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//! Body filters
//! Filters that extract a body for a route.
use std::error::Error as StdError;
use std::fmt;
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::task::{Context, Poll};
use bytes::{Buf, Bytes};
use futures_util::{future, ready, Stream, TryFutureExt};
use headers::ContentLength;
use http::header::CONTENT_TYPE;
use hyper::Body;
use mime;
use serde::de::DeserializeOwned;
use serde_json;
use serde_urlencoded;
use crate::filter::{filter_fn, filter_fn_one, Filter, FilterBase};
use crate::reject::{self, Rejection};
type BoxError = Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync>;
// Extracts the `Body` Stream from the route.
// Does not consume any of it.
pub(crate) fn body() -> impl Filter<Extract = (Body,), Error = Rejection> + Copy {
filter_fn_one(|route| {
future::ready(route.take_body().ok_or_else(|| {
tracing::error!("request body already taken in previous filter");
reject::known(BodyConsumedMultipleTimes { _p: () })
/// Require a `content-length` header to have a value no greater than some limit.
/// Rejects if `content-length` header is missing, is invalid, or has a number
/// larger than the limit provided.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use warp::Filter;
/// // Limit the upload to 4kb...
/// let upload = warp::body::content_length_limit(4096)
/// .and(warp::body::aggregate());
/// ```
pub fn content_length_limit(limit: u64) -> impl Filter<Extract = (), Error = Rejection> + Copy {
.map_err(crate::filter::Internal, |_| {
tracing::debug!("content-length missing");
.and_then(move |ContentLength(length)| {
if length <= limit {
} else {
tracing::debug!("content-length: {} is over limit {}", length, limit);
/// Create a `Filter` that extracts the request body as a `futures::Stream`.
/// If other filters have already extracted the body, this filter will reject
/// with a `500 Internal Server Error`.
/// For example usage, please take a look at [examples/](
/// # Warning
/// This does not have a default size limit, it would be wise to use one to
/// prevent a overly large request from using too much memory.
pub fn stream(
) -> impl Filter<Extract = (impl Stream<Item = Result<impl Buf, crate::Error>>,), Error = Rejection> + Copy
body().map(|body: Body| BodyStream { body })
/// Returns a `Filter` that matches any request and extracts a `Future` of a
/// concatenated body.
/// The contents of the body will be flattened into a single contiguous
/// `Bytes`, which may require memory copies. If you don't require a
/// contiguous buffer, using `aggregate` can be give better performance.
/// # Warning
/// This does not have a default size limit, it would be wise to use one to
/// prevent a overly large request from using too much memory.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use warp::{Buf, Filter};
/// let route = warp::body::content_length_limit(1024 * 32)
/// .and(warp::body::bytes())
/// .map(|bytes: bytes::Bytes| {
/// println!("bytes = {:?}", bytes);
/// });
/// ```
pub fn bytes() -> impl Filter<Extract = (Bytes,), Error = Rejection> + Copy {
body().and_then(|body: hyper::Body| {
hyper::body::to_bytes(body).map_err(|err| {
tracing::debug!("to_bytes error: {}", err);
/// Returns a `Filter` that matches any request and extracts a `Future` of an
/// aggregated body.
/// The `Buf` may contain multiple, non-contiguous buffers. This can be more
/// performant (by reducing copies) when receiving large bodies.
/// # Warning
/// This does not have a default size limit, it would be wise to use one to
/// prevent a overly large request from using too much memory.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use warp::{Buf, Filter};
/// fn full_body(mut body: impl Buf) {
/// // It could have several non-contiguous slices of memory...
/// while body.has_remaining() {
/// println!("slice = {:?}", body.chunk());
/// let cnt = body.chunk().len();
/// body.advance(cnt);
/// }
/// }
/// let route = warp::body::content_length_limit(1024 * 32)
/// .and(warp::body::aggregate())
/// .map(full_body);
/// ```
pub fn aggregate() -> impl Filter<Extract = (impl Buf,), Error = Rejection> + Copy {
body().and_then(|body: ::hyper::Body| {
hyper::body::aggregate(body).map_err(|err| {
tracing::debug!("aggregate error: {}", err);
/// Returns a `Filter` that matches any request and extracts a `Future` of a
/// JSON-decoded body.
