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Outputter to generate Rust code for metrics.
import enum
import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union
from . import __version__
from . import metrics
from . import pings
from . import tags
from . import util
def rust_datatypes_filter(value):
A Jinja2 filter that renders Rust literals.
Based on Python's JSONEncoder, but overrides:
- dicts and sets to raise an error
- sets to vec![] (used in labels)
- enums to become Class::Value
- lists to vec![] (used in send_in_pings)
- null to None
- strings to "value".into()
- Rate objects to a CommonMetricData initializer
(for external Denominators' Numerators lists)
class RustEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def iterencode(self, value):
if isinstance(value, dict):
raise ValueError("RustEncoder doesn't know dicts {}".format(str(value)))
elif isinstance(value, enum.Enum):
yield (value.__class__.__name__ + "::" + util.Camelize(
elif isinstance(value, set):
yield "vec!["
first = True
for subvalue in sorted(list(value)):
if not first:
yield ", "
yield from self.iterencode(subvalue)
first = False
yield "]"
elif isinstance(value, list):
yield "vec!["
first = True
for subvalue in list(value):
if not first:
yield ", "
yield from self.iterencode(subvalue)
first = False
yield "]"
elif value is None:
yield "None"
# `CowStr` is a `str`, so needs to be before next case
elif isinstance(value, metrics.CowString):
yield f'::std::borrow::Cow::from("{value.inner}")'
elif isinstance(value, str):
yield f"{json.dumps(value)}.into()"
elif isinstance(value, metrics.Rate):
yield "CommonMetricData("
first = True
for arg_name in util.common_metric_args:
if hasattr(value, arg_name):
if not first:
yield ", "
yield f"{util.camelize(arg_name)} = "
yield from self.iterencode(getattr(value, arg_name))
first = False
yield ")"
yield from super().iterencode(value)
return "".join(RustEncoder().iterencode(value))
def ctor(obj):
Returns the scope and name of the constructor to use for a metric object.
Necessary because LabeledMetric<T> is constructed using LabeledMetric::new
not LabeledMetric<T>::new
if getattr(obj, "labeled", False):
return "LabeledMetric::new"
return class_name(obj.type) + "::new"
def type_name(obj):
Returns the Rust type to use for a given metric or ping object.
if getattr(obj, "labeled", False):
return "LabeledMetric<{}>".format(class_name(obj.type))
generate_enums = getattr(obj, "_generate_enums", []) # Extra Keys? Reasons?
if len(generate_enums):
generic = None
for name, suffix in generate_enums:
if len(getattr(obj, name)):
generic = util.Camelize( + suffix
if isinstance(obj, metrics.Event):
generic = "NoExtra"
generic = "No" + suffix
return "{}<{}>".format(class_name(obj.type), generic)
generate_structure = getattr(obj, "_generate_structure", [])
if len(generate_structure):
generic = util.Camelize( + "Object"
return "{}<{}>".format(class_name(obj.type), generic)
return class_name(obj.type)
def extra_type_name(typ: str) -> str:
Returns the corresponding Rust type for event's extra key types.
if typ == "boolean":
return "bool"
elif typ == "string":
return "String"
elif typ == "quantity":
return "u32"
def structure_type_name(typ: str) -> str:
Returns the corresponding Rust type for structure items.
if typ == "boolean":
return "bool"
elif typ == "string":
return "String"
elif typ == "number":
return "i64"
def class_name(obj_type):
Returns the Rust class name for a given metric or ping type.
if obj_type == "ping":
return "Ping"
if obj_type.startswith("labeled_"):
obj_type = obj_type[8:]
return util.Camelize(obj_type) + "Metric"
def extra_keys(allowed_extra_keys):
Returns the &'static [&'static str] ALLOWED_EXTRA_KEYS for impl ExtraKeys
return "&[" + ", ".join([f'"{key}"' for key in allowed_extra_keys]) + "]"
class Category:
Data struct holding information about a metric to be used in the template.
def __init__(
name: str,
objs: Dict[str, Union[metrics.Metric, pings.Ping, tags.Tag]],
contains_pings: bool,
): = name
self.objs = objs
self.contains_pings = contains_pings
def output_rust(
objs: metrics.ObjectTree, output_dir: Path, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None
) -> None:
Given a tree of objects, output Rust code to `output_dir`.
:param objs: A tree of objects (metrics and pings) as returned from
:param output_dir: Path to an output directory to write to.
:param options: options dictionary, not currently used for Rust
if options is None:
options = {}
template = util.get_jinja2_template(
("rust", rust_datatypes_filter),
("snake_case", util.snake_case),
("camelize", util.camelize),
("type_name", type_name),
("extra_type_name", extra_type_name),
("structure_type_name", structure_type_name),
("ctor", ctor),
("extra_keys", extra_keys),
filename = ""
filepath = output_dir / filename
categories = []
for category_key, category_val in objs.items():
contains_pings = any(
isinstance(obj, pings.Ping) for obj in category_val.values()
cat = Category(category_key, category_val, contains_pings)
with"w", encoding="utf-8") as fd: