Name Description Size 0 1171 Simple handler that returns a response with Cache-Control max-age=3600. 796 Simple handler that returns a response with custom headers. The request should define at least one "header" query parameter, with the format {key}:{value}. For instance ?header=foo:bar will create a response with a header with the key "foo" and the value "bar". Additional headers can be set by passing more "header" query parameters. 879 Simple handler that returns a response with Cache-Control max-age=0 and must-revalidate. The request can include a return-304 header to trigger the handler to return a 304 instead of a 200. 679 Simple handler that causes redirection. The request should typically have two query parameters: status - The status to use for the redirection. Defaults to 302. location - The resource to redirect to. 546 Simple handler that returns a response with a custom status. The request expects a "status" query parameter, which should be a number. If no status is provided, status 200 will be used. 533