/// # Warning
/// This does not have a default size limit, it would be wise to use one to
/// prevent a overly large request from using too much memory.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// use std::collections::HashMap;
/// use warp::Filter;
/// let route = warp::body::content_length_limit(1024 * 32)
/// .and(warp::body::json())
/// .map(|simple_map: HashMap<String, String>| {
/// "Got a JSON body!"
/// });
/// ```
pub fn json<T: DeserializeOwned + Send>() -> impl Filter<Extract = (T,), Error = Rejection> + Copy {
.and_then(|buf| async move {
Json::decode(buf).map_err(|err| {
tracing::debug!("request json body error: {}", err);
reject::known(BodyDeserializeError { cause: err })
/// Returns a `Filter` that matches any request and extracts a
/// `Future` of a form encoded body.
/// # Note
/// This filter is for the simpler `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` format,
/// not `multipart/form-data`.
/// # Warning
/// This does not have a default size limit, it would be wise to use one to
/// prevent a overly large request from using too much memory.
/// ```
/// use std::collections::HashMap;
/// use warp::Filter;
/// let route = warp::body::content_length_limit(1024 * 32)
/// .and(warp::body::form())
/// .map(|simple_map: HashMap<String, String>| {
/// "Got a urlencoded body!"
/// });
/// ```
pub fn form<T: DeserializeOwned + Send>() -> impl Filter<Extract = (T,), Error = Rejection> + Copy {
.and_then(|buf| async move {
Form::decode(buf).map_err(|err| {
tracing::debug!("request form body error: {}", err);
reject::known(BodyDeserializeError { cause: err })
// ===== Decoders =====
trait Decode {
const MIME: (mime::Name<'static>, mime::Name<'static>);
fn decode<B: Buf, T: DeserializeOwned>(buf: B) -> Result<T, BoxError>;
struct Json;
impl Decode for Json {
const MIME: (mime::Name<'static>, mime::Name<'static>) = (mime::APPLICATION, mime::JSON);
const WITH_NO_CONTENT_TYPE: bool = true;
fn decode<B: Buf, T: DeserializeOwned>(mut buf: B) -> Result<T, BoxError> {
struct Form;
impl Decode for Form {
const MIME: (mime::Name<'static>, mime::Name<'static>) =
const WITH_NO_CONTENT_TYPE: bool = true;
fn decode<B: Buf, T: DeserializeOwned>(buf: B) -> Result<T, BoxError> {
// Require the `content-type` header to be this type (or, if there's no `content-type`
// header at all, optimistically hope it's the right type).
fn is_content_type<D: Decode>() -> impl Filter<Extract = (), Error = Rejection> + Copy {
filter_fn(move |route| {
let (type_, subtype) = D::MIME;
if let Some(value) = route.headers().get(CONTENT_TYPE) {
tracing::trace!("is_content_type {}/{}? {:?}", type_, subtype, value);
let ct = value
.and_then(|s| s.parse::<mime::Mime>().ok());
if let Some(ct) = ct {
if ct.type_() == type_ && ct.subtype() == subtype {
} else {
"content-type {:?} doesn't match {}/{}",
} else {
tracing::debug!("content-type {:?} couldn't be parsed", value);
// Optimistically assume its correct!
tracing::trace!("no content-type header, assuming {}/{}", type_, subtype);
} else {
tracing::debug!("no content-type found");
// ===== BodyStream =====
struct BodyStream {
body: Body,
impl Stream for BodyStream {
type Item = Result<Bytes, crate::Error>;
fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
let opt_item = ready!(Pin::new(&mut self.get_mut().body).poll_next(cx));
match opt_item {
None => Poll::Ready(None),
Some(item) => {
let stream_buf = item.map_err(crate::Error::new);
// ===== Rejections =====
/// An error used in rejections when deserializing a request body fails.
pub struct BodyDeserializeError {
cause: BoxError,
impl fmt::Display for BodyDeserializeError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Request body deserialize error: {}", self.cause)
impl StdError for BodyDeserializeError {
fn source(&self) -> Option<&(dyn StdError + 'static)> {
pub(crate) struct BodyReadError(::hyper::Error);
impl fmt::Display for BodyReadError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "Request body read error: {}", self.0)
impl StdError for BodyReadError {}
unit_error! {
pub(crate) BodyConsumedMultipleTimes: "Request body consumed multiple times"