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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
import { IMServices } from "resource:///modules/IMServices.sys.mjs";
import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs";
import { GenericMessagePrototype } from "resource:///modules/jsProtoHelper.sys.mjs";
const lazy = {};
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, {
() => new Localization(["chat/logger.ftl"], true)
* Maps file paths to promises returned by ongoing IOUtils operations on them.
* This is so that a file can be read after a pending write operation completes
* and vice versa (opening a file multiple times concurrently may fail on Windows).
export var gFilePromises = new Map();
* Set containing log file paths that are scheduled to have deleted messages
* removed.
* @type {Set<string>}
export var gPendingCleanup = new Set();
const kPendingLogCleanupPref = "chat.logging.cleanup.pending";
// Uses above map to queue operations on a file.
export function queueFileOperation(aPath, aOperation) {
// Ensure the operation is queued regardless of whether the last one succeeded.
// This is safe since the promise is returned and consumers are expected to
// handle any errors. If there's no promise existing for the given path already,
// queue the operation on a dummy pre-resolved promise.
const promise = (gFilePromises.get(aPath) || Promise.resolve()).then(
gFilePromises.set(aPath, promise);
const cleanup = () => {
// If no further operations have been queued, remove the reference from the map.
if (gFilePromises.get(aPath) === promise) {
// Ensure we clear unused promises whether they resolved or rejected.
promise.then(cleanup, cleanup);
return promise;
* Convenience method to append to a file using the above queue system. If any of
* the I/O operations reject, the returned promise will reject with the same reason.
* We open the file, append, and close it immediately. The alternative is to keep
* it open and append as required, but we want to make sure we don't open a file
* for reading while it's already open for writing, so we close it every time
* (opening a file multiple times concurrently may fail on Windows).
* Note: This function creates parent directories if required.
export function appendToFile(aPath, aString, aCreate) {
return queueFileOperation(aPath, async function () {
await IOUtils.makeDirectory(PathUtils.parent(aPath));
const mode = aCreate ? "create" : "append";
try {
await IOUtils.writeUTF8(aPath, aString, {
} catch (error) {
// Ignore existing file when adding the header.
if (
aCreate && == "NoModificationAllowedError" &&
error.message.startsWith("Could not write to") &&
error.message.includes("refusing to overwrite file")
) {
throw error;
// This function checks names against OS naming conventions and alters them
// accordingly so that they can be used as file/folder names.
export function encodeName(aName) {
// Reserved device names by Windows (prefixing "%").
const reservedNames = /^(CON|PRN|AUX|NUL|COM\d|LPT\d)$/i;
if (reservedNames.test(aName)) {
return "%" + aName;
// "." and " " must not be at the end of a file or folder name (appending "_").
if (/[\. _]/.test(aName.slice(-1))) {
aName += "_";
// Reserved characters are replaced by %[hex value]. encodeURIComponent() is
// not sufficient, nevertheless decodeURIComponent() can be used to decode.
function encodeReservedChars(match) {
return "%" + match.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
return aName.replace(/[<>:"\/\\|?*&%]/g, encodeReservedChars);
export function getLogFolderPathForAccount(aAccount) {
return PathUtils.join(
Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path,
export function getLogFilePathForConversation(aConv, aStartTime) {
if (!aStartTime) {
aStartTime = aConv.startDate / 1000;
const path = getLogFolderPathForAccount(aConv.account);
let name = aConv.normalizedName;
if (aConv.isChat) {
name += ".chat";
return PathUtils.join(path, encodeName(name), getNewLogFileName(aStartTime));
export function getNewLogFileName(aStartTime) {
const date = aStartTime ? new Date(aStartTime) : new Date();
let dateTime = lazy.ToLocaleFormat("%Y-%m-%d.%H%M%S", date);
let offset = date.getTimezoneOffset();
if (offset < 0) {
dateTime += "+";
offset *= -1;
} else {
dateTime += "-";
const minutes = offset % 60;
offset = (offset - minutes) / 60;
function twoDigits(number) {
if (number == 0) {
return "00";
return number < 10 ? "0" + number : number;
return dateTime + twoDigits(offset) + twoDigits(minutes) + ".json";
* Schedules a cleanup of the logfiles contents, removing the message texts
* from messages that were marked as deleted. This can be disabled by a pref.
