Name Description Size
browser.js 0
constructor.js --- esid: sec-promise-executor description: > The Promise constructor is a built-in function --- 303
create-resolving-functions-reject.js --- esid: sec-createresolvingfunctions description: > reject is anonymous built-in function with length of 1. info: | CreateResolvingFunctions ( promise ) ... 7. Let reject be ! CreateBuiltinFunction(stepsReject, « [[Promise]], [[AlreadyResolved]] »). features: [Reflect.construct, arrow-function] includes: [isConstructor.js] flags: [async] --- 1032
create-resolving-functions-resolve.js --- esid: sec-createresolvingfunctions description: > resolve is anonymous built-in function with length of 1. info: | CreateResolvingFunctions ( promise ) ... 3. Let resolve be ! CreateBuiltinFunction(stepsResolve, « [[Promise]], [[AlreadyResolved]] »). features: [Reflect.construct, arrow-function] includes: [isConstructor.js] flags: [async] --- 1042
exception-after-resolve-in-executor.js --- es6id: description: > Already resolved promise is not rejected when executor throws an exception. info: | Promise ( executor ) ... 8. Let resolvingFunctions be CreateResolvingFunctions(promise). 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). 10. If completion is an abrupt completion, then a. Let status be Call(resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]], undefined, «completion.[[value]]»). b. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). ... flags: [async] --- 901
exception-after-resolve-in-thenable-job.js --- es6id: description: > Already resolved promise is not rejected when then() function throws an exception. info: | PromiseResolveThenableJob ( promiseToResolve, thenable, then ) 1. Let resolvingFunctions be CreateResolvingFunctions(promiseToResolve). 2. Let thenCallResult be Call(then, thenable, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). 3. If thenCallResult is an abrupt completion, a. Let status be Call(resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]], undefined, «thenCallResult.[[value]]») b. NextJob Completion(status). ... flags: [async] --- 1053
exec-args.js --- es6id: description: Promise executor is invoked synchronously info: | 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). Promise Resolve Functions The length property of a promise resolve function is 1. Promise Reject Functions The length property of a promise reject function is 1. --- 1033
executor-call-context-sloppy.js --- esid: sec-promise-executor author: Sam Mikes description: > Promise executor is called in global object context in sloppy mode. info: | Promise ( executor ) [...] 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, « resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]] »). flags: [noStrict] --- 570
executor-call-context-strict-strict.js --- esid: sec-promise-executor author: Sam Mikes description: > Promise executor is called in `undefined` context in strict mode. info: | Promise ( executor ) [...] 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, « resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]] »). flags: [onlyStrict] --- 589
executor-function-extensible.js --- es6id: description: The [[Extensible]] slot of GetCapabilitiesExecutor functions info: | 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Unless specified otherwise, the [[Extensible]] internal slot of a built-in object initially has the value true. --- 641
executor-function-length.js --- es6id: description: The `length` property of GetCapabilitiesExecutor functions info: | The length property of a GetCapabilitiesExecutor function is 2. 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Unless otherwise specified, the length property of a built-in Function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 872
executor-function-name.js --- esid: sec-getcapabilitiesexecutor-functions description: The `name` property of GetCapabilitiesExecutor functions info: | A GetCapabilitiesExecutor function is an anonymous built-in function. 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Every built-in function object, including constructors, has a `name` property whose value is a String. Functions that are identified as anonymous functions use the empty string as the value of the `name` property. Unless otherwise specified, the `name` property of a built-in function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: *false*, [[Enumerable]]: *false*, [[Configurable]]: *true* }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1131
executor-function-not-a-constructor.js --- esid: sec-getcapabilitiesexecutor-functions description: GetCapabilitiesExecutor function is not constructor info: | 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Built-in function objects that are not identified as constructors do not implement the [[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function. includes: [isConstructor.js] features: [Reflect.construct, arrow-function] --- 1134
executor-function-property-order.js --- esid: sec-createbuiltinfunction description: Promise executor function property order info: | Set order: "length", "name" --- 742
executor-function-prototype.js --- es6id: description: The [[Prototype]] of GetCapabilitiesExecutor functions info: | 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Unless otherwise specified every built-in function and every built-in constructor has the Function prototype object, which is the initial value of the expression Function.prototype (19.2.3), as the value of its [[Prototype]] internal slot. --- 803
