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[first(): Promise resolves with the first value from the source Observable]
expected: FAIL
[first(): Promise rejects with the error emitted from the source Observable]
expected: FAIL
[first(): Promise rejects with RangeError when source Observable completes without emitting any values]
expected: FAIL
[first(): Aborting a signal rejects the Promise with an AbortError DOMException]
expected: FAIL
[first(): Lifecycle]
expected: FAIL
[first(): Promise resolves with the first value from the source Observable]
expected: FAIL
[first(): Promise rejects with the error emitted from the source Observable]
expected: FAIL
[first(): Promise rejects with RangeError when source Observable completes without emitting any values]
expected: FAIL
[first(): Aborting a signal rejects the Promise with an AbortError DOMException]
expected: FAIL
[first(): Lifecycle]
expected: FAIL