* @param {string} path - Path to the logfile to clean.
function queueLogFileCleanup(path) {
if (gPendingCleanup.has(path) || !lazy.SHOULD_CLEANUP_LOGS) {
const idleCallback = () => {
if (gFilePromises.has(path)) {
gFilePromises.get(path).finally(() => {
// Queue a new file operation to ensure nothing gets appended between
// reading the log and writing it back. This means we might run this when
// the application isn't idle, but due to the async operations that is
// very hard to guarantee either way.
queueFileOperation(path, async () => {
try {
const logContents = await IOUtils.readUTF8(path);
const logLines = logContents.split("\n").map(line => {
try {
return JSON.parse(line);
} catch {
return line;
let lastDeletionIndex = 0;
const deletedMessages = new Set(
.filter((message, index) => {
if (message.flags?.includes("deleted") && message.remoteId) {
lastDeletionIndex = index;
return true;
return false;
.map(message => message.remoteId)
for (const [index, message] of logLines.entries()) {
// If we are past the last deletion in the logs, there is no more
// work to be done.
if (index >= lastDeletionIndex) {
if (
deletedMessages.has(message.remoteId) &&
) {
// Void the text of deleted messages but keep the message
// metadata for journaling.
message.text = "";
const cleanedLog = logLines
.map(line => {
if (typeof line === "string") {
return line;
return JSON.stringify(line);
await IOUtils.writeUTF8(path, cleanedLog);
} catch (error) {
"Error cleaning up log file contents for " + path + ": " + error
} finally {
* Schedule pending log cleanups that weren't completed last time the
* application was running.
function initLogCleanup() {
// Capture the value of the pending cleanups before it gets overridden by
// newly scheduled cleanups.
const pendingCleanupPathValue = Services.prefs.getStringPref(
// We are in no hurry to queue these cleanups, worst case we try to schedule
// a cleanup for a file that is already scheduled.
ChromeUtils.idleDispatch(() => {
const pendingCleanupPaths = JSON.parse(pendingCleanupPathValue) ?? [];
if (!Array.isArray(pendingCleanupPaths)) {
"Pending chat log cleanup pref is not a valid array. " +
"Assuming all chat logs are clean."
for (const path of pendingCleanupPaths) {
if (typeof path === "string") {
* One of these is maintained for every conversation being logged. It initializes
* a log file and appends to it as required.
class LogWriter {
constructor(aConversation) {
this._conv = aConversation;
this.paths = [];
this.startNewFile(this._conv.startDate / 1000);
* All log file paths used by this LogWriter.
* @type {string[]}
paths = [];
* Path of the log file that is currently being written to.
* @type {string}
get currentPath() {
return this.paths[this.paths.length - 1];
* Constructor sets this to a promise that will resolve when the log header
* has been written.
* @type {?Promise}
_initialized = null;
_startTime = null;
_lastMessageTime = null;
_messageCount = 0;
startNewFile(aStartTime, aContinuedSession) {
// We start a new log file every 1000 messages. The start time of this new
// log file is the time of the next message. Since message times are in seconds,
// if we receive 1000 messages within a second after starting the new file,
// we will create another file, using the same start time - and so the same
// file name. To avoid this, ensure the new start time is at least one second
// greater than the current one. This is ugly, but should rarely be needed.
aStartTime = Math.max(aStartTime, this._startTime + 1000);
this._startTime = this._lastMessageTime = aStartTime;
this._messageCount = 0;
this.paths.push(getLogFilePathForConversation(this._conv, aStartTime));
const account = this._conv.account;
let header = {
date: new Date(this._startTime),
title: this._conv.title,
account: account.normalizedName,
protocol: account.protocol.normalizedName,
isChat: this._conv.isChat,
normalizedName: this._conv.normalizedName,
if (aContinuedSession) {
header.continuedSession = true;
header = JSON.stringify(header) + "\n";
this._initialized = appendToFile(this.currentPath, header, true);
// Catch the error separately so that _initialized will stay rejected if
// writing the header failed.
this._initialized.catch(aError =>
console.error("Failed to initialize log file:\n" + aError)
* The maximum length of time between messages, in milliseconds, before a new
* log file is started.
