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//! [`tracing`] filters.
//! [`tracing`] is a framework for instrumenting Rust programs to
//! collect scoped, structured, and async-aware diagnostics. This module
//! provides a set of filters for instrumenting Warp applications with `tracing`
//! spans. [`Spans`] can be used to associate individual events with a request,
//! and track contexts through the application.
use tracing::Span;
use std::net::SocketAddr;
use http::{self, header};
use crate::filter::{Filter, WrapSealed};
use crate::reject::IsReject;
use crate::reply::Reply;
use crate::route::Route;
use self::internal::WithTrace;
/// Create a wrapping filter that instruments every request with a `tracing`
/// [`Span`] at the [`INFO`] level, containing a summary of the request.
/// Additionally, if the [`DEBUG`] level is enabled, the span will contain an
/// event recording the request's headers.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use warp::Filter;
/// let route = warp::any()
/// .map(warp::reply)
/// .with(warp::trace::request());
/// ```
pub fn request() -> Trace<impl Fn(Info<'_>) -> Span + Clone> {
use tracing::field::{display, Empty};
trace(|info: Info<'_>| {
let span = tracing::info_span!(
remote.addr = Empty,
method = %info.method(),
path = %info.path(),
version = ?info.route.version(),
referer = Empty,
// Record optional fields.
if let Some(remote_addr) = info.remote_addr() {
span.record("remote.addr", &display(remote_addr));
if let Some(referer) = info.referer() {
span.record("referer", &display(referer));
tracing::debug!(parent: &span, "received request");
/// Create a wrapping filter that instruments every request with a custom
/// `tracing` [`Span`] provided by a function.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use warp::Filter;
/// let route = warp::any()
/// .map(warp::reply)
/// .with(warp::trace(|info| {
/// // Create a span using tracing macros
/// tracing::info_span!(
/// "request",
/// method = %info.method(),
/// path = %info.path(),
/// )
/// }));
/// ```
pub fn trace<F>(func: F) -> Trace<F>
F: Fn(Info<'_>) -> Span + Clone,
Trace { func }
/// Create a wrapping filter that instruments every request with a `tracing`
/// [`Span`] at the [`DEBUG`] level representing a named context.
/// This can be used to instrument multiple routes with their own sub-spans in a
/// per-request trace.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use warp::Filter;
/// let hello = warp::path("hello")
/// .map(warp::reply)
/// .with(warp::trace::named("hello"));
/// let goodbye = warp::path("goodbye")
/// .map(warp::reply)
/// .with(warp::trace::named("goodbye"));
/// let routes = hello.or(goodbye);
/// ```
pub fn named(name: &'static str) -> Trace<impl Fn(Info<'_>) -> Span + Copy> {
trace(move |_| tracing::debug_span!("context", "{}", name,))
/// Decorates a [`Filter`] to create a [`tracing`] [span] for
/// requests and responses.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
pub struct Trace<F> {
func: F,
/// Information about the request/response that can be used to prepare log lines.
pub struct Info<'a> {
route: &'a Route,
impl<FN, F> WrapSealed<F> for Trace<FN>
FN: Fn(Info<'_>) -> Span + Clone + Send,
F: Filter + Clone + Send,
F::Extract: Reply,
F::Error: IsReject,
type Wrapped = WithTrace<FN, F>;
fn wrap(&self, filter: F) -> Self::Wrapped {
WithTrace {
trace: self.clone(),
impl<'a> Info<'a> {
/// View the remote `SocketAddr` of the request.
pub fn remote_addr(&self) -> Option<SocketAddr> {
/// View the `http::Method` of the request.
pub fn method(&self) -> &http::Method {
/// View the URI path of the request.
pub fn path(&self) -> &str {
/// View the `http::Version` of the request.
pub fn version(&self) -> http::Version {
/// View the referer of the request.
pub fn referer(&self) -> Option<&str> {
.and_then(|v| v.to_str().ok())
/// View the user agent of the request.
pub fn user_agent(&self) -> Option<&str> {
.and_then(|v| v.to_str().ok())
/// View the host of the request
pub fn host(&self) -> Option<&str> {
.and_then(|v| v.to_str().ok())
/// View the request headers.
pub fn request_headers(&self) -> &http::HeaderMap {
mod internal {
use futures_util::{future::Inspect, future::MapOk, FutureExt, TryFutureExt};
use super::{Info, Trace};
use crate::filter::{Filter, FilterBase, Internal};
use crate::reject::IsReject;
use crate::reply::Reply;
use crate::reply::Response;
use crate::route;
pub struct Traced(pub(super) Response);
impl Reply for Traced {
fn into_response(self) -> Response {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct WithTrace<FN, F> {
pub(super) filter: F,
pub(super) trace: Trace<FN>,
use tracing::instrument::{Instrument, Instrumented};
use tracing::Span;
fn finished_logger<E: IsReject>(reply: &Result<(Traced,), E>) {
let (status, error) = match reply {
Ok((Traced(resp),)) => (resp.status(), None),
Err(error) => (error.status(), Some(error)),
if status.is_success() {
target: "warp::filters::trace",
status = status.as_u16(),
"finished processing with success"
} else if status.is_server_error() {
target: "warp::filters::trace",
status = status.as_u16(),
error = ?error,
"unable to process request (internal error)"
} else if status.is_client_error() {
target: "warp::filters::trace",
status = status.as_u16(),
error = ?error,
"unable to serve request (client error)"
} else {
// Either informational or redirect
target: "warp::filters::trace",
status = status.as_u16(),
error = ?error,
"finished processing with status"
fn convert_reply<R: Reply>(reply: R) -> (Traced,) {
impl<FN, F> FilterBase for WithTrace<FN, F>
FN: Fn(Info<'_>) -> Span + Clone + Send,
F: Filter + Clone + Send,
F::Extract: Reply,
F::Error: IsReject,
type Extract = (Traced,);
type Error = F::Error;
type Future = Instrumented<
MapOk<F::Future, fn(F::Extract) -> Self::Extract>,
fn(&Result<Self::Extract, F::Error>),
fn filter(&self, _: Internal) -> Self::Future {
let span = route::with(|route| (self.trace.func)(Info { route }));
let _entered = span.enter();
tracing::info!(target: "warp::filters::trace", "processing request");
.map_ok(convert_reply as fn(F::Extract) -> Self::Extract)
.inspect(finished_logger as fn(&Result<Self::Extract, F::Error>))