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// Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
//* Copyright (C) 1998-2010, International Business Machines
//* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
// This is a test resource to check new types of resources
zerotest { "abc\u0000def" } // The length of this string should be 7, not 3
binarytest:bin { 000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e } // Binary 15 bytes long
onehundredtwentythree:int {123 } //
one:int { 1 } // number one
importtest:import { "importtest.bin" }
integerarray:intvector { 1, 2, 3, -3, 4, 5, 6, 7 } // an array of 32-bit integers
minusone:int {-1} // number -1
plusone:int {1} // number 1
// Empties
emptyexplicitstring:string { "" }
emptystring { "" }
emptyintv:intvector { }
emptybin:bin { "" }
emptyint:int { "" }
emptytable:table { }
testescape{ "tab:\t cr:\r ff:\f newline:\n backslash:\\\\ quote=\\\' doubleQuote=\\\" singlequoutes=''" }
// genrb just includes the test as a string after converting to UTF-16
testincludeUTF:include{ "riwords.txt" }
// No unescaping is done.
testinclude:include{ "translit_rules.txt" }
// Genrb failed parsing \u0075 sequence this tests it
collations {
standard {
"&'\u0075' = '\uFF55'" // LATIN SMALL LETTER U
string{ }
//nested table
menu {
file {
open { "Open" }
save { "Save" }
exit { "Exit" }
"test message ...."
test_unescaping{"[ \\u0020 \\u00A0 \\u1680 \\u2000 \\u2001 \\u2002 \\u2003 \\u2004 \\u2005 \\u2006 \\u2007 "
"\\u2008 \\u2009 \\u200A \u200B \\u202F \u205F \\u3000 \u0000-\u001F \u007F \u0080-\u009F "
"\\u06DD \\u070F \\u180E \\u200C \\u200D \\u2028 \\u2029 \\u2060 \\u2061 \\u2062 \\u2063 "
"\\u206A-\\u206F \\uFEFF \\uFFF9-\uFFFC \U0001D173-\U0001D17A \U000F0000-\U000FFFFD "
"\U00100000-\U0010FFFD \uFDD0-\uFDEF \uFFFE-\uFFFF \U0001FFFE-\U0001FFFF \U0002FFFE-\U0002FFFF "
"\U0003FFFE-\U0003FFFF \U0004FFFE-\U0004FFFF \U0005FFFE-\U0005FFFF \U0006FFFE-\U0006FFFF "
"\U0007FFFE-\U0007FFFF \U0008FFFE-\U0008FFFF \U0009FFFE-\U0009FFFF \U000AFFFE-\U000AFFFF "
"\U000FFFFE-\U000FFFFF \U0010FFFE-\U0010FFFF \uD800-\uDFFF \\uFFF9 \\uFFFA \\uFFFB "
"\uFFFC \uFFFD \u2FF0-\u2FFB \u0340 \u0341 \\u200E \\u200F \\u202A \\u202B \\u202C "
"\\u202D \\u202E \\u206A \\u206B \\u206C \\u206D \\u206E \\u206F \U000E0001 \U000E0020-\U000E007F "