Name Description Size This module implements a "fallback" prefilter that only relies on memchr to function. While memchr works best when it's explicitly vectorized, its fallback implementations are fast enough to make a prefilter like this worthwhile. The essence of this implementation is to identify two rare bytes in a needle based on a background frequency distribution of bytes. We then run memchr on the rarer byte. For each match, we use the second rare byte as a guard to quickly check if a match is possible. If the position passes the guard test, then we do a naive memcmp to confirm the match. In practice, this formulation works amazingly well, primarily because of the heuristic use of a background frequency distribution. However, it does have a number of weaknesses where it can get quite slow when its background frequency distribution doesn't line up with the haystack being searched. This is why we have specialized vector routines that essentially take this idea and move the guard check into vectorized code. (Those specialized vector routines do still make use of the background frequency distribution of bytes though.) This fallback implementation was originally formulated in regex many moons ago: Prior to that, I'm not aware of anyone using this technique in any prominent substring search implementation. Although, I'm sure folks have had this same insight long before me. Another version of this also appeared in bstr: 4809 8100 23110 987