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// Methods and method types. Glue to make stuff generic over MFn, MFnMut and MSync
use std::fmt;
use {ErrorName, Message, stdintf};
use arg::{Iter, IterAppend, TypeMismatchError};
use std::marker::PhantomData;
use super::{Method, Interface, Property, ObjectPath, Tree};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::ffi::CString;
use super::super::Error as dbusError;
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialOrd, Ord, PartialEq, Eq)]
/// A D-Bus Method Error, containing an error name and a description.
pub struct MethodErr(ErrorName<'static>, String);
impl MethodErr {
/// Create an Invalid Args MethodErr.
pub fn invalid_arg<T: fmt::Debug>(a: &T) -> MethodErr {
("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs", format!("Invalid argument {:?}", a)).into()
/// Create a MethodErr that there are not enough arguments given.
pub fn no_arg() -> MethodErr {
("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs", "Not enough arguments").into()
/// Create a MethodErr that the method failed in the way specified.
pub fn failed<T: fmt::Display>(a: &T) -> MethodErr {
("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed", a.to_string()).into()
/// Create a MethodErr that the Interface was unknown.
pub fn no_interface<T: fmt::Display>(a: &T) -> MethodErr {
("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownInterface", format!("Unknown interface {}", a)).into()
/// Create a MethodErr that the Method was unknown.
pub fn no_method<T: fmt::Display>(a: &T) -> MethodErr {
("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownMethod", format!("Unknown method {}", a)).into()
/// Create a MethodErr that the Property was unknown.
pub fn no_property<T: fmt::Display>(a: &T) -> MethodErr {
("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.UnknownProperty", format!("Unknown property {}", a)).into()
/// Create a MethodErr that the Property was read-only.
pub fn ro_property<T: fmt::Display>(a: &T) -> MethodErr {
("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.PropertyReadOnly", format!("Property {} is read only", a)).into()
/// Error name accessor
pub fn errorname(&self) -> &ErrorName<'static> { &self.0 }
/// Description accessor
pub fn description(&self) -> &str { &self.1 }
/// Creates an error reply from a method call message.
/// Note: You normally don't need to use this function,
/// as it is called internally from Tree::handle.
pub fn to_message(&self, msg: &Message) -> Message {
msg.error(&self.0, &CString::new(&*self.1).unwrap())
impl From<TypeMismatchError> for MethodErr {
fn from(t: TypeMismatchError) -> MethodErr { ("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed", format!("{}", t)).into() }
impl<T: Into<ErrorName<'static>>, M: Into<String>> From<(T, M)> for MethodErr {
fn from((t, m): (T, M)) -> MethodErr { MethodErr(t.into(), m.into()) }
impl From<dbusError> for MethodErr {
fn from(t: dbusError) -> MethodErr {
let n ="org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed");
let m = t.message().unwrap_or("Unknown error");
MethodErr(String::from(n).into(), m.into())
/// Result containing the Messages returned from the Method, or a MethodErr.
pub type MethodResult = Result<Vec<Message>, MethodErr>;
/// Associated data for different objects in a tree.
/// These currently require a debug bound, due to
pub trait DataType: Sized + Default {
/// Type of associated data on the Tree.
type Tree: fmt::Debug;
/// Type of associated data on every ObjectPath.
type ObjectPath: fmt::Debug;
/// Type of associated data on every Property.
type Property: fmt::Debug;
/// Type of associated data on every Interface.
type Interface: fmt::Debug;
/// Type of associated data on every Method.
type Method: fmt::Debug;
/// Type of associated data on every Signal.
type Signal: fmt::Debug;
/// No associated data for the tree.
impl DataType for () {
type Tree = ();
type ObjectPath = ();
type Interface = ();
type Property = ();
type Method = ();
type Signal = ();
/// A helper trait used internally to make the tree generic over MTFn, MTFnMut and MTSync.
