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# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
# You can obtain one at
import io
import os
import re
from .ini import combine_fields
__all__ = ["read_toml", "alphabetize_toml_str", "add_skip_if", "sort_paths"]
FILENAME_REGEX = r"^([A-Za-z0-9_./-]*)([Bb][Uu][Gg])([-_]*)([0-9]+)([A-Za-z0-9_./-]*)$"
def sort_paths_keyfn(k):
sort_paths_keyfn.rx = getattr(sort_paths_keyfn, "rx", None) # static
if sort_paths_keyfn.rx is None:
sort_paths_keyfn.rx = re.compile(FILENAME_REGEX)
name = str(k)
return ""
m = sort_paths_keyfn.rx.findall(name)
if len(m) == 1 and len(m[0]) == 5:
prefix = m[0][0] # text before "Bug"
bug = m[0][1] # the word "Bug"
underbar = m[0][2] # underbar or dash (optional)
num = m[0][3] # the bug id
suffix = m[0][4] # text after the bug id
name = f"{prefix}{bug.lower()}{underbar}{int(num):09d}{suffix}"
return name
return name
def sort_paths(paths):
Returns a list of paths (tests) in a manifest in alphabetical order.
Ensures DEFAULT is first and filenames with a bug number are
in the proper order.
return sorted(paths, key=sort_paths_keyfn)
def parse_toml_str(contents):
Parse TOML contents using toml
import toml
error = None
manifest = None
manifest = toml.loads(contents)
except toml.TomlDecodeError as pe:
error = str(pe)
return error, manifest
def parse_tomlkit_str(contents):
Parse TOML contents using tomlkit
import tomlkit
from tomlkit.exceptions import TOMLKitError
error = None
manifest = None
manifest = tomlkit.parse(contents)
except TOMLKitError as pe:
error = str(pe)
return error, manifest
def read_toml(
read a .toml file and return a list of [(section, values)]
- fp : file pointer or path to read
- defaults : default set of variables
- default : name of the section for the default section
- comments : characters that if they start a line denote a comment
- separators : strings that denote key, value separation in order
- strict : whether to be strict about parsing
- handle_defaults : whether to incorporate defaults into each section
- document: read TOML with tomlkit and return source in test["document"]
- add_line_no: add the line number where the test name appears in the file to the source. Also, the document variable must be set to True for this flag to work. (This is used only to generate the documentation)
# variables
defaults = defaults or {}
default_section = {}
sections = []
if isinstance(fp, str):
filename = fp
fp =, encoding="utf-8")
elif hasattr(fp, "name"):
filename =
filename = "unknown"
contents =
inline_comment_rx = re.compile(r"\s#.*$")
if document: # Use tomlkit to parse the file contents
error, manifest = parse_tomlkit_str(contents)
error, manifest = parse_toml_str(contents)
if error:
raise IOError(f"Error parsing TOML manifest file {filename}: {error}")
# handle each section of the manifest
for section in manifest.keys():
current_section = {}
for key in manifest[section].keys():
val = manifest[section][key]
if isinstance(val, bool): # must coerce to lowercase string
if val:
val = "true"
val = "false"
elif isinstance(val, list):
new_vals = ""
for v in val:
if len(new_vals) > 0:
new_vals += os.linesep
new_val = str(v).strip() # coerce to str
comment_found =
if comment_found:
new_val = new_val[0 : comment_found.span()[0]]
if " = " in new_val:
raise Exception(
f"Should not assign in {key} condition for {section}"
new_vals += new_val
val = new_vals
val = str(val).strip() # coerce to str
comment_found =
if comment_found:
val = val[0 : comment_found.span()[0]]
if " = " in val:
raise Exception(
f"Should not assign in {key} condition for {section}"
current_section[key] = val
if section.lower() == default.lower():
default_section = current_section
# DEFAULT does NOT appear in the output
sections.append((section, current_section))
# merge global defaults with the DEFAULT section
defaults = combine_fields(defaults, default_section)
if handle_defaults:
# merge combined defaults into each section
sections = [(i, combine_fields(defaults, j)) for i, j in sections]
if document and add_line_no:
# Take the line where the test name appears in the file.
for i, _ in enumerate(sections):
line = contents.split(sections[i][0])[0].count(os.linesep) + 1
manifest.setdefault(sections[i][0], {})["lineno"] = str(line)
elif not document:
manifest = None
return sections, defaults, manifest
def alphabetize_toml_str(manifest):
Will take a TOMLkit manifest document (i.e. from a previous invocation
of read_toml(..., document=True) and accessing the document
from mp.source_documents[filename]) and return it as a string
in sorted order by section (i.e. test file name, taking bug ids into consideration).
