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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "IMFYCbCrImage.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/DeviceManagerDx.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/gfxVars.h"
#include "mozilla/gfx/Types.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/TextureD3D11.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/CompositableClient.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/CompositableForwarder.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/D3D11YCbCrImage.h"
#include "mozilla/layers/TextureClient.h"
namespace mozilla {
namespace layers {
IMFYCbCrImage::IMFYCbCrImage(IMFMediaBuffer* aBuffer, IMF2DBuffer* a2DBuffer,
KnowsCompositor* aKnowsCompositor,
ImageContainer* aContainer)
: RecyclingPlanarYCbCrImage(nullptr),
m2DBuffer(a2DBuffer) {
mAllocator = aContainer->GetD3D11YCbCrRecycleAllocator(aKnowsCompositor);
IMFYCbCrImage::~IMFYCbCrImage() {
if (m2DBuffer) {
} else {
/* static */
bool IMFYCbCrImage::CopyDataToTexture(const Data& aData, ID3D11Device* aDevice,
DXGIYCbCrTextureData* aTextureData) {
RefPtr<ID3D10Multithread> mt;
hr = aDevice->QueryInterface((ID3D10Multithread**)getter_AddRefs(mt));
if (FAILED(hr)) {
return false;
if (!mt->GetMultithreadProtected()) {
return false;
if (!gfx::DeviceManagerDx::Get()->CanInitializeKeyedMutexTextures()) {
return false;
ID3D11Texture2D* textureY = aTextureData->GetD3D11Texture(0);
ID3D11Texture2D* textureCb = aTextureData->GetD3D11Texture(1);
ID3D11Texture2D* textureCr = aTextureData->GetD3D11Texture(2);
D3D11MTAutoEnter mtAutoEnter(mt.forget());
RefPtr<ID3D11DeviceContext> ctx;
if (!ctx) {
gfxCriticalError() << "Failed to get immediate context.";
return false;
// The documentation here seems to suggest using the immediate mode context
// on more than one thread is not allowed:
// The Debug Layer seems to imply it is though. When the ID3D10Multithread
// layer is on. The Enter/Leave of the critical section shouldn't even be
// required but were added for extra security.
AutoLockD3D11Texture lockY(textureY);
AutoLockD3D11Texture lockCr(textureCr);
AutoLockD3D11Texture lockCb(textureCb);
D3D11MTAutoEnter mtAutoEnter(mt.forget());
D3D11_BOX box;
box.front = = box.left = 0;
box.back = 1;
box.right = aData.YDataSize().width;
box.bottom = aData.YDataSize().height;
ctx->UpdateSubresource(textureY, 0, &box, aData.mYChannel, aData.mYStride,
box.right = aData.CbCrDataSize().width;
box.bottom = aData.CbCrDataSize().height;
ctx->UpdateSubresource(textureCb, 0, &box, aData.mCbChannel,
aData.mCbCrStride, 0);
ctx->UpdateSubresource(textureCr, 0, &box, aData.mCrChannel,
aData.mCbCrStride, 0);
return true;
TextureClient* IMFYCbCrImage::GetD3D11TextureClient(
KnowsCompositor* aKnowsCompositor) {
if (!mAllocator) {
return nullptr;
RefPtr<ID3D11Device> device = gfx::DeviceManagerDx::Get()->GetImageDevice();
if (!device) {
return nullptr;
DXGIYCbCrTextureAllocationHelper helper(mData, TextureFlags::DEFAULT,
mTextureClient = mAllocator->CreateOrRecycle(helper).unwrapOr(nullptr);
if (!mTextureClient) {
return nullptr;
DXGIYCbCrTextureData* data =
if (!CopyDataToTexture(mData, device, data)) {
// Failed to copy data
mTextureClient = nullptr;
return nullptr;
return mTextureClient;
TextureClient* IMFYCbCrImage::GetTextureClient(
KnowsCompositor* aKnowsCompositor) {
if (mTextureClient) {
return mTextureClient;
RefPtr<ID3D11Device> device = gfx::DeviceManagerDx::Get()->GetImageDevice();
if (!device || !aKnowsCompositor->SupportsD3D11()) {
return nullptr;
return GetD3D11TextureClient(aKnowsCompositor);
} // namespace layers
} // namespace mozilla