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use super::TestDevice;
use crate::consts::{HIDCmd, CID_BROADCAST};
use crate::ctap2::commands::{CommandError, RequestCtap1, RequestCtap2, Retryable, StatusCode};
use crate::transport::errors::{ApduErrorStatus, HIDError};
use crate::transport::{FidoDevice, FidoDeviceIO, FidoProtocol};
use crate::u2ftypes::{U2FDeviceInfo, U2FHIDCont, U2FHIDInit, U2FHIDInitResp};
use crate::util::io_err;
use rand::{thread_rng, RngCore};
use std::cmp::Eq;
use std::fmt;
use std::hash::Hash;
use std::io;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
pub trait HIDDevice: FidoDevice + Read + Write {
type BuildParameters: Sized;
type Id: fmt::Debug + PartialEq + Eq + Hash + Sized;
// Open device, verify that it is indeed a CTAP device and potentially read initial values
fn new(parameters: Self::BuildParameters) -> Result<Self, (HIDError, Self::Id)>;
fn id(&self) -> Self::Id;
fn get_device_info(&self) -> U2FDeviceInfo;
fn set_device_info(&mut self, dev_info: U2FDeviceInfo);
// Channel ID management
fn get_cid(&self) -> &[u8; 4];
fn set_cid(&mut self, cid: [u8; 4]);
// HID report sizes
fn in_rpt_size(&self) -> usize;
fn out_rpt_size(&self) -> usize;
fn get_property(&self, prop_name: &str) -> io::Result<String>;
// Initialize on a protocol-level
fn pre_init(&mut self) -> Result<(), HIDError> {
if self.initialized() {
return Ok(());
let mut nonce = [0u8; 8];
thread_rng().fill_bytes(&mut nonce);
// Send Init to broadcast address to create a new channel
let (cmd, raw) = HIDDevice::sendrecv(self, HIDCmd::Init, &nonce, &|| true)?;
if cmd != HIDCmd::Init {
return Err(HIDError::DeviceError);
let rsp = U2FHIDInitResp::read(&raw, &nonce)?;
// Set the new Channel ID
let vendor = self
.unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("Unknown Vendor"));
let product = self
.unwrap_or_else(|_| String::from("Unknown Device"));
let info = U2FDeviceInfo {
vendor_name: vendor.as_bytes().to_vec(),
device_name: product.as_bytes().to_vec(),
version_interface: rsp.version_interface,
version_major: rsp.version_major,
version_minor: rsp.version_minor,
version_build: rsp.version_build,
cap_flags: rsp.cap_flags,
debug!("{:?}: {:?}",, info);
// A CTAPHID host SHALL accept a response size that is longer than the
// anticipated size to allow for future extensions of the protocol, yet
// maintaining backwards compatibility. Future versions will maintain
// the response structure of the current version, but additional fields
// may be added.
fn sendrecv(
&mut self,
cmd: HIDCmd,
send: &[u8],
keep_alive: &dyn Fn() -> bool,
) -> io::Result<(HIDCmd, Vec<u8>)> {
self.u2f_write(cmd.into(), send)?;
debug!("sent to Device {:?} cmd={:?}: {:?}",, cmd, send);
loop {
let (cmd, data) = self.u2f_read()?;
if cmd != HIDCmd::Keepalive {
"got from Device {:?} status={:?}: {:?}",,
return Ok((cmd, data));
// The authenticator might send us HIDCmd::Keepalive messages indefinitely, e.g. if
// it's waiting for user presence. The keep_alive function is used to cancel the
// transaction.
if !keep_alive() {
// If this is a CTAP2 device we can tell the authenticator to cancel the transaction on its
// side as well. There's nothing to do for U2F/CTAP1 devices.
if self.get_protocol() == FidoProtocol::CTAP2 {
self.u2f_write(u8::from(HIDCmd::Cancel), &[])?;
// For CTAP2 devices we expect to read
// for U2F/CTAP1 we expect to read
// (HIDCmd::Keepalive, [status]).
fn u2f_write(&mut self, cmd: u8, send: &[u8]) -> io::Result<()> {
let mut count = U2FHIDInit::write(self, cmd, send)?;
// Send continuation packets.
let mut sequence = 0u8;
while count < send.len() {
count += U2FHIDCont::write(self, sequence, &send[count..])?;
sequence += 1;
fn u2f_read(&mut self) -> io::Result<(HIDCmd, Vec<u8>)> {
// Now we read. This happens in 2 chunks: The initial packet, which has
// the size we expect overall, then continuation packets, which will
// fill in data until we have everything.
let (cmd, data) = {
let (cmd, mut data) = U2FHIDInit::read(self)?;
trace!("init frame data read: {:04X?}", &data);
let mut sequence = 0u8;
while data.len() < data.capacity() {
let max = data.capacity() - data.len();
data.extend_from_slice(&U2FHIDCont::read(self, sequence, max)?);
sequence += 1;
(cmd, data)
trace!("u2f_read({:?}) cmd={:?}: {:04X?}",, cmd, &data);
Ok((cmd, data))
impl<T: HIDDevice> TestDevice for T {}
impl<T: HIDDevice + TestDevice> FidoDeviceIO for T {
fn send_msg_cancellable<Out, Req: RequestCtap1<Output = Out> + RequestCtap2<Output = Out>>(
&mut self,
msg: &Req,
keep_alive: &dyn Fn() -> bool,
) -> Result<Out, HIDError> {
if !self.initialized() {
return Err(HIDError::DeviceNotInitialized);
match self.get_protocol() {
FidoProtocol::CTAP1 => self.send_ctap1_cancellable(msg, keep_alive),
FidoProtocol::CTAP2 => self.send_cbor_cancellable(msg, keep_alive),
fn send_cbor_cancellable<Req: RequestCtap2>(
&mut self,
msg: &Req,
keep_alive: &dyn Fn() -> bool,
) -> Result<Req::Output, HIDError> {
debug!("sending {:?} to {:?}", msg, self);
if self.skip_serialization() {
return self.send_ctap2_unserialized(msg);
let mut data = msg.wire_format()?;
let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(data.len() + 1);
// CTAP2 command
buf.push(msg.command() as u8);
// payload
buf.append(&mut data);
let buf = buf;
let (cmd, resp) = self.sendrecv(HIDCmd::Cbor, &buf, keep_alive)?;
if cmd == HIDCmd::Cbor {
Ok(msg.handle_response_ctap2(self, &resp)?)
} else {
fn send_ctap1_cancellable<Req: RequestCtap1>(
&mut self,
msg: &Req,
keep_alive: &dyn Fn() -> bool,
) -> Result<Req::Output, HIDError> {
debug!("sending {:?} to {:?}", msg, self);
if self.skip_serialization() {
return self.send_ctap1_unserialized(msg);
let (data, add_info) = msg.ctap1_format()?;
while keep_alive() {
// sendrecv will not block with a CTAP1 device
let (cmd, mut data) = self.sendrecv(HIDCmd::Msg, &data, &|| true)?;
if cmd == HIDCmd::Msg {
if data.len() < 2 {
return Err(io_err("Unexpected Response: shorter than expected").into());
let split_at = data.len() - 2;
let status = data.split_off(split_at);
// This will bubble up error if status != no error
let status = ApduErrorStatus::from([status[0], status[1]]);
match msg.handle_response_ctap1(self, status, &data, &add_info) {
Ok(out) => return Ok(out),
Err(Retryable::Retry) => {
// sleep 100ms then loop again
// TODO(baloo): meh, use tokio instead?
Err(Retryable::Error(e)) => return Err(e),
} else {
return Err(HIDError::UnexpectedCmd(cmd.into()));