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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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//! A simple occlusion culling algorithm for axis-aligned rectangles.
//! ## Output
//! Occlusion culling results in two lists of rectangles:
//! - The opaque list should be rendered first. None of its rectangles overlap so order doesn't matter
//! within the opaque pass.
//! - The non-opaque list (or alpha list) which should be rendered in back-to-front order after the opaque pass.
//! The output has minimal overdraw (no overdraw at all for opaque items and as little as possible for alpha ones).
//! ## Algorithm overview
//! The occlusion culling algorithm works in front-to-back order, accumulating rectangle in opaque and non-opaque lists.
//! Each time a rectangle is added, it is first tested against existing opaque rectangles and potentially split into visible
//! sub-rectangles, or even discarded completely. The front-to-back order ensures that once a rectangle is added it does not
//! have to be modified again, making the underlying data structure trivial (append-only).
//! ## splitting
//! Partially visible rectangles are split into up to 4 visible sub-rectangles by each intersecting occluder.
//! ```ascii
//! +----------------------+ +----------------------+
//! | rectangle | | |
//! | | | |
//! | +-----------+ | +--+-----------+-------+
//! | |occluder | | --> | |\\\\\\\\\\\| |
//! | +-----------+ | +--+-----------+-------+
//! | | | |
//! +----------------------+ +----------------------+
//! ```
//! In the example above the rectangle is split into 4 visible parts with the central occluded part left out.
//! This implementation favors longer horizontal bands instead creating nine-patches to deal with the corners.
//! The advantage is that it produces less rectangles which is good for the performance of the algorithm and
//! for SWGL which likes long horizontal spans, however it would cause artifacts if the resulting rectangles
//! were to be drawn with a non-axis-aligned transformation.
//! ## Performance
//! The cost of the algorithm grows with the number of opaque rectangle as each new rectangle is tested against
//! all previously added opaque rectangles.
//! Note that opaque rectangles can either be added as opaque or non-opaque. This means a trade-off between
//! overdraw and number of rectangles can be explored to adjust performance: Small opaque rectangles, especially
//! towards the front of the scene, could be added as non-opaque to avoid causing many splits while adding only
//! a small amount of overdraw.
//! This implementation is intended to be used with a small number of (opaque) items. A similar implementation
//! could use a spatial acceleration structure for opaque rectangles to perform better with a large amount of
//! occluders.
use euclid::point2;
use smallvec::SmallVec;
use api::units::*;
/// A visible part of a rectangle after occlusion culling.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub struct Item {
pub rectangle: DeviceBox2D,
pub key: usize,
/// A builder that applies occlusion culling with rectangles provided in front-to-back order.
pub struct FrontToBackBuilder {
opaque_items: Vec<Item>,
alpha_items: Vec<Item>,
impl FrontToBackBuilder {
/// Pre-allocating constructor.
pub fn with_capacity(opaque: usize, alpha: usize) -> Self {
FrontToBackBuilder {
opaque_items: Vec::with_capacity(opaque),
alpha_items: Vec::with_capacity(alpha),
/// Add a rectangle, potentially splitting it and discarding the occluded parts if any.
/// Returns true the rectangle is at least partially visible.
pub fn add(&mut self, rect: &DeviceBox2D, is_opaque: bool, key: usize) -> bool {
let mut fragments: SmallVec<[DeviceBox2D; 16]> = SmallVec::new();
for item in &self.opaque_items {
if fragments.is_empty() {
if item.rectangle.intersects(rect) {
apply_occluder(&item.rectangle, &mut fragments);
let list = if is_opaque {
&mut self.opaque_items
} else {
&mut self.alpha_items
for rect in &fragments {
list.push(Item {
rectangle: *rect,
/// Returns true if the provided rect is at least partially visible, without adding it.
pub fn test(&self, rect: &DeviceBox2D) -> bool {
let mut fragments: SmallVec<[DeviceBox2D; 16]> = SmallVec::new();
for item in &self.opaque_items {
if item.rectangle.intersects(rect) {
apply_occluder(&item.rectangle, &mut fragments);
/// The visible opaque rectangles (front-to-back order).
pub fn opaque_items(&self) -> &[Item] {
/// The visible non-opaque rectangles (front-to-back order).
pub fn alpha_items(&self) -> &[Item] {
// Split out the parts of the rects in the provided vector
fn apply_occluder(occluder: &DeviceBox2D, rects: &mut SmallVec<[DeviceBox2D; 16]>) {
// Iterate in reverse order so that we can push new rects at the back without
// visiting them;
let mut i = rects.len() - 1;
loop {
let r = rects[i];
if r.intersects(occluder) {
let top = r.min.y < occluder.min.y;
let bottom = r.max.y > occluder.max.y;
let left = r.min.x < occluder.min.x;
let right = r.max.x > occluder.max.x;
if top {
rects.push(DeviceBox2D {
min: r.min,
max: point2(r.max.x, occluder.min.y),
if bottom {
rects.push(DeviceBox2D {
min: point2(r.min.x, occluder.max.y),
max: r.max,
if left {
let min_y = r.min.y.max(occluder.min.y);
let max_y = r.max.y.min(occluder.max.y);
rects.push(DeviceBox2D {
min: point2(r.min.x, min_y),
max: point2(occluder.min.x, max_y),
if right {
let min_y = r.min.y.max(occluder.min.y);
let max_y = r.max.y.min(occluder.max.y);
rects.push(DeviceBox2D {
min: point2(occluder.max.x, min_y),
max: point2(r.max.x, max_y),
// Remove the original rectangle, replacing it with
// one of the new ones we just added, or popping it
// if it is the last item.
if i == rects.len() {
} else {
if i == 0 {
i -= 1;