executor-not-callable.js --- esid: sec-promise-executor author: Sam Mikes description: > Promise constructor throws TypeError if executor is not callable. info: | Promise ( executor ) [...] 2. If IsCallable(executor) is false, throw a TypeError exception. --- 670
get-prototype-abrupt-executor-not-callable.js --- esid: sec-promise-executor description: > Promise constructor gets prototype after checking that executor is callable. info: | Promise ( executor ) [...] 2. If IsCallable(executor) is false, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Let promise be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%PromisePrototype%", « [[PromiseState]], [[PromiseResult]], [[PromiseFulfillReactions]], [[PromiseRejectReactions]], [[PromiseIsHandled]] »). 9.1.13 OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto [ , internalSlotsList ] ) [...] 2. Let proto be ? GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto). 9.1.14 GetPrototypeFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto ) [...] 3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, "prototype"). features: [Reflect, Reflect.construct] --- 1208
get-prototype-abrupt.js --- esid: sec-promise-executor description: > Abrupt completion from "prototype" property access info: | Promise ( executor ) [...] 3. Let promise be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%PromisePrototype%", « [[PromiseState]], [[PromiseResult]], [[PromiseFulfillReactions]], [[PromiseRejectReactions]], [[PromiseIsHandled]] »). 9.1.13 OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto [ , internalSlotsList ] ) [...] 2. Let proto be ? GetPrototypeFromConstructor(constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto). 9.1.14 GetPrototypeFromConstructor ( constructor, intrinsicDefaultProto ) [...] 3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, "prototype"). features: [Reflect, Reflect.construct] --- 1130
is-a-constructor.js --- esid: sec-ecmascript-standard-built-in-objects description: > The Promise constructor implements [[Construct]] info: | IsConstructor ( argument ) The abstract operation IsConstructor takes argument argument (an ECMAScript language value). It determines if argument is a function object with a [[Construct]] internal method. It performs the following steps when called: If Type(argument) is not Object, return false. If argument has a [[Construct]] internal method, return true. Return false. includes: [isConstructor.js] features: [Reflect.construct, arrow-function] --- 866
length.js --- es6id: description: Promise `length` property info: | ES6 Section 17: Every built-in Function object, including constructors, has a length property whose value is an integer. Unless otherwise specified, this value is equal to the largest number of named arguments shown in the subclause headings for the function description, including optional parameters. [...] Unless otherwise specified, the length property of a built-in Function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 895
name.js --- es6id: description: Promise `name` property info: | ES6 Section 17: Every built-in Function object, including constructors, that is not identified as an anonymous function has a name property whose value is a String. Unless otherwise specified, this value is the name that is given to the function in this specification. [...] Unless otherwise specified, the name property of a built-in Function object, if it exists, has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 879
promise.js --- esid: sec-promise-constructor description: > Property descriptor of Promise info: | 25.6.3 The Promise Constructor is the initial value of the Promise property of the global object. 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects Every other data property described in clauses 18 through 26 and in Annex B.2 has the attributes { [[Writable]]: true, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true } unless otherwise specified. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 745
property-order.js --- esid: sec-createbuiltinfunction description: Promise constructor property order info: | Set order: "length", "name", ... --- 567
proto-from-ctor-realm.js --- esid: sec-promise-executor description: Default [[Prototype]] value derived from realm of the newTarget info: | [...] 3. Let promise be ? OrdinaryCreateFromConstructor(NewTarget, "%PromisePrototype%", « [[PromiseState]], [[PromiseResult]], [[PromiseFulfillReactions]], [[PromiseRejectReactions]], [[PromiseIsHandled]] »). [...] 9.1.14 GetPrototypeFromConstructor [...] 3. Let proto be ? Get(constructor, "prototype"). 4. If Type(proto) is not Object, then a. Let realm be ? GetFunctionRealm(constructor). b. Let proto be realm's intrinsic object named intrinsicDefaultProto. [...] features: [cross-realm, Reflect] --- 1074
reject-function-extensible.js --- es6id: description: The [[Extensible]] slot of Promise Reject functions info: | 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Unless specified otherwise, the [[Extensible]] internal slot of a built-in object initially has the value true. --- 557
reject-function-length.js --- es6id: description: The `length` property of Promise Reject functions info: | The length property of a promise reject function is 1. 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Unless otherwise specified, the length property of a built-in Function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 779