* @type {number}
static kInactivityLimit = 30 * 60 * 1000;
* The minimum time a log file must have been opened for, in milliseconds, in
* order for a new file to be started at midnight.
* @type {number}
static kDayOverlapLimit = 3 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
* The maximum amount of messages after which a new log file is always
* started.
* @type {number}
static kMessageCountLimit = 1000;
async logMessage(aMessage) {
// aMessage.time is in seconds, we need it in milliseconds.
const messageTime = aMessage.time * 1000;
const messageMidnight = new Date(messageTime).setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
const inactivityLimitExceeded =
!aMessage.delayed &&
messageTime - this._lastMessageTime > LogWriter.kInactivityLimit;
const dayOverlapLimitExceeded =
!aMessage.delayed &&
messageMidnight - this._startTime > LogWriter.kDayOverlapLimit;
if (
inactivityLimitExceeded ||
dayOverlapLimitExceeded ||
this._messageCount == LogWriter.kMessageCountLimit
) {
// We start a new session if the inactivity limit was exceeded.
this.startNewFile(messageTime, !inactivityLimitExceeded);
if (!aMessage.delayed) {
this._lastMessageTime = messageTime;
const msg = {
date: new Date(messageTime),
who: aMessage.who,
text: aMessage.displayMessage,
flags: [
].filter(f => aMessage[f]),
remoteId: aMessage.remoteId,
const alias = aMessage.alias;
if (alias && alias != msg.who) {
msg.alias = alias;
const lineToWrite = JSON.stringify(msg) + "\n";
await this._initialized;
try {
await appendToFile(this.currentPath, lineToWrite);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to log message:\n" + error);
if (aMessage.deleted) {
var dummyLogWriter = {
paths: null,
currentPath: null,
logMessage() {},
var gLogWritersById = new Map();
export function getLogWriter(aConversation) {
const id =;
if (!gLogWritersById.has(id)) {
const prefName =
"purple.logging.log_" + (aConversation.isChat ? "chats" : "ims");
if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref(prefName)) {
gLogWritersById.set(id, new LogWriter(aConversation));
} else {
gLogWritersById.set(id, dummyLogWriter);
return gLogWritersById.get(id);
export function closeLogWriter(aConversation) {
* Takes a properly formatted log file name and extracts the date information
* and filetype, returning the results as an Array.
* Filenames are expected to be formatted as:
* YYYY-MM-DD.HHmmSS+ZZzz.format
* @param aFilename the name of the file
* @returns an Array, where the first element is a Date object for the date
* that the log file represents, and the file type as a string.
function getDateFromFilename(aFilename) {
const kRegExp =
const r = aFilename.match(kRegExp);
if (!r) {
"Found log file with name not matching YYYY-MM-DD.HHmmSS+ZZzz.format: " +
return [];
// We ignore the timezone offset for now (FIXME)
return [new Date(r[1], r[2] - 1, r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6]), r[10]];
function LogMessage(aData, aConversation) {
this._init(aData.who, aData.text, {}, aConversation);
// Not overriding time using the init options, since init also sets the
// property.
this.time = Math.round(new Date( / 1000);
if ("alias" in aData) {
this._alias = aData.alias;
this.remoteId = aData.remoteId;
if (aData.flags) {
for (const flag of aData.flags) {
this[flag] = true;
LogMessage.prototype = {
__proto__: GenericMessagePrototype,
_interfaces: [Ci.imIMessage, Ci.prplIMessage],
get displayMessage() {
return this.originalMessage;
class LogConversation {
* @property title
* @type {string}
* @property name
* @type {string}
* Value in microseconds.
* @property startDate
* @type {number}
* @param {imIMessage[]} aMessages
* @param {object} aProperties - Object containing any properties to copy onto
* this instance. To set isChat, provide _isChat in this object. Meanwhile
* the buddy and account properties can not be directly influenced.
constructor(aMessages, aProperties) {
this._messages = aMessages;
for (const property in aProperties) {
this[property] = aProperties[property];
* @type {boolean}
get isChat() {
return this._isChat;
* Always null (compatibility with prplIConversation).
