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High-level interface for translating `metrics.yaml` into other formats.
from pathlib import Path
import os
import shutil
import sys
import tempfile
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional
from . import lint
from . import parser
from . import go_server
from . import javascript
from . import javascript_server
from . import python_server
from . import kotlin
from . import markdown
from . import metrics
from . import ruby_server
from . import rust
from . import swift
from . import util
class Outputter:
Class to define an output format.
Each outputter in the table has the following member values:
- output_func: the main function of the outputter, the one which
does the actual translation.
- clear_patterns: A list of glob patterns to clear in the directory before
writing new results to it.
def __init__(
output_func: Callable[[metrics.ObjectTree, Path, Dict[str, Any]], None],
clear_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None,
if clear_patterns is None:
clear_patterns = []
self.output_func = output_func
self.clear_patterns = clear_patterns
"go_server": Outputter(go_server.output_go, []),
"javascript": Outputter(javascript.output_javascript, []),
"typescript": Outputter(javascript.output_typescript, []),
"javascript_server": Outputter(javascript_server.output_javascript, []),
"typescript_server": Outputter(javascript_server.output_typescript, []),
"python_server": Outputter(python_server.output_python, []),
"ruby_server": Outputter(ruby_server.output_ruby, []),
"kotlin": Outputter(kotlin.output_kotlin, ["*.kt"]),
"markdown": Outputter(markdown.output_markdown, []),
"swift": Outputter(swift.output_swift, ["*.swift"]),
"rust": Outputter(rust.output_rust, []),
def transform_metrics(objects):
Transform the object model from one that represents the YAML definitions
to one that reflects the type specifics needed by code generators.
e.g. This will transform a `rate` to be a `numerator` if its denominator is
counters = {}
numerators_by_denominator: Dict[str, Any] = {}
for category_name, category_val in objects.items():
if category_name == "tags":
for metric in category_val.values():
fqmn = metric.identifier()
if getattr(metric, "type", None) == "counter":
counters[fqmn] = metric
denominator_name = getattr(metric, "denominator_metric", None)
if denominator_name:
metric.type = "numerator"
numerators_by_denominator.setdefault(denominator_name, [])
for denominator_name, numerators in numerators_by_denominator.items():
if denominator_name not in counters:
raise ValueError(
f"No `counter` named {denominator_name} found to be used as"
"denominator for {numerators}",
counters[denominator_name].__class__ = metrics.Denominator
counters[denominator_name].type = "denominator"
counters[denominator_name].numerators = numerators
def translate_metrics(
input_filepaths: Iterable[Path],
output_dir: Path,
translation_func: Callable[[metrics.ObjectTree, Path, Dict[str, Any]], None],
clear_patterns: Optional[List[str]] = None,
options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
parser_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
Translate the files in `input_filepaths` by running the metrics through a
translation function and writing the results in `output_dir`.
:param input_filepaths: list of paths to input metrics.yaml files
:param output_dir: the path to the output directory
:param translation_func: the function that actually performs the translation.
It is passed the following arguments:
- metrics_objects: The tree of metrics as pings as returned by
- output_dir: The path to the output directory.
- options: A dictionary of output format-specific options.
Examples of translation functions are in `` and ``.
:param clear_patterns: a list of glob patterns of files to clear before
generating the output files. By default, no files will be cleared (i.e.
the directory should be left alone).
:param options: dictionary of options. The available options are backend
format specific. These are passed unchanged to `translation_func`.
:param parser_config: A dictionary of options that change parsing behavior.
See `parser.parse_metrics` for more info.
if clear_patterns is None:
clear_patterns = []
if options is None:
options = {}
if parser_config is None:
parser_config = {}
input_filepaths = util.ensure_list(input_filepaths)
allow_missing_files = parser_config.get("allow_missing_files", False)
if not input_filepaths and not allow_missing_files:
print("❌ No metric files specified. ", end="")
print("Use `--allow-missing-files` to not treat this as an error.")
return 1
if lint.glinter(input_filepaths, parser_config):
return 1
all_objects = parser.parse_objects(input_filepaths, parser_config)
if util.report_validation_errors(all_objects):
return 1
# allow_reserved is also relevant to the translators, so copy it there
if parser_config.get("allow_reserved"):
options["allow_reserved"] = True
# We don't render tags anywhere yet.
all_objects.value.pop("tags", None)
# Apply additional general transformations to all metrics
# Write everything out to a temporary directory, and then move it to the
# real directory, for transactional integrity.
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir:
tempdir_path = Path(tempdir)
translation_func(all_objects.value, tempdir_path, options)
if output_dir.is_file():
elif output_dir.is_dir() and len(clear_patterns):
for clear_pattern in clear_patterns:
for filepath in output_dir.glob(clear_pattern):
if len(list(output_dir.iterdir())):
print(f"Extra contents found in '{output_dir}'.")
# We can't use shutil.copytree alone if the directory already exists.
# However, if it doesn't exist, make sure to create one otherwise
# shutil.copy will fail.
os.makedirs(str(output_dir), exist_ok=True)
for filename in tempdir_path.glob("*"):
shutil.copy(str(filename), str(output_dir))
return 0
def translate(
input_filepaths: Iterable[Path],
output_format: str,
output_dir: Path,
options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
parser_config: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
Translate the files in `input_filepaths` to the given `output_format` and
put the results in `output_dir`.
:param input_filepaths: list of paths to input metrics.yaml files
:param output_format: the name of the output format
:param output_dir: the path to the output directory
:param options: dictionary of options. The available options are backend
format specific.
:param parser_config: A dictionary of options that change parsing behavior.
See `parser.parse_metrics` for more info.
if options is None:
options = {}
if parser_config is None:
parser_config = {}
format_desc = OUTPUTTERS.get(output_format, None)
if format_desc is None:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown output format '{output_format}'")
return translate_metrics(