Name Description Size
cloneNode.html track element cloneNode 4608
no-cuechange-before-play.html Ensure that the 'cuechange' event is not fired before video playback has begun. 1054
src-clear-cues.html track element changing "track URL" and clearing cues 2114
src-empty-string.html Setting HTMLTrackElement.src to the empty string fires 'error' and sets readyState to ERROR 756
track-active-cues.html Ensure that no text track cues are active after the video is unloaded 1541
track-add-remove-cue.html TextTrack's addCue and removeCue 3826
track-add-track.html 'addtrack' event is fired when a TextTrack is created 1268
track-addtrack-kind.html addTextTrack() only accepts known "kind" values 743
track-api-texttracks.html Track element - text tracks API test 1488
track-change-event.html A 'change' event is fired when a TextTrack's mode changes 826
track-css-cue-pseudo-class.html 351
track-cue-empty.html Invoke getCueAsHTML() on an empty cue 723
track-cue-inline.html Add a track and change its mode through JS 538
track-cue-mutable-fragment.html Cue fragment is mutable 3466
track-cue-mutable.html Modifying attributes of a VTTCue 4774
track-cue-negative-duration.html Enter, Exit events for a cue with negative duration 858
track-cue-negative-timestamp-events.html Enter, Exit events for cues with negative timestamps 1022
track-cue-negative-timestamp.html Negative timestamps 1584
track-cue-order.html Text track cue order 3005
track-cue-rendering-after-controls-added-ref.html Text track cue layout after controls are added (reference) 920
track-cue-rendering-after-controls-added.html Text track cue layout after controls are added 1151
track-cue-rendering-after-controls-removed-ref.html Text track cue layout after controls are removed (reference) 818
track-cue-rendering-after-controls-removed.html Text track cue layout after controls are removed 1019
track-cue-rendering-empty-cue.html Empty cues 512
track-cue-rendering-line-doesnt-fit-ref.html 682
track-cue-rendering-line-doesnt-fit.html 951
track-cue-rendering-transformed-video-ref.html 743
track-cue-rendering-transformed-video.html 748
track-cues-cuechange-dynamically-created-track-element.html 'cuechange' event on dynamically created track element 930
track-cues-cuechange.html TextTrack's cues are indexed and updated in order during video playback 1528
track-cues-enter-exit.html TextTrack's cues are indexed and updated in order during video playback 1534
track-cues-enter-seeking.html TextTrack's cue onenter handler called when seeked onto 1484
track-cues-missed.html Events are triggered for missed (skipped) cues during normal playback 1839
track-cues-pause-on-exit.html Video is paused after cues having pause-on-exit flag are processed 1245
track-cues-seeking.html TextTrack's activeCues are indexed and updated during video playback 1089
track-cues-sorted-before-dispatch.html All events are triggered in chronological order 1551
track-data-url.html track element data: URL 1173
track-default-attribute.html A track with the "default" attribute loads automatically 1001
track-delete-during-setup.html Track deletion during setup 878
track-disabled-addcue.html Adding cues to a disabled text track 1075
track-disabled.html Disabling a track 886
track-element-dom-change.html Simple DOM mutations with track element 499
track-element-src-aborted-load.html HTMLTrackElement 'src' attribute changed, load pending 732
track-element-src-change-error.html HTMLTrackElement 'src' attribute mutations 4472
track-element-src-change.html HTMLTrackElement 'src' attribute mutations 3288
track-helpers.js 2839
track-id.html TextTrack "id" attribute 855
track-insert-after-load.html Inserting a track element immediately after video load 497
track-large-timestamp.html Very large timestamp is parsed correctly 711
track-load-error-readyState.html Error event on HTMLTrackElement and ERROR readyState on TextTrack 475
track-load-from-element-readyState.html Load event on HTMLTrackElement and LOADED readyState on TextTrack when src is set on the element 527
track-load-from-src-readyState.html Load event on HTMLTrackElement and LOADED readyState on TextTrack when src is set from JavaScript 623
track-mode-disabled.html Cues are properly removed from the active cue list when their track changes mode to disabled 1247
track-mode-not-changed-by-new-track.html A track appended after the initial track configuration does not change other tracks 3102
