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Test Info: Warnings

from import platform_name
from import assert_success
def get_current_url(session):
return session.transport.send(
"GET", "session/{session_id}/url".format(**vars(session)))
def test_get_current_url_file_protocol(session, server_config):
# tests that the browsing context remains the same
# when navigated privileged documents
path = server_config["doc_root"]
if platform_name == "windows":
# Convert the path into the format eg. /c:/foo/bar
path = "/{}".format(path.replace("\\", "/"))
url = u"file://{}".format(path)
session.url = url
response = get_current_url(session)
if response.status == 200 and response.body['value'].endswith('/'):
url += '/'
assert_success(response, url)