Name Description Size Archive definitions. These definitions are independent of read/write support, although we do implement some traits useful for those. 2669 14476 ELF definitions. These definitions are independent of read/write support, although we do implement some traits useful for those. This module is the equivalent of /usr/include/elf.h, and is based heavily on it. 210042 Types for compile-time and run-time endianness. 23948 # `object` The `object` crate provides a unified interface to working with object files across platforms. It supports reading relocatable object files and executable files, and writing relocatable object files and some executable files. ## Raw struct definitions Raw structs are defined for: [ELF](elf), [Mach-O](macho), [PE/COFF](pe), [XCOFF](xcoff), [archive]. Types and traits for zerocopy support are defined in [pod] and [endian]. ## Unified read API The [read::Object] trait defines the unified interface. This trait is implemented by [read::File], which allows reading any file format, as well as implementations for each file format: [ELF](read::elf::ElfFile), [Mach-O](read::macho::MachOFile), [COFF](read::coff::CoffFile), [PE](read::pe::PeFile), [Wasm](read::wasm::WasmFile), [XCOFF](read::xcoff::XcoffFile). ## Low level read API In addition to the unified read API, the various `read` modules define helpers that operate on the raw structs. These also provide traits that abstract over the differences between 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the file format. ## Unified write API [write::Object] allows building a COFF/ELF/Mach-O/XCOFF relocatable object file and then writing it out. ## Low level executable writers [write::elf::Writer] and [write::pe::Writer] allow writing executable files. ## Example for unified read API ```no_run # #[cfg(feature = "read")] use object::{Object, ObjectSection}; use std::error::Error; use std::fs; /// Reads a file and displays the content of the ".boot" section. fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> { # #[cfg(all(feature = "read", feature = "std"))] { let bin_data = fs::read("./multiboot2-binary.elf")?; let obj_file = object::File::parse(&*bin_data)?; if let Some(section) = obj_file.section_by_name(".boot") { println!("{:#x?}",; } else { eprintln!("section not available"); } # } Ok(()) } ``` 3446 Mach-O definitions. These definitions are independent of read/write support, although we do implement some traits useful for those. This module is based heavily on header files from MacOSX11.1.sdk. 127566 PE/COFF definitions. These definitions are independent of read/write support, although we do implement some traits useful for those. This module is based heavily on "winnt.h" (10.0.17763.0). 101366 Tools for converting file format structures to and from bytes. This module should be replaced once rust provides safe transmutes. 8148
write XCOFF definitions These definitions are independent of read/write support, although we do implement some traits useful for those. This module is the equivalent of /usr/include/xcoff.h, and is based heavily on it. 27231