track-mode-triggers-loading.html A "metadata" track does not load automatically, but it does load when the mode is changed 1402
track-mode.html TextTrack mode attribute 2749
track-node-add-remove.html Add and remove track node 1277
track-remove-active-cue.html Removing an active cue 1006
track-remove-by-setting-innerHTML.html Removing a track by setting video.innerHTML doesn't crash 1008
track-remove-insert-ready-state.html Attaching a media element again to the document, having a child track that failed loading doesn't block video from playing 1307
track-remove-quickly.html Removing a track element before it has been processed doesn't crash 624
track-remove-track-inband.html 3210
track-remove-track.html 1402
track-selection-metadata.html Multiple 'metadata' tracks with 'default' 1265
track-selection-task-order.html HTMLTrackElement Text Track Selection Task Order 1351
track-text-track-cue-list.html TextTrackCueList functionality: length, operator[], and getCueById() 1044
track-texttracks.html TextTracks in a TextTrackList are kept in the correct order 1689
track-webvtt-align-positioning.html Cue text position and alignment from settings 1548
track-webvtt-align-text-line-position.html Cue alignment, line and text position from settings 1951
track-webvtt-alignment.html Cue alignment from settings 832
track-webvtt-blank-lines.html Cues are affected neither by multiple newlines \n, \r, and \r\n nor by the absence of a seperating line 1112
track-webvtt-bom.html Parser properly ignores a UTF-8 BOM character at the beginning of a file and all other cues are properly parsed 1179
track-webvtt-class-markup.html Tests cues with class markup <c>. 2131
track-webvtt-cue-identifiers.html Any text other than "-->" is recognized as optional cue identifier 1205
track-webvtt-cue-no-id.html Empty cue identifiers, but having "-->" leads to discarded cue 745
track-webvtt-cue-recovery.html A cue is recovered when a line with a "-->" is encountered without blank line separator 718
track-webvtt-cue-size-align.html Cue size and alignment from settings 777
track-webvtt-cue-size.html Cue size from settings 648
track-webvtt-degenerate-cues.html Degenerate cues without separating blank lines 537
track-webvtt-empty-cue.html Empty cues should not be discarded 343
track-webvtt-entities.html Entities in the cue text 1640
track-webvtt-header-comment.html Optional comment area under the "WEBVTT" file header is properly ignored and also, default settings and styling are currently ignored (treated as faulty cues) 1463
track-webvtt-interspersed-non-cue.html An empty line after an identifier line discards the current cue and restarts the cue loop 496
track-webvtt-line-position.html Cue line position from settings 1818
track-webvtt-magic-header.html Magic file header "WEBVTT" leads to the file properly recognized as a WebVTT file 1613
track-webvtt-markup.html Cues with <b>, <i>, <u>, <rt> and <ruby> tags 3225
track-webvtt-newlines.html A cue with no newline at eof is parsed properly 829
track-webvtt-no-timings.html Cue without timings are ignored 537
track-webvtt-non-snap-to-lines-ref.html Reference test for track-webvtt-non-snap-to-lines.html 722
track-webvtt-non-snap-to-lines.html Position is not adjusted for non snap-to-lines cues 716
track-webvtt-positioning.html Cue text position from settings 961
track-webvtt-settings.html WebVTT settings 1079
track-webvtt-timestamp.html Cues with <timestamps> tags 1751
track-webvtt-timings-hour.html Cue timings and various syntax errors in timings, with hours 1675
track-webvtt-timings-no-hours.html Cue timings and various syntax errors in timings, without hours 1843
track-webvtt-timings-whitespace.html "Skip whitespace" step around cue-timings separator 1744
track-webvtt-two-cue-layout-after-first-end-ref.html WebVTT two-cue layout after the first cue has ended (reference) 732
track-webvtt-two-cue-layout-after-first-end.html WebVTT two-cue layout after the first cue has ended 872
track-webvtt-unsupported-markup.html Unsupported markup is properly ignored 1455
track-webvtt-utf8.html UTF-8 encoded characters are recognized properly and different encodings (iconv) are not recognized as a WebVTT file 1608
track-webvtt-valign.html Cue vertical alignment (direction) from settings 882
track-webvtt-voice.html Cues with voice markup <v> 1940
vtt-cue-float-precision.html Float precision of VTTCue attributes line, position and size 995