Name Description Size
humantime Formatting for log records. This module contains a [`Formatter`] that can be used to format log records into without needing temporary allocations. Usually you won't need to worry about the contents of this module and can use the `Formatter` like an ordinary [`Write`]. # Formatting log records The format used to print log records can be customised using the [`Builder::format`] method. Custom formats can apply different color and weight to printed values using [`Style`] builders. ``` use std::io::Write; let mut builder = env_logger::Builder::new(); builder.format(|buf, record| { writeln!(buf, "{}: {}", record.level(), record.args()) }); ``` [`Formatter`]: struct.Formatter.html [`Style`]: struct.Style.html [`Builder::format`]: ../struct.Builder.html#method.format [`Write`]: 17974