Name Description Size
contenttype_bmp.html BMP document.contentType === 'image/bmp' 516
contenttype_css.html CSS document.contentType === 'text/css' 517
contenttype_datauri_02.html Data URI document.contentType === 'text/html' when data URI MIME type is set 583
contenttype_gif.html GIF document.contentType === 'image/gif' 515
contenttype_html.html HTM document.contentType === 'text/html' 518
contenttype_javascripturi.html Javascript URI document.contentType === 'text/html' 624
contenttype_jpg.html JPG document.contentType === 'image/jpeg' 517
contenttype_mimeheader_01.html Custom document.contentType === 'text/xml' when explicitly set to this value 586
contenttype_mimeheader_02.html Custom document.contentType === 'text/html' when explicitly set to this value and an attempt is made to override this value in an HTML meta header 678
contenttype_png.html PNG document.contentType === 'image/png' 515
contenttype_txt.html TXT document.contentType === 'text/plain' 521
contenttype_xml.html XML document.contentType === 'application/xml' 531
createDocument.html document.implementation.createDocument: document.contentType === 'application/xhtml+xml' 443
createHTMLDocument.html document.implementation.createHTMLDocument: document.contentType === 'text/html' 389
xhr_responseType_document.html XHR - retrieve HTML document: document.contentType === 'application/xml' 608