* @type {prplIAccountBuddy}
get buddy() {
return null;
* Simplified account implementation:
* - alias will always be empty
* - name (always the normalizedName)
* - statusInfo will return IMServices.core.globalUserStatus
* - protocol will only contain a "name" attribute, with the prpl's
* normalized name.
* Other methods/attributes aren't implemented.
* @type {imIAccount}
get account() {
return {
alias: "",
name: this._accountName,
normalizedName: this._accountName,
protocol: { name: this._protocolName },
statusInfo: IMServices.core.globalUserStatus,
* @returns {imIMessage[]}
getMessages() {
// Start with the newest message to filter out older versions of the same
// message. Also filter out deleted messages.
return => new LogMessage(m, this));
* A Log object represents one or more log files. The constructor expects one
* argument, which is either a single path to a json log file or an array of
* objects each having two properties:
* path: The full path of the (json only) log file it represents.
* time: The Date object extracted from the filename of the logfile.
* The returned Log object's time property will be:
* For a single file - exact time extracted from the name of the log file.
* For a set of files - the time extracted, reduced to the day.
class Log {
* @param {{path: string, time: Date}[]|string} aEntries
constructor(aEntries) {
if (typeof aEntries == "string") {
// Assume that aEntries is a single path.
const path = aEntries;
this.path = path;
const [date, format] = getDateFromFilename(PathUtils.filename(path));
if (!date || !format) {
this.time = 0;
this.time = date.valueOf() / 1000;
// Wrap the path in an array
this._entryPaths = [path];
if (!aEntries.length) {
throw new Error(
"Log was passed an invalid argument, " +
"expected a non-empty array or a string."
// Assume aEntries is an array of objects.
// Sort our list of entries for this day in increasing order.
aEntries.sort((aLeft, aRight) => aLeft.time - aRight.time);
this._entryPaths = => entry.path);
// Calculate the timestamp for the first entry down to the day.
const timestamp = new Date(aEntries[0].time);
* Timestamp for the first entry down to the day. Value in seconds.
* @property
* @type {number}
this.time = timestamp.valueOf() / 1000;
* Path is used to uniquely identify a Log, and sometimes used to
* quickly determine which directory a log file is from.
* @property
* @type {string}
// We'll use the first file's path.
this.path = aEntries[0].path;
* @type {?string[]}
_entryPaths = null;
* Read the set of log files asynchronously and return a promise that
* resolves to a LogConversation instance. Even if a file contains some
* junk (invalid JSON), messages that are valid will be read. If the first
* line of metadata is corrupt however, the data isn't useful and the
* promise will resolve to null.
* @returns {Promise<?LogConversation>}
async getConversation() {
let messages = [];
const properties = {};
let firstFile = true;
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const lastRemoteIdIndex = {};
for (const path of this._entryPaths) {
let lines;
try {
const contents = await queueFileOperation(path, () =>
lines = decoder.decode(contents).split("\n");
} catch (aError) {
console.error('Error reading log file "' + path + '":\n' + aError);
let nextLine = lines.shift();
const filename = PathUtils.filename(path);
let data;
try {
// This will fail if either nextLine is undefined, or not valid JSON.
data = JSON.parse(nextLine);
} catch (aError) {
who: "sessionstart",
date: getDateFromFilename(filename)[0],
text: lazy.l10n.formatValueSync("bad-logfile", { filename }),
flags: ["noLog", "notification", "error", "system"],
if (firstFile || !data.continuedSession) {
who: "sessionstart",
date: getDateFromFilename(filename)[0],
text: "",
flags: ["noLog", "notification"],
if (firstFile) {
properties.startDate = new Date( * 1000; =;
properties.title = data.title;
properties._accountName = data.account;
properties._protocolName = data.protocol;
properties._isChat = data.isChat;
properties.normalizedName = data.normalizedName;
firstFile = false;
while (lines.length) {
nextLine = lines.shift();
if (!nextLine) {
try {
const message = JSON.parse(nextLine);
// Backwards compatibility for old action messages.
if (
!message.flags.includes("action") &&
message.text?.startsWith("/me ")
) {
message.text = message.text.slice(4);
if (message.remoteId) {
lastRemoteIdIndex[message.remoteId] = messages.length;
} catch (e) {
// If a message line contains junk, just ignore the error and
// continue reading the conversation.
if (firstFile) {
// All selected log files are invalid.
return null;
// Ignore older versions of edited messages and deleted messages.
messages = messages.filter((message, index) => {
if (
message.remoteId &&
lastRemoteIdIndex.hasOwnProperty(message.remoteId) &&
index < lastRemoteIdIndex[message.remoteId]
) {
return false;
return !message.flags.includes("deleted");
return new LogConversation(messages, properties);
* logsGroupedByDay() organizes log entries by date.