/// You should not need to call these methods directly, it's primarily for internal use.
pub trait MethodType<D: DataType>: Sized + Default {
/// For internal use.
type Method: ?Sized;
/// For internal use.
type GetProp: ?Sized;
/// For internal use.
type SetProp: ?Sized;
/// For internal use.
fn call_getprop(&Self::GetProp, &mut IterAppend, &PropInfo<Self, D>) -> Result<(), MethodErr>;
/// For internal use.
fn call_setprop(&Self::SetProp, &mut Iter, &PropInfo<Self, D>) -> Result<(), MethodErr>;
/// For internal use.
fn call_method(&Self::Method, &MethodInfo<Self, D>) -> MethodResult;
/// For internal use.
fn make_getprop<H>(h: H) -> Box<Self::GetProp>
where H: Fn(&mut IterAppend, &PropInfo<Self,D>) -> Result<(), MethodErr> + Send + Sync + 'static;
/// For internal use.
fn make_method<H>(h: H) -> Box<Self::Method>
where H: Fn(&MethodInfo<Self,D>) -> MethodResult + Send + Sync + 'static;
/// An abstract type to represent Fn functions.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct MTFn<D=()>(PhantomData<*const D>);
impl<D: DataType> MethodType<D> for MTFn<D> {
type GetProp = Fn(&mut IterAppend, &PropInfo<Self, D>) -> Result<(), MethodErr>;
type SetProp = Fn(&mut Iter, &PropInfo<Self, D>) -> Result<(), MethodErr>;
type Method = Fn(&MethodInfo<Self, D>) -> MethodResult;
fn call_getprop(p: &Self::GetProp, i: &mut IterAppend, pinfo: &PropInfo<Self, D>)
-> Result<(), MethodErr> { p(i, pinfo) }
fn call_setprop(p: &Self::SetProp, i: &mut Iter, pinfo: &PropInfo<Self, D>)
-> Result<(), MethodErr> { p(i, pinfo) }
fn call_method(p: &Self::Method, minfo: &MethodInfo<Self, D>)
-> MethodResult { p(minfo) }
fn make_getprop<H>(h: H) -> Box<Self::GetProp>
where H: Fn(&mut IterAppend, &PropInfo<Self,D>) -> Result<(), MethodErr> + Send + Sync + 'static { Box::new(h) }
fn make_method<H>(h: H) -> Box<Self::Method>
where H: Fn(&MethodInfo<Self,D>) -> MethodResult + Send + Sync + 'static { Box::new(h) }
/// An abstract type to represent FnMut functions.
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct MTFnMut<D=()>(PhantomData<*const D>);
impl<D: DataType> MethodType<D> for MTFnMut<D> {
type GetProp = RefCell<FnMut(&mut IterAppend, &PropInfo<Self, D>) -> Result<(), MethodErr>>;
type SetProp = RefCell<FnMut(&mut Iter, &PropInfo<Self, D>) -> Result<(), MethodErr>>;
type Method = RefCell<FnMut(&MethodInfo<Self, D>) -> MethodResult>;
fn call_getprop(p: &Self::GetProp, i: &mut IterAppend, pinfo: &PropInfo<Self, D>)
-> Result<(), MethodErr> { (&mut *p.borrow_mut())(i, pinfo) }
fn call_setprop(p: &Self::SetProp, i: &mut Iter, pinfo: &PropInfo<Self, D>)
-> Result<(), MethodErr> { (&mut *p.borrow_mut())(i, pinfo) }
fn call_method(p: &Self::Method, minfo: &MethodInfo<Self, D>)
-> MethodResult { (&mut *p.borrow_mut())(minfo) }
fn make_getprop<H>(h: H) -> Box<Self::GetProp>
where H: Fn(&mut IterAppend, &PropInfo<Self,D>) -> Result<(), MethodErr> + Send + Sync + 'static { Box::new(RefCell::new(h)) }
fn make_method<H>(h: H) -> Box<Self::Method>
where H: Fn(&MethodInfo<Self,D>) -> MethodResult + Send + Sync + 'static { Box::new(RefCell::new(h)) }
/// An abstract type to represent Fn + Send + Sync functions (that can be called from several threads in parallel).
