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# coding: utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals
import sys
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import chain
from click.utils import LazyFile
from pip._internal.req.constructors import install_req_from_line
from pip._internal.utils.misc import redact_auth_from_url
from pip._internal.vcs import is_url
from pip._vendor import six
from pip._vendor.six.moves import shlex_quote
from .click import style
UNSAFE_PACKAGES = {"setuptools", "distribute", "pip"}
def key_from_ireq(ireq):
"""Get a standardized key for an InstallRequirement."""
if ireq.req is None and is not None:
return str(
return key_from_req(ireq.req)
def key_from_req(req):
"""Get an all-lowercase version of the requirement's name."""
if hasattr(req, "key"):
# from pkg_resources, such as installed dists for pip-sync
key = req.key
# from packaging, such as install requirements from requirements.txt
key =
key = key.replace("_", "-").lower()
return key
def comment(text):
return style(text, fg="green")
def make_install_requirement(name, version, extras, constraint=False):
# If no extras are specified, the extras string is blank
extras_string = ""
if extras:
# Sort extras for stability
extras_string = "[{}]".format(",".join(sorted(extras)))
return install_req_from_line(
str("{}{}=={}".format(name, extras_string, version)), constraint=constraint
def is_url_requirement(ireq):
Return True if requirement was specified as a path or URL.
ireq.original_link will have been set by InstallRequirement.__init__
return bool(ireq.original_link)
def format_requirement(ireq, marker=None, hashes=None):
Generic formatter for pretty printing InstallRequirements to the terminal
in a less verbose way than using its `__str__` method.
if ireq.editable:
line = "-e {}".format(
elif is_url_requirement(ireq):
line =
line = str(ireq.req).lower()
if marker:
line = "{} ; {}".format(line, marker)
if hashes:
for hash_ in sorted(hashes):
line += " \\\n --hash={}".format(hash_)
return line
def format_specifier(ireq):
Generic formatter for pretty printing the specifier part of
InstallRequirements to the terminal.
# TODO: Ideally, this is carried over to the pip library itself
specs = ireq.specifier if ireq.req is not None else []
specs = sorted(specs, key=lambda x: x.version)
return ",".join(str(s) for s in specs) or "<any>"
def is_pinned_requirement(ireq):
Returns whether an InstallRequirement is a "pinned" requirement.
An InstallRequirement is considered pinned if:
- Is not editable
- It has exactly one specifier
- That specifier is "=="
- The version does not contain a wildcard
django==1.8 # pinned
django>1.8 # NOT pinned
django~=1.8 # NOT pinned
django==1.* # NOT pinned
if ireq.editable:
return False
if ireq.req is None or len(ireq.specifier) != 1:
return False
spec = next(iter(ireq.specifier))
return spec.operator in {"==", "==="} and not spec.version.endswith(".*")
def as_tuple(ireq):
Pulls out the (name: str, version:str, extras:(str)) tuple from
the pinned InstallRequirement.
if not is_pinned_requirement(ireq):
raise TypeError("Expected a pinned InstallRequirement, got {}".format(ireq))
name = key_from_ireq(ireq)
version = next(iter(ireq.specifier)).version
extras = tuple(sorted(ireq.extras))
return name, version, extras
def flat_map(fn, collection):
"""Map a function over a collection and flatten the result by one-level"""
return chain.from_iterable(map(fn, collection))
def lookup_table(values, key=None, keyval=None, unique=False, use_lists=False):
Builds a dict-based lookup table (index) elegantly.
Supports building normal and unique lookup tables. For example:
>>> assert lookup_table(
... ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux'], lambda s: s[0]) == {
... 'b': {'bar', 'baz'},
... 'f': {'foo'},
... 'q': {'quux', 'qux'}
... }
For key functions that uniquely identify values, set unique=True:
>>> assert lookup_table(
... ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux'], lambda s: s[0],
... unique=True) == {
... 'b': 'baz',
... 'f': 'foo',
... 'q': 'quux'
... }
For the values represented as lists, set use_lists=True:
>>> assert lookup_table(
... ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux'], lambda s: s[0],
... use_lists=True) == {
... 'b': ['bar', 'baz'],
... 'f': ['foo'],
... 'q': ['qux', 'quux']
... }
The values of the resulting lookup table will be lists, not sets.
For extra power, you can even change the values while building up the LUT.
