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// Copyright 2022 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// PixelLocalStorage.h: Defines the renderer-agnostic container classes
// gl::PixelLocalStorage and gl::PixelLocalStoragePlane for
// ANGLE_shader_pixel_local_storage.
#include "angle_gl.h"
#include "libANGLE/ImageIndex.h"
#include "libANGLE/angletypes.h"
namespace gl
class Context;
class Texture;
// Holds the configuration of an ANGLE_shader_pixel_local_storage plane.
// Unlike normal framebuffer attachments, pixel local storage planes don't take effect until the
// application calls glBeginPixelLocalStorageANGLE, and the manner in which they take effect is
// highly dependent on the backend implementation. A PixelLocalStoragePlane is just a plain data
// description what to set up later once PLS is enabled.
class PixelLocalStoragePlane : angle::NonCopyable
// Called when the context is lost or destroyed. Causes this class to clear its GL object
// handles.
void onContextObjectsLost();
// Called when the owning framebuffer is being destroyed. Causes this class to release its
// texture object reference.
void onFramebufferDestroyed(const Context *);
void deinitialize(Context *);
void setMemoryless(Context *, GLenum internalformat);
void setTextureBacked(Context *, Texture *, int level, int layer);
bool isDeinitialized() const { return mInternalformat == GL_NONE; }
// Returns true if the texture ID bound to this plane has been deleted.
// [ANGLE_shader_pixel_local_storage] Section 4.4.2.X "Configuring Pixel Local Storage
// on a Framebuffer": When a texture object is deleted, any pixel local storage plane to
// which it was bound is automatically converted to a memoryless plane of matching
// internalformat.
bool isTextureIDDeleted(const Context *) const;
bool isMemoryless() const
// isMemoryless() should be false if the plane is deinitialized.
ASSERT(!(isDeinitialized() && mMemoryless));
return mMemoryless;
GLenum getInternalformat() const { return mInternalformat; }
// Implements glGetIntegeri_v() for GL_PIXEL_LOCAL_FORMAT_ANGLE,
GLint getIntegeri(const Context *, GLenum target, GLuint index) const;
// If this plane is texture backed, stores the bound texture image's {width, height, 0} to
// Extents and returns true. Otherwise returns false, meaning the plane is either deinitialized
// or memoryless.
bool getTextureImageExtents(const Context *, Extents *extents) const;
// Attaches this plane to the specified color attachment point on the current draw framebuffer.
void attachToDrawFramebuffer(Context *, Extents plsExtents, GLenum colorAttachment);
// Clears the draw buffer at 0-based index 'drawbuffer' on the current framebuffer. Reads the
// clear value from 'data' if 'loadop' is GL_CLEAR_ANGLE, otherwise clears to zero.
// 'data' is interpereted as either 4 GLfloats, 4 GLints, or 4 GLuints, depending on
// mInternalFormat.
// The context must internally disable the scissor test before calling this method, since the
// intention is to clear the entire surface.
void performLoadOperationClear(Context *, GLint drawbuffer, GLenum loadop, const void *data);
// Binds this PLS plane to a texture image unit for image load/store shader operations.
void bindToImage(Context *, Extents plsExtents, GLuint unit, bool needsR32Packing);
// Ensures we have an internal backing texture for memoryless planes. In GL, we need a backing
// texture even if the plane is memoryless; glInvalidateFramebuffer() will ideally prevent the
// driver from writing out data where possible.
void ensureBackingIfMemoryless(Context *, Extents plsSize);
GLenum mInternalformat = GL_NONE; // GL_NONE if this plane is in a deinitialized state.
bool mMemoryless = false;
TextureID mMemorylessTextureID{}; // We own memoryless backing textures and must delete them.
ImageIndex mTextureImageIndex;
Texture *mTextureRef = nullptr;
// Manages a collection of PixelLocalStoragePlanes and applies them to ANGLE's GL state.
// The main magic of ANGLE_shader_pixel_local_storage happens inside shaders, so we just emulate the
// client API on top of ANGLE's OpenGL ES API for simplicity.
class PixelLocalStorage
static std::unique_ptr<PixelLocalStorage> Make(const Context *);
virtual ~PixelLocalStorage();
// Called when the owning framebuffer is being destroyed.
void onFramebufferDestroyed(const Context *);
// Deletes any GL objects that have been allocated for pixel local storage. These can't be
// cleaned up in the destructor because they require a non-const Context object.
void deleteContextObjects(Context *);
const PixelLocalStoragePlane &getPlane(GLint plane) const
return mPlanes[plane];
PixelLocalStoragePlane &getPlane(GLint plane)
return mPlanes[plane];
// ANGLE_shader_pixel_local_storage API.
void deinitialize(Context *context, GLint plane) { mPlanes[plane].deinitialize(context); }
void setMemoryless(Context *context, GLint plane, GLenum internalformat)
mPlanes[plane].setMemoryless(context, internalformat);
void setTextureBacked(Context *context, GLint plane, Texture *tex, int level, int layer)
mPlanes[plane].setTextureBacked(context, tex, level, layer);
void begin(Context *, GLsizei n, const GLenum loadops[], const void *cleardata);
void end(Context *);
void barrier(Context *);
// Called when the context is lost or destroyed. Causes the subclass to clear its GL object
// handles.
virtual void onContextObjectsLost() = 0;
// Called when the framebuffer is being destroyed. Causes the subclass to delete its frontend GL
// object handles.
virtual void onDeleteContextObjects(Context *) = 0;
// ANGLE_shader_pixel_local_storage API.
virtual void onBegin(Context *,
GLsizei n,
const GLenum loadops[],
const char *cleardata,
Extents plsSize) = 0;
virtual void onEnd(Context *, GLsizei numActivePLSPlanes) = 0;
virtual void onBarrier(Context *) = 0;
std::array<PixelLocalStoragePlane, IMPLEMENTATION_MAX_PIXEL_LOCAL_STORAGE_PLANES> mPlanes;
// "n" from the last call to begin(), or 0 if pixel local storage is not active.
GLsizei mNumActivePLSPlanes = 0;
} // namespace gl