
values += [
if match_run_on_projects(x, task["run_on_projects"])
else "\u274C"
for x in BRANCHES
result += f"{table.finish_table()}\n"
return [result]
def build_suite_section(self, title, content):
return self._build_section_with_header(title, content, header_type="H2")
class AwsyGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
Gatherer for the Awsy framework.
def _generate_ci_tasks(self):
for task_name in self._taskgraph.keys():
task = self._taskgraph[task_name]
if type(task) == dict:
awsy_test = task["task"]["extra"].get("suite", [])
run_on_projects = task["attributes"]["run_on_projects"]
awsy_test = task.task["extra"].get("suite", [])
run_on_projects = task.attributes["run_on_projects"]
task_match = self.get_task_match(task_name)
if "awsy" in awsy_test and task_match:
platform =
test_name =
item = {"test_name": test_name, "run_on_projects": run_on_projects}
self._task_list.setdefault(platform, []).append(item)
def get_suite_list(self):
self._suite_list = {"Awsy tests": ["tp6", "base", "dmd", "tp5"]}
return self._suite_list
def get_test_list(self):
return {
"Awsy tests": {
"tp6": {},
"base": {},
"dmd": {},
"tp5": {},
def build_suite_section(self, title, content):
return self._build_section_with_header(
title.capitalize(), content, header_type="H4"
def build_test_description(
self, title, test_description="", suite_name="", metrics_info=None
dropdown_suite_name = suite_name.replace(" ", "-")
result = f".. dropdown:: {title} ({test_description})\n"
result += f" :class-container: anchor-id-{title}-{dropdown_suite_name}\n\n"
awsy_data = read_yaml(self._yaml_path)["suites"]["Awsy tests"]
if "owner" in awsy_data.keys():
result += f" **Owner**: {awsy_data['owner']}\n\n"
result += " * **Test Task**:\n"
# tp5 tests are represented by awsy-e10s test names
# while the others have their title in test names
search_tag = "awsy-e10s" if title == "tp5" else title
for platform in sorted(self._task_list.keys()):
result += f" * {platform}\n"
for test_dict in sorted(
self._task_list[platform], key=lambda d: d["test_name"]
if search_tag in test_dict["test_name"]:
run_on_project = ": " + (
", ".join(test_dict["run_on_projects"])
if test_dict["run_on_projects"]
else "None"
result += (
f" * {test_dict['test_name']}{run_on_project}\n"
result += "\n"
return [result]
class StaticGatherer(FrameworkGatherer):
A noop gatherer for frameworks with static-only documentation.