Name Description Size 629 22488 8711 1326 `bincode` uses a Builder-pattern to configure the Serializers and Deserializers in this crate. This means that if you need to customize the behavior of `bincode`, you should create an instance of the `DefaultOptions` struct: ```rust use bincode::Options; let my_options = bincode::DefaultOptions::new(); ``` # Options Struct vs bincode functions Due to historical reasons, the default options used by the `serialize()` and `deserialize()` family of functions are different than the default options created by the `DefaultOptions` struct: | | Byte limit | Endianness | Int Encoding | Trailing Behavior | |----------|------------|------------|--------------|-------------------| | struct | Unlimited | Little | Varint | Reject | | function | Unlimited | Little | Fixint | Allow | This means that if you want to use the `Serialize` / `Deserialize` structs with the same settings as the functions, you should adjust the `DefaultOptions` struct like so: ```rust use bincode::Options; let my_options = bincode::DefaultOptions::new() .with_fixint_encoding() .allow_trailing_bytes(); ``` 13997 1158