Name Description Size
context.js 3314
log.js A middleware that logs all actions coming through the system to the console. 2455 365
promise.js 1732
thunk.js A middleware that allows thunks (functions) to be dispatched. If it's a thunk, it is called with an argument that contains `dispatch`, `getState`, and any additional args passed in via the middleware constructure. This allows the action to create multiple actions (most likely asynchronously). 814
timing.js Redux middleware that sets performance markers for all actions such that they will appear in performance tooling under the User Timing API 841
wait-service.js A middleware which acts like a service, because it is stateful and "long-running" in the background. It provides the ability for actions to install a function to be run once when a specific condition is met by an action coming through the system. Think of it as a thunk that blocks until the condition is met. Example: ```js const services = { WAIT_UNTIL: require('wait-service').NAME }; { type: services.WAIT_UNTIL, predicate: action => action.type === "ADD_ITEM", run: (dispatch, getState, action) => { // Do anything here. You only need to accept the arguments // if you need them. `action` is the action that satisfied // the predicate. } } ``` 1956