reject-function-name.js --- esid: sec-promise-reject-functions description: The `name` property of Promise Reject functions info: | A promise reject function is an anonymous built-in function. 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Every built-in function object, including constructors, has a `name` property whose value is a String. Functions that are identified as anonymous functions use the empty string as the value of the `name` property. Unless otherwise specified, the `name` property of a built-in function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: *false*, [[Enumerable]]: *false*, [[Configurable]]: *true* }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1029
reject-function-nonconstructor.js --- es6id: description: Promise Reject functions are not constructors info: | 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Built-in function objects that are not identified as constructors do not implement the [[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function. --- 745
reject-function-property-order.js --- esid: sec-createbuiltinfunction description: Promise reject function property order info: | Set order: "length", "name" --- 659
reject-function-prototype.js --- es6id: description: The [[Prototype]] of Promise Reject functions info: | 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Unless otherwise specified every built-in function and every built-in constructor has the Function prototype object, which is the initial value of the expression Function.prototype (19.2.3), as the value of its [[Prototype]] internal slot. --- 719
reject-ignored-via-abrupt.js --- description: Resolved promises ignore rejections through an abrupt completion es6id: info: | [...] 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). 10. If completion is an abrupt completion, then a. Let status be Call(resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]], undefined, «completion.[[value]]»). b. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 11. Return promise. Promise Reject Functions [...] 3. Let alreadyResolved be the value of F's [[AlreadyResolved]] internal slot. 4. If alreadyResolved.[[value]] is true, return undefined. flags: [async] --- 1065
reject-ignored-via-fn-deferred.js --- description: > Resolved promises ignore rejections through deferred invocation of the provided resolving function es6id: info: | [...] 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). 10. If completion is an abrupt completion, then [...] 11. Return promise. Promise Reject Functions [...] 3. Let alreadyResolved be the value of F's [[AlreadyResolved]] internal slot. 4. If alreadyResolved.[[value]] is true, return undefined. flags: [async] --- 1165
reject-ignored-via-fn-immed.js --- description: > Resolved promises ignore rejections through immediate invocation of the provided resolving function es6id: info: | [...] 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). 10. If completion is an abrupt completion, then [...] 11. Return promise. Promise Reject Functions [...] 3. Let alreadyResolved be the value of F's [[AlreadyResolved]] internal slot. 4. If alreadyResolved.[[value]] is true, return undefined. flags: [async] --- 1104
reject-via-abrupt-queue.js --- description: > Rejecting through an abrupt completion - captured in a queued job esid: sec-promise-executor info: | Promise ( executor ) ... 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, « resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]] »). 10. If completion is an abrupt completion, then a. Perform ? Call(resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]], undefined, « completion.[[Value]] »). 11. Return promise. Promise Reject Functions ... 6. Return RejectPromise(promise, reason). PerformPromiseThen ( promise, onFulfilled, onRejected, resultCapability ) ... 4. If IsCallable(onRejected) is false, then a. Set onRejected to undefined. ... 6. Let rejectReaction be the PromiseReaction { [[Capability]]: resultCapability, [[Type]]: "Reject", [[Handler]]: onRejected }. ... 9. Else, a. Assert: The value of promise.[[PromiseState]] is "rejected". ... d. Perform EnqueueJob("PromiseJobs", PromiseReactionJob, « rejectReaction, reason »). flags: [async] --- 1593
reject-via-abrupt.js --- description: Rejecting through an abrupt completion es6id: info: | [...] 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). 10. If completion is an abrupt completion, then a. Let status be Call(resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]], undefined, «completion.[[value]]»). b. ReturnIfAbrupt(status). 11. Return promise. Promise Reject Functions [...] 6. Return RejectPromise(promise, reason). flags: [async] --- 1028
reject-via-fn-deferred-queue.js --- description: > Rejecting through deferred invocation of the provided resolving function, captured in a queued job. esid: sec-promise-executor info: | Promise ( executor ) ... 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, « resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]] »). 10. If completion is an abrupt completion, then a. Perform ? Call(resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]], undefined, « completion.[[Value]] »). 11. Return promise. Promise Reject Functions ... 6. Return RejectPromise(promise, reason). PerformPromiseThen ( promise, onFulfilled, onRejected, resultCapability ) ... 4. If IsCallable(onRejected) is false, then a. Set onRejected to undefined. ... 6. Let rejectReaction be the PromiseReaction { [[Capability]]: resultCapability, [[Type]]: "Reject", [[Handler]]: onRejected }. 7. If promise.[[PromiseState]] is "pending", then ... b. Append rejectReaction as the last element of the List that is promise.[[PromiseRejectReactions]]. ... flags: [async] --- 1780
