Name Description Size
cptbl.h 00 11293
escapesrc.cpp What is this? "This" is a preprocessor that makes an attempt to convert fully valid C++11 source code in utf-8 into something consumable by certain compilers (Solaris, xlC) which aren't quite standards compliant. - u"<unicode>" or u'<unicode>' gets converted to u"\uNNNN" or u'\uNNNN' - u8"<unicode>" gets converted to "\xAA\xBB\xCC\xDD" etc. (some compilers do not support the u8 prefix correctly.) - if the system is EBCDIC-based, that is used to correct the input characters. Usage: escapesrc infile.cpp outfile.cpp Normally this is invoked by the build stage, with a rule such as: _%.cpp: $(srcdir)/%.cpp @$(BINDIR)/escapesrc$(EXEEXT) $< $@ %.o: _%.cpp $( ... $@ $< In the Makefiles, SKIP_ESCAPING=YES is used to prevent escapesrc.cpp from being itself escaped. 10437
expect-simple.cpp 395 2925
tblgen.cpp %02X 3129
test-nochange.cpp 238
test-simple.cpp 272