* @param {string[]} aEntries - paths of log files to be parsed.
* @returns {Log[]} Logs, ordered by day.
function logsGroupedByDay(aEntries) {
if (!Array.isArray(aEntries)) {
return [];
const entries = {};
for (const path of aEntries) {
const [logDate, logFormat] = getDateFromFilename(PathUtils.filename(path));
if (!logDate) {
// We'll skip this one, since it's got a busted filename.
const dateForID = new Date(logDate);
// If the file isn't a JSON file, ignore it.
if (logFormat != "json") {
// We want to cluster all of the logs that occur on the same day
// into the same Arrays. We clone the date for the log, reset it to
// the 0th hour/minute/second, and use that to construct an ID for the
// Array we'll put the log in.
const dayID = dateForID.toISOString();
if (!(dayID in entries)) {
entries[dayID] = [];
time: logDate,
const days = Object.keys(entries);
return => new Log(entries[dayID]));
* @implements {nsIObserver}
export class Logger {
QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIObserver"]);
constructor() {
"Chat logger: writing all pending messages",
async function () {
for (const promise of gFilePromises.values()) {
try {
await promise;
} catch (aError) {
// Ignore the error, whatever queued the operation will take care of it.
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "new-text");
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "conversation-closed");
Services.obs.addObserver(this, "conversation-left-chat");
* Returned Promise resolves to an array of entries for the
* log folder if it exists, otherwise null.
* @returns {Promise<string[]>}
async _getLogEntries(aAccount, aNormalizedName) {
let path;
try {
path = PathUtils.join(
if (await queueFileOperation(path, () => IOUtils.exists(path))) {
return await IOUtils.getChildren(path);
} catch (aError) {
'Error getting directory entries for "' + path + '":\n' + aError
return [];
* @param {string} aFilePath
* @param {boolean} [aGroupByDay]
* @returns {Promise<Log>}
async getLogFromFile(aFilePath, aGroupByDay) {
if (!aGroupByDay) {
return new Log(aFilePath);
let [targetDate] = getDateFromFilename(PathUtils.filename(aFilePath));
if (!targetDate) {
return null;
targetDate = targetDate.toDateString();
// We'll assume that the files relevant to our interests are
// in the same folder as the one provided.
const relevantEntries = [];
for (const path of await IOUtils.getChildren(PathUtils.parent(aFilePath))) {
const stat = await IOUtils.stat(path);
if (stat.type === "directory") {
const [logTime] = getDateFromFilename(PathUtils.filename(path));
// If someone placed a 'foreign' file into the logs directory,
// pattern matching fails and getDateFromFilename() returns [].
if (logTime && targetDate == logTime.toDateString()) {
time: logTime,
return new Log(relevantEntries);
* Returns a promise that resolves to the log file paths if a log writer
* exists for the conversation, or null otherwise. The promise resolves
* after any pending I/O operations on the files complete.
* @param {prplIConversation} aConversation
* @returns {Promise<string[]>}
async getLogPathsForConversation(aConversation) {
const writer = gLogWritersById.get(;
// Resolve to null if we haven't created a LogWriter yet for this conv, or
// if logging is disabled (paths will be null).
if (!writer || !writer.paths) {
return null;
const paths = writer.paths;
// Wait for any pending file operations to finish, then resolve to the paths
// regardless of whether these operations succeeded.
for (const path of paths) {
await gFilePromises.get(path);
return paths;
* Get logs for a contact.
* @param {imIContact} aContact
* @returns {Promise<Log[]}
async getLogsForContact(aContact) {
let entries = [];
for (const buddy of aContact.getBuddies()) {
for (const accountBuddy of buddy.getAccountBuddies()) {
entries = entries.concat(
await this._getLogEntries(
return logsGroupedByDay(entries);
* Get logs for a conversation.