reject-via-fn-deferred.js --- description: Rejecting through deferred invocation of the provided resolving function es6id: info: | [...] 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). 10. If completion is an abrupt completion, then [...] 11. Return promise. Promise Reject Functions [...] 6. Return RejectPromise(promise, reason). flags: [async] --- 1089
reject-via-fn-immed-queue.js --- description: > Rejecting through immediate invocation of the provided resolving function, captured in a queued job. esid: sec-promise-executor info: | Promise ( executor ) ... 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, « resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]] »). 10. If completion is an abrupt completion, then a. Perform ? Call(resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]], undefined, « completion.[[Value]] »). 11. Return promise. Promise Reject Functions ... 6. Return RejectPromise(promise, reason). PerformPromiseThen ( promise, onFulfilled, onRejected, resultCapability ) ... 4. If IsCallable(onRejected) is false, then a. Set onRejected to undefined. ... 6. Let rejectReaction be the PromiseReaction { [[Capability]]: resultCapability, [[Type]]: "Reject", [[Handler]]: onRejected }. ... 9. Else, a. Assert: The value of promise.[[PromiseState]] is "rejected". ... d. Perform EnqueueJob("PromiseJobs", PromiseReactionJob, « rejectReaction, reason »). flags: [async] --- 1757
reject-via-fn-immed.js --- description: Rejecting through immediate invocation of the provided resolving function es6id: info: | [...] 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). 10. If completion is an abrupt completion, then [...] 11. Return promise. Promise Reject Functions [...] 6. Return RejectPromise(promise, reason). flags: [async] --- 1058
resolve-function-extensible.js --- es6id: description: The [[Extensible]] slot of Promise Resolve functions info: | 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Unless specified otherwise, the [[Extensible]] internal slot of a built-in object initially has the value true. --- 562
resolve-function-length.js --- es6id: description: The `length` property of Promise Resolve functions info: | The length property of a promise resolve function is 1. 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Unless otherwise specified, the length property of a built-in Function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 785
resolve-function-name.js --- esid: sec-promise-resolve-functions description: The `name` property of Promise Resolve functions info: | A promise resolve function is an anonymous built-in function. 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Every built-in function object, including constructors, has a `name` property whose value is a String. Functions that are identified as anonymous functions use the empty string as the value of the `name` property. Unless otherwise specified, the `name` property of a built-in function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: *false*, [[Enumerable]]: *false*, [[Configurable]]: *true* }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 1036
resolve-function-nonconstructor.js --- es6id: description: Promise Resolve functions are not constructors info: | 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Built-in function objects that are not identified as constructors do not implement the [[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function. --- 751
resolve-function-property-order.js --- esid: sec-createbuiltinfunction description: Promise resolve function property order info: | Set order: "length", "name" --- 662
resolve-function-prototype.js --- es6id: description: The [[Prototype]] of Promise Resolve functions info: | 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Unless otherwise specified every built-in function and every built-in constructor has the Function prototype object, which is the initial value of the expression Function.prototype (19.2.3), as the value of its [[Prototype]] internal slot. --- 724
resolve-ignored-via-fn-deferred.js --- description: > Rejected promises ignore resolution after deferred invocation of the provided reject function esid: sec-promise-executor info: | [...] 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). 10. If completion is an abrupt completion, then [...] 11. Return promise. Promise Resolve Functions [...] 3. Let alreadyResolved be F.[[AlreadyResolved]]. 4. If alreadyResolved.[[Value]] is true, return undefined. flags: [async] --- 1139
resolve-ignored-via-fn-immed.js --- description: > Rejected promises ignore resolution after immediate invocation of the provided reject function esid: sec-promise-executor info: | [...] 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). 10. If completion is an abrupt completion, then [...] 11. Return promise. Promise Resolve Functions [...] 3. Let alreadyResolved be F.[[AlreadyResolved]]. 4. If alreadyResolved.[[Value]] is true, return undefined. flags: [async] --- 1077
resolve-non-obj-deferred.js --- description: > Resolving with a non-object value after invocation of the executor function es6id: info: | [...] 8. Let resolvingFunctions be CreateResolvingFunctions(promise). 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). Promise Resolve Functions 7. If Type(resolution) is not Object, then a. Return FulfillPromise(promise, resolution). flags: [async] --- 1079
