Name Description Size Support for matching file paths against Unix shell style patterns. The `glob` and `glob_with` functions allow querying the filesystem for all files that match a particular pattern (similar to the libc `glob` function). The methods on the `Pattern` type provide functionality for checking if individual paths match a particular pattern (similar to the libc `fnmatch` function). For consistency across platforms, and for Windows support, this module is implemented entirely in Rust rather than deferring to the libc `glob`/`fnmatch` functions. # Examples To print all jpg files in `/media/` and all of its subdirectories. ```rust,no_run use glob::glob; for entry in glob("/media/**/*.jpg").expect("Failed to read glob pattern") { match entry { Ok(path) => println!("{:?}", path.display()), Err(e) => println!("{:?}", e), } } ``` To print all files containing the letter "a", case insensitive, in a `local` directory relative to the current working directory. This ignores errors instead of printing them. ```rust,no_run use glob::glob_with; use glob::MatchOptions; let options = MatchOptions { case_sensitive: false, require_literal_separator: false, require_literal_leading_dot: false, }; for entry in glob_with("local/*a*", options).unwrap() { if let Ok(path) = entry { println!("{:?}", path.display()) } } ``` 50824