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// Copyright © 2011 Mozilla Foundation
// This program is made available under an ISC-style license. See the
// accompanying file LICENSE for details.
//! libcubeb api/function test. Plays a simple tone.
extern crate cubeb;
mod common;
use cubeb::{MonoFrame, Sample};
use std::f32::consts::PI;
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;
const SAMPLE_FREQUENCY: u32 = 48_000;
const STREAM_FORMAT: cubeb::SampleFormat = cubeb::SampleFormat::S16LE;
type Frame = MonoFrame<i16>;
fn main() {
let ctx = common::init("Cubeb tone example").expect("Failed to create cubeb context");
let params = cubeb::StreamParamsBuilder::new()
let mut position = 0u32;
let mut builder = cubeb::StreamBuilder::<Frame>::new();
.name("Cubeb tone (mono)")
.data_callback(move |_, output| {
// generate our test tone on the fly
for f in output.iter_mut() {
// North American dial tone
let t1 = (2.0 * PI * 350.0 * position as f32 / SAMPLE_FREQUENCY as f32).sin();
let t2 = (2.0 * PI * 440.0 * position as f32 / SAMPLE_FREQUENCY as f32).sin();
f.m = i16::from_float(0.5 * (t1 + t2));
position += 1;
output.len() as isize
.state_callback(|state| {
println!("stream {:?}", state);
let stream = builder.init(&ctx).expect("Failed to create cubeb stream");