from tomlkit import document, dumps, table
from tomlkit.items import Table
preamble = ""
new_manifest = document()
first_section = False
sections = {}
for k, v in manifest.body:
if k is None:
preamble += v.as_string()
if not isinstance(v, Table):
raise Exception(f"MP TOML illegal keyval in preamble: {k} = {v}")
section = None
if not first_section:
new_manifest.add(k, v)
new_manifest.add(DEFAULT_SECTION, table())
first_section = True
values = v.items()
if len(values) == 1:
for kk, vv in values:
if isinstance(vv, Table): # unquoted, dotted key
section = f"{k}.{kk}"
sections[section] = vv
if section is None:
section = str(k).strip("'\"")
sections[section] = v
if not first_section:
new_manifest.add(DEFAULT_SECTION, table())
for section in sort_paths([k for k in sections.keys() if k != DEFAULT_SECTION]):
new_manifest.add(section, sections[section])
manifest_str = dumps(new_manifest)
# tomlkit fixups
manifest_str = preamble + manifest_str.replace('"",]', "]")
while manifest_str.endswith("\n\n"):
manifest_str = manifest_str[:-1]
return manifest_str
def _simplify_comment(comment):
"""Remove any leading #, but preserve leading whitespace in comment"""
length = len(comment)
i = 0
j = -1 # remove exactly one space
while i < length and comment[i] in " #":
i += 1
if comment[i] == " ":
j += 1
comment = comment[i:]
if j > 0:
comment = " " * j + comment
return comment.rstrip()
def add_skip_if(manifest, filename, condition, bug=None):
Will take a TOMLkit manifest document (i.e. from a previous invocation
of read_toml(..., document=True) and accessing the document
from mp.source_documents[filename]) and return it as a string
in sorted order by section (i.e. test file name, taking bug ids into consideration).
from tomlkit import array
from tomlkit.items import Comment, String, Whitespace
if filename not in manifest:
raise Exception(f"TOML manifest does not contain section: {filename}")
keyvals = manifest[filename]
first = None
first_comment = ""
skip_if = None
existing = False # this condition is already present
if "skip-if" in keyvals:
skip_if = keyvals["skip-if"]
if len(skip_if) == 1:
for e in skip_if._iter_items():
if not first:
if not isinstance(e, Whitespace):
first = e.as_string().strip('"')
c = e.as_string()
if c != ",":
first_comment += c
if skip_if.trivia is not None:
first_comment += skip_if.trivia.comment
mp_array = array()
if skip_if is None: # add the first one line entry to the table
mp_array.add_line(condition, indent="", add_comma=False, newline=False)
if bug is not None:
skip_if = {"skip-if": mp_array}
if first is not None:
if first == condition:
existing = True
if first_comment is not None:
first, indent=" ", comment=_simplify_comment(first_comment)
mp_array.add_line(first, indent=" ")
if len(skip_if) > 1:
e_condition = None
e_comment = None
for e in skip_if._iter_items():
if isinstance(e, String):
if e_condition is not None:
if e_comment is not None:
e_condition, indent=" ", comment=e_comment
e_comment = None
mp_array.add_line(e_condition, indent=" ")
e_condition = None
if len(e) > 0:
e_condition = e.as_string().strip('"')
if e_condition == condition:
existing = True
elif isinstance(e, Comment):
e_comment = _simplify_comment(e.as_string())
if e_condition is not None:
if e_comment is not None:
mp_array.add_line(e_condition, indent=" ", comment=e_comment)
mp_array.add_line(e_condition, indent=" ")
if not existing:
if bug is not None:
mp_array.add_line(condition, indent=" ", comment=bug)
mp_array.add_line(condition, indent=" ")
mp_array.add_line("", indent="") # fixed in write_toml_str
skip_if = {"skip-if": mp_array}
del keyvals["skip-if"]