resolve-non-obj-immed.js --- description: Resolving with a non-object value from within the executor function es6id: info: | [...] 8. Let resolvingFunctions be CreateResolvingFunctions(promise). 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). Promise Resolve Functions 7. If Type(resolution) is not Object, then a. Return FulfillPromise(promise, resolution). flags: [async] --- 1030
resolve-non-thenable-deferred.js --- description: > Resolving with a non-thenable object value after invocation of the executor function es6id: info: | [...] 8. Let resolvingFunctions be CreateResolvingFunctions(promise). 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). Promise Resolve Functions [...] 8. Let then be Get(resolution, "then"). 9. If then is an abrupt completion, then [...] 10. Let thenAction be then.[[value]]. 11. If IsCallable(thenAction) is false, then a. Return FulfillPromise(promise, resolution). flags: [async] --- 1299
resolve-non-thenable-immed.js --- description: > Resolving with a non-thenable object value from within the executor function es6id: info: | [...] 8. Let resolvingFunctions be CreateResolvingFunctions(promise). 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). Promise Resolve Functions [...] 8. Let then be Get(resolution, "then"). 9. If then is an abrupt completion, then [...] 10. Let thenAction be then.[[value]]. 11. If IsCallable(thenAction) is false, then a. Return FulfillPromise(promise, resolution). flags: [async] --- 1256
resolve-poisoned-then-deferred.js --- description: > Resolving with an object with a "poisoned" `then` property after invocation of the executor function es6id: info: | [...] 8. Let resolvingFunctions be CreateResolvingFunctions(promise). 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). Promise Resolve Functions 7. If Type(resolution) is not Object, then a. Return FulfillPromise(promise, resolution). flags: [async] --- 1234
resolve-poisoned-then-immed.js --- description: > Resolving with an object with a "poisoned" `then` property from within the executor function es6id: info: | [...] 8. Let resolvingFunctions be CreateResolvingFunctions(promise). 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). Promise Resolve Functions 7. If Type(resolution) is not Object, then a. Return FulfillPromise(promise, resolution). flags: [async] --- 1191
resolve-prms-cstm-then-deferred.js --- description: > Resolving with a resolved Promise instance whose `then` method has been overridden after execution of the executor function es6id: info: | [...] 8. Let resolvingFunctions be CreateResolvingFunctions(promise). 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). Promise Resolve Functions [...] 8. Let then be Get(resolution, "then"). 9. If then is an abrupt completion, then [...] 10. Let thenAction be then.[[value]]. 11. If IsCallable(thenAction) is false, then [...] 12. Perform EnqueueJob ("PromiseJobs", PromiseResolveThenableJob, «promise, resolution, thenAction») flags: [async] --- 1505
resolve-prms-cstm-then-immed.js --- description: > Resolving with a resolved Promise instance whose `then` method has been overridden from within the executor function es6id: info: | [...] 8. Let resolvingFunctions be CreateResolvingFunctions(promise). 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). Promise Resolve Functions [...] 8. Let then be Get(resolution, "then"). 9. If then is an abrupt completion, then [...] 10. Let thenAction be then.[[value]]. 11. If IsCallable(thenAction) is false, then [...] 12. Perform EnqueueJob ("PromiseJobs", PromiseResolveThenableJob, «promise, resolution, thenAction») flags: [async] --- 1640
resolve-self.js --- description: Resolving with a reference to the promise itself es6id: info: | [...] 8. Let resolvingFunctions be CreateResolvingFunctions(promise). 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). Promise Resolve Functions [...] 6. If SameValue(resolution, promise) is true, then a. Let selfResolutionError be a newly created TypeError object. b. Return RejectPromise(promise, selfResolutionError). flags: [async] --- 1264
resolve-thenable-deferred.js --- description: > Resolving with a thenable object value after execution of the executor function es6id: info: | [...] 8. Let resolvingFunctions be CreateResolvingFunctions(promise). 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). Promise Resolve Functions [...] 8. Let then be Get(resolution, "then"). 9. If then is an abrupt completion, then [...] 10. Let thenAction be then.[[value]]. 11. If IsCallable(thenAction) is false, then [...] 12. Perform EnqueueJob ("PromiseJobs", PromiseResolveThenableJob, «promise, resolution, thenAction») flags: [async] --- 1408
resolve-thenable-immed.js --- description: > Resolving with a thenable object value from within the executor function es6id: info: | [...] 8. Let resolvingFunctions be CreateResolvingFunctions(promise). 9. Let completion be Call(executor, undefined, «resolvingFunctions.[[Resolve]], resolvingFunctions.[[Reject]]»). Promise Resolve Functions [...] 8. Let then be Get(resolution, "then"). 9. If then is an abrupt completion, then [...] 10. Let thenAction be then.[[value]]. 11. If IsCallable(thenAction) is false, then [...] 12. Perform EnqueueJob ("PromiseJobs", PromiseResolveThenableJob, «promise, resolution, thenAction») flags: [async] --- 1362
shell.js --- description: | Test if a given function is a constructor function. defines: [isConstructor] features: [Reflect.construct] --- 3034
undefined-newtarget.js --- esid: sec-promise-executor description: > Throws a TypeError if Promise is called without a NewTarget. info: | Promise ( executor ) 1. If NewTarget is undefined, throw a TypeError exception. --- 634