Name Description Size ## Quick Start You can create an application declaratively with a `struct` and some attributes. First, ensure `clap` is available with the [`derive` feature flag][crate::_features]: ```console $ cargo add clap --features derive ``` ```rust 783 ## Configuring the Parser You use derive [`Parser`][crate::Parser] to start building a parser. ```rust 1188 ## Adding Arguments 1. [Positionals](#positionals) 2. [Options](#options) 3. [Flags](#flags) 4. [Subcommands](#subcommands) 5. [Defaults](#defaults) Arguments are inferred from the fields of your struct. ### Positionals You can have users specify values by their position on the command-line: ```rust 3997 ## Validation 1. [Enumerated values](#enumerated-values) 2. [Validated values](#validated-values) 3. [Argument Relations](#argument-relations) 4. [Custom Validation](#custom-validation) An appropriate default parser/validator will be selected for the field's type. See [`value_parser!`][crate::value_parser!] for more details. ### Enumerated values For example, if you have arguments of specific values you want to test for, you can derive [`ValueEnum`][super#valueenum-attributes] (any [`PossibleValue`] builder function can be used as a `#[value]` attribute on enum variants). This allows you specify the valid values for that argument. If the user does not use one of those specific values, they will receive a graceful exit with error message informing them of the mistake, and what the possible valid values are ```rust 3226 ## Testing clap reports most development errors as `debug_assert!`s. Rather than checking every subcommand, you should have a test that calls [`Command::debug_assert`][crate::Command::debug_assert]: ```rust,no_run 493 ## Next Steps - [Cookbook][crate::_cookbook] for application-focused examples - Explore more features in the [Derive reference][super] - See also [`Command`], [`Arg`], [`ArgGroup`], and [`PossibleValue`] builder functions which can be used as attributes For support, see [Discussions]( 504 # Documentation: Derive Tutorial 1. [Quick Start][chapter_0] 2. [Configuring the Parser][chapter_1] 3. [Adding Arguments][chapter_2] 1. [Positionals][chapter_2#positionals] 2. [Options][chapter_2#options] 3. [Flags][chapter_2#flags] 4. [Subcommands][chapter_2#subcommands] 5. [Defaults][chapter_2#defaults] 4. [Validation][chapter_3] 1. [Enumerated values][chapter_3#enumerated-values] 2. [Validated values][chapter_3#validated-values] 3. [Argument Relations][chapter_3#argument-relations] 4. [Custom Validation][chapter_3#custom-validation] 5. [Testing][chapter_4] 6. [Next Steps][chapter_5] 1194