Name Description Size
moz-message-bar.css Icon 3894
moz-message-bar.mjs A simple message bar element that can be used to display important information to users. @tagname moz-message-bar @property {string} type - The type of the displayed message. @property {string} heading - The heading of the message. @property {string} message - The message text. @property {boolean} dismissable - Whether or not the element is dismissable. @property {string} messageL10nId - l10n ID for the message. @property {string} messageL10nArgs - Any args needed for the message l10n ID. @fires message-bar:close Custom event indicating that message bar was closed. @fires message-bar:user-dismissed Custom event indicating that message bar was dismissed by the user. 4999
moz-message-bar.stories.mjs eslint-disable import/no-unassigned-import 3079 2721