Name Description Size
cairo-dwrite-font.cpp Functions cairo_font_face_backend_t 47020
cairo-dwrite-private.h cairo_scaled_font_t implementation 7140
cairo-win32-debug.c We require Windows 2000 features such as ETO_PDY 2831
cairo-win32-device.c We require Windows 2000 features such as ETO_PDY 5833
cairo-win32-display-surface.c We require Windows 2000 features such as ETO_PDY 35205
cairo-win32-font.c We require Windows 2000 features such as GetGlyphIndices 72361
cairo-win32-gdi-compositor.c The original X drawing API was very restrictive in what it could handle, pixel-aligned fill/blits are all that map into Cairo's drawing model. 20407
cairo-win32-printing-surface.c We require Windows 2000 features such as ETO_PDY 72477
cairo-win32-private.h Surface DC flag values 9245
cairo-win32-refptr.h RefPtr points to a refcounted thing that has AddRef and Release methods to increase/decrease the refcount, respectively. After a RefPtr<T> is assigned a T*, the T* can be used through the RefPtr as if it were a T*. A RefPtr can forget its underlying T*, which results in the T* being wrapped in a temporary object until the T* is either re-adopted from or released by the temporary. 5088
cairo-win32-surface.c We require Windows 2000 features such as ETO_PDY 12756
cairo-win32-system.c This file should include code that is system-specific, not feature-specific. For example, the DLL initialization/finalization code on Win32 or OS/2 must live here (not in cairo-whatever-surface.c). Same about possible ELF-specific code. And no other function should live here. 2831