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## The below code is from snapcraft/docker/stable.Dockerfile
## The modifications done are part of the documentation for enabling core18 snaps.
# /!\ The base image must follow the version of the `coreXX` package
FROM ubuntu:focal
ENV LANG='en_US.UTF-8' \
LANGUAGE='en_US:en' \
LC_ALL='en_US.UTF-8' \
PATH="/snap/bin:$PATH" \
SNAP='/snap/snapcraft/current' \
SNAP_NAME='snapcraft' \
SNAP_ARCH='amd64' \
TERM='dumb' \
RUN ln -snf /usr/share/zoneinfo/$TZ /etc/localtime && echo $TZ > /etc/timezone
# Grab dependencies. snapd is now required per
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get dist-upgrade --yes && \
apt-get install --yes \
curl \
jq \
squashfs-tools \
locales \
bzip2 \
curl \
gcc \
git \
python3 \
locales \
snapd \
sudo \
&& \
locale-gen "$LANG"
RUN bash 'core20'
RUN bash 'gnome-3-38-2004'
RUN bash 'gnome-3-38-2004-sdk'
RUN bash 'snapcraft'
# Fix Python3 installation: Make sure we use the interpreter from
# the snapcraft snap:
RUN unlink /snap/snapcraft/current/usr/bin/python3 && \
ln -s /snap/snapcraft/current/usr/bin/python3.* /snap/snapcraft/current/usr/bin/python3 && \
echo /snap/snapcraft/current/lib/python3.*/site-packages >> /snap/snapcraft/current/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/site-packages.pth
# Create a snapcraft runner (TODO: move version detection to the core of snapcraft).
RUN mkdir -p /snap/bin
RUN echo "#!/bin/sh" > /snap/bin/snapcraft
RUN snap_version="$(awk '/^version:/{print $2}' /snap/snapcraft/current/meta/snap.yaml)" && echo "export SNAP_VERSION=\"$snap_version\"" >> /snap/bin/snapcraft
RUN echo 'exec "$SNAP/usr/bin/python3" "$SNAP/bin/snapcraft" "$@"' >> /snap/bin/snapcraft
RUN chmod +x /snap/bin/snapcraft
RUN mkdir /scripts/
WORKDIR /scripts/
# Copy everything in the docker/firefox-snap folder but the Dockerfile
# XXX The following pattern is neither a regex nor a glob one. It's
# documented at There's no
# way of explicitly filtering out "Dockerfile". If one day, someone needs
# to add a file starting with "D", then we must revisit the pattern below.
COPY [^D]* /scripts/
# Set a default command useful for debugging
CMD ["/bin/bash", "--login"]