#[derive(Default, Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct MTSync<D=()>(PhantomData<*const D>);
impl<D: DataType> MethodType<D> for MTSync<D> {
type GetProp = Fn(&mut IterAppend, &PropInfo<Self, D>) -> Result<(), MethodErr> + Send + Sync + 'static;
type SetProp = Fn(&mut Iter, &PropInfo<Self, D>) -> Result<(), MethodErr> + Send + Sync + 'static;
type Method = Fn(&MethodInfo<Self, D>) -> MethodResult + Send + Sync + 'static;
fn call_getprop(p: &Self::GetProp, i: &mut IterAppend, pinfo: &PropInfo<Self, D>)
-> Result<(), MethodErr> { p(i, pinfo) }
fn call_setprop(p: &Self::SetProp, i: &mut Iter, pinfo: &PropInfo<Self, D>)
-> Result<(), MethodErr> { p(i, pinfo) }
fn call_method(p: &Self::Method, minfo: &MethodInfo<Self, D>)
-> MethodResult { p(minfo) }
fn make_getprop<H>(h: H) -> Box<Self::GetProp>
where H: Fn(&mut IterAppend, &PropInfo<Self,D>) -> Result<(), MethodErr> + Send + Sync + 'static { Box::new(h) }
fn make_method<H>(h: H) -> Box<Self::Method>
where H: Fn(&MethodInfo<Self,D>) -> MethodResult + Send + Sync + 'static { Box::new(h) }
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
/// Contains information about the incoming method call.
pub struct MethodInfo<'a, M: 'a + MethodType<D>, D: 'a + DataType> {
/// Message
pub msg: &'a Message,
/// The method to be called
pub method: &'a Method<M, D>,
/// Interface
pub iface: &'a Interface<M, D>,
/// Object path
pub path: &'a ObjectPath<M, D>,
/// Tree
pub tree: &'a Tree<M, D>,
impl<'a, M: 'a + MethodType<D>, D: 'a + DataType> MethodInfo<'a, M, D> {
/// MethodInfo to PropInfo conversion
pub fn to_prop_info(&self, iface: &'a Interface<M, D>, prop: &'a Property<M, D>) -> PropInfo<'a, M, D> {
PropInfo { msg: self.msg, method: self.method, iface: iface, prop: prop, path: self.path, tree: self.tree }
impl<'a, M: 'a + MethodType<D>, D: 'a + DataType> stdintf::OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable for MethodInfo<'a, M, D> {
type Err = MethodErr;
fn introspect(&self) -> Result<String, Self::Err> { Ok(self.path.introspect(self.tree)) }
// Mostly autogenerated by dbus-codegen
pub fn org_freedesktop_dbus_introspectable_server<M, D>(factory: &super::Factory<M, D>, data: D::Interface) -> super::Interface<M, D>
D: super::DataType,
D::Method: Default,
M: MethodType<D>,
let i = factory.interface("org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable", data);
let h = move |minfo: &super::MethodInfo<M, D>| {
let d: &stdintf::OrgFreedesktopDBusIntrospectable<Err=super::MethodErr> = minfo;
let arg0 = try!(d.introspect());
let rm = minfo.msg.method_return();
let rm = rm.append1(arg0);
let m = factory.method_sync("Introspect", Default::default(), h);
let m = m.out_arg(("xml_data", "s"));
let i = i.add_m(m);
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
/// Contains information about the incoming property get/set request.
pub struct PropInfo<'a, M: 'a + MethodType<D>, D: 'a + DataType> {
/// Message
pub msg: &'a Message,
/// Get, Set or GetAll
pub method: &'a Method<M, D>,
/// The property to be set/get
pub prop: &'a Property<M, D>,
/// The interface the property belongs to
pub iface: &'a Interface<M, D>,
/// Object path
pub path: &'a ObjectPath<M, D>,
/// Tree
pub tree: &'a Tree<M, D>,
impl<'a, M: 'a + MethodType<D>, D: 'a + DataType> PropInfo<'a, M, D> {
/// PropInfo to MethodInfo conversion.
pub fn to_method_info(&self) -> MethodInfo<'a, M, D> {
MethodInfo { msg: self.msg, method: self.method, iface: self.iface, path: self.path, tree: self.tree }