To do so, use the `keyval` function instead of the `key` arg:
>>> assert lookup_table(
... ['foo', 'bar', 'baz', 'qux', 'quux'],
... keyval=lambda s: (s[0], s[1:])) == {
... 'b': {'ar', 'az'},
... 'f': {'oo'},
... 'q': {'uux', 'ux'}
... }
if keyval is None:
if key is None:
def keyval(v):
return v
def keyval(v):
return (key(v), v)
if unique:
return dict(keyval(v) for v in values)
lut = {}
for value in values:
k, v = keyval(value)
s = lut[k]
except KeyError:
if use_lists:
s = lut[k] = list()
s = lut[k] = set()
if use_lists:
return dict(lut)
def dedup(iterable):
"""Deduplicate an iterable object like iter(set(iterable)) but
return iter(OrderedDict.fromkeys(iterable))
def name_from_req(req):
"""Get the name of the requirement"""
if hasattr(req, "project_name"):
# from pkg_resources, such as installed dists for pip-sync
return req.project_name
# from packaging, such as install requirements from requirements.txt
def fs_str(string):
Convert given string to a correctly encoded filesystem string.
On Python 2, if the input string is unicode, converts it to bytes
encoded with the filesystem encoding.
On Python 3 returns the string as is, since Python 3 uses unicode
paths and the input string shouldn't be bytes.
:type string: str|unicode
:rtype: str
if isinstance(string, str):
return string
if isinstance(string, bytes):
raise TypeError("fs_str() argument must not be bytes")
return string.encode(_fs_encoding)
_fs_encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding()
def get_hashes_from_ireq(ireq):
Given an InstallRequirement, return a list of string hashes in
the format "{algorithm}:{hash}". Return an empty list if there are no hashes
in the requirement options.
result = []
for algorithm, hexdigests in ireq.hash_options.items():
for hash_ in hexdigests:
result.append("{}:{}".format(algorithm, hash_))
return result
def force_text(s):
Return a string representing `s`.
if s is None:
return ""
if not isinstance(s, six.string_types):
return six.text_type(s)
return s
def get_compile_command(click_ctx):
Returns a normalized compile command depending on cli context.
The command will be normalized by:
- expanding options short to long
- removing values that are already default
- sorting the arguments
- removing one-off arguments like '--upgrade'
- removing arguments that don't change build behaviour like '--verbose'
from piptools.scripts.compile import cli
# Map of the compile cli options (option name -> click.Option)
compile_options = { option for option in cli.params}
left_args = []
right_args = []
for option_name, value in click_ctx.params.items():
option = compile_options[option_name]
# Collect variadic args separately, they will be added
# at the end of the command later
if option.nargs < 0:
# These will necessarily be src_files
# Re-add click-stripped '--' if any start with '-'
if any(val.startswith("-") and val != "-" for val in value):
right_args.extend([shlex_quote(force_text(val)) for val in value])
# Get the latest option name (usually it'll be a long name)
option_long_name = option.opts[-1]
# Exclude one-off options (--upgrade/--upgrade-package/--rebuild/...)
# or options that don't change compile behaviour (--verbose/--dry-run/...)
if option_long_name in COMPILE_EXCLUDE_OPTIONS:
# Skip options without a value
if option.default is None and not value:
# Skip options with a default value
if option.default == value:
# Use a file name for file-like objects
if isinstance(value, LazyFile):
value =
# Convert value to the list
if not isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
value = [value]
for val in value:
# Flags don't have a value, thus add to args true or false option long name
if option.is_flag:
# If there are false-options, choose an option name depending on a value
if option.secondary_opts:
# Get the latest false-option
secondary_option_long_name = option.secondary_opts[-1]
arg = option_long_name if val else secondary_option_long_name
# There are no false-options, use true-option
arg = option_long_name
# Append to args the option with a value
if isinstance(val, six.string_types) and is_url(val):
val = redact_auth_from_url(val)
if == "pip_args":
# shlex_quote would produce functional but noisily quoted results,
# e.g. --pip-args='--cache-dir='"'"'/tmp/with spaces'"'"''
# Instead, we try to get more legible quoting via repr:
option=option_long_name, value=repr(fs_str(force_text(val)))
option=option_long_name, value=shlex_quote(force_text(val))
return " ".join(["pip-compile"] + sorted(left_args) + sorted(right_args))