* @param {prplIConversation} aConversation
* @returns {Promise<Log[]>}
getLogsForConversation(aConversation) {
let name = aConversation.normalizedName;
if (aConversation.isChat) {
name += ".chat";
return this._getLogEntries(aConversation.account, name).then(entries =>
* GetLogs that are from the same conversation.
* @param {Log} log
* @returns {Promise<Log[]>}
async getSimilarLogs(log) {
let entries;
try {
entries = await IOUtils.getChildren(PathUtils.parent(log.path));
} catch (aError) {
'Error getting similar logs for "' + log.path + '":\n' + aError
// If there was an error, this will return an empty array.
return logsGroupedByDay(entries);
* Returns the folder storing all logs for aAccount.
* @param {imIAccount} aAccount
* @returns {string}
getLogFolderPathForAccount(aAccount) {
return getLogFolderPathForAccount(aAccount);
* Removes the folder storing all logs for aAccount.
* Be sure the account is disconnected before using this.
* @param {imIAccount} aAccount - Account to remove the logs of.
deleteLogFolderForAccount(aAccount) {
if (!aAccount.disconnecting && !aAccount.disconnected) {
throw new Error(
"Account must be disconnected first before deleting logs."
if (aAccount.disconnecting) {
"Account is still disconnecting while we attempt to remove logs."
const logPath = this.getLogFolderPathForAccount(aAccount);
// Find all operations on files inside the log folder.
const pendingPromises = [];
function checkLogFiles(promiseOperation, filePath) {
if (filePath.startsWith(logPath)) {
// After all operations finish, remove the whole log folder.
return Promise.all(pendingPromises)
.then(() => {
IOUtils.remove(logPath, { recursive: true });
.catch(aError =>
console.error("Failed to remove log folders:\n" + aError)
* Asynchronously iterates through log folders for all prpls and accounts and
* invokes the callback on every log file. Returns a promise that resolves when
* iteration is complete. If the callback returns a promise, iteration pauses
* until the promise resolves. If the callback throws (or rejects), iteration
* will stop and the returned promise will reject with the same error.
* @param {{processLog(string): Promise}} aCallback - The callback can return
* a promise. If it does, then it will not be called on the next log until
* this promise resolves. If it throws (or rejects), iteration will stop.
async forEach(aCallback) {
const getAllSubdirs = async function (aPaths, aErrorMsg) {
let entries = [];
for (const path of aPaths) {
try {
entries = entries.concat(await IOUtils.getChildren(path));
} catch (aError) {
if (aErrorMsg) {
console.error(aErrorMsg + "\n" + aError);
const filteredPaths = [];
for (const path of entries) {
const stat = await IOUtils.stat(path);
if (stat.type === "directory") {
return filteredPaths;
const logsPath = PathUtils.join(
Services.dirsvc.get("ProfD", Ci.nsIFile).path,
const prpls = await getAllSubdirs([logsPath]);
const accounts = await getAllSubdirs(
"Error while sweeping prpl folder:"
const logFolders = await getAllSubdirs(
"Error while sweeping account folder:"
for (const folder of logFolders) {
try {
for (const path of await IOUtils.getChildren(folder)) {
const stat = await IOUtils.stat(path);
if (stat.type === "directory" || !path.endsWith(".json")) {
await aCallback.processLog(path);
} catch (aError) {
// If the callback threw, reject the promise and let the caller handle it.
if (!DOMException.isInstance(aError)) {
throw aError;
console.error("Error sweeping log folder:\n" + aError);
observe(aSubject, aTopic) {
switch (aTopic) {
case "new-text": {
let excludeBecauseEncrypted = false;
if (aSubject.isEncrypted) {
excludeBecauseEncrypted = !Services.prefs.getBoolPref(
"messenger.account." + +
if (!aSubject.noLog && !excludeBecauseEncrypted) {
const log = getLogWriter(aSubject.conversation);
case "conversation-closed":
case "conversation-left-chat":
throw new Error("Unexpected notification " + aTopic);
export const logs = new Logger();