Name Description Size
ausReadStrings.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 914
backgroundUpdateTaskInternalUpdater.js This test ensures that we don't resume an update download with the internal downloader when we are running background updates. Normally, the background update task won't even run if we can't use BITS. But it is possible for us to fall back from BITS to the internal downloader. Background update should prevent this fallback and just abort. But interactive Firefox allows that fallback. And once the internal download has started, the background update task must leave that download untouched and allow it to finish. 3011
canCheckForAndCanApplyUpdates.js 2145
cleanupDownloadingForDifferentChannel.js 1789
cleanupDownloadingForOlderAppVersion.js 1767
cleanupDownloadingForSameVersionAndBuildID.js 1836
cleanupDownloadingIncorrectStatus.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1640
cleanupPendingVersionFileIncorrectStatus.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 1792
cleanupSuccessLogMove.js 2885
cleanupSuccessLogsFIFO.js Creates the specified log files and makes sure that they are rotated properly when we successfully update and cleanup the old update files. We test various starting combinations of logs because we want to make sure that, for example, when "update.log" exists but "update-elevated.log" does not, that we still move "last-update-elevated.log" to "backup-update-elevated.log". Allowing the files to be mismatched makes them much less useful. When running this, either `createUpdateLog` or `createUpdateElevatedLog` should be `true` because otherwise it doesn't make sense that an update just ran successfully. @param createUpdateLog If `true`, "update.log" will be created at the start of the test. @param createLastUpdateLog If `true`, "last-update.log" will be created at the start of the test. @param createBackupUpdateLog If `true`, "backup-update.log" will be created at the start of the test. @param createUpdateElevatedLog If `true`, "update-elevated.log" will be created at the start of the test. @param createLastUpdateElevatedLog If `true`, "last-update-elevated.log" will be created at the start of the test. @param createBackupUpdateElevatedLog If `true`, "backup-update-elevated.log" will be created at the start of the test. 7598
disableBackgroundUpdatesBackgroundTask.js This test verifies that when Balrog advertises that an update should not be downloaded in the background, it is not. 1438
disableBackgroundUpdatesNonBackgroundTask.js This test verifies that when Balrog advertises that an update should not be downloaded in the background, but we are not running in the background, the advertisement does not have any effect. 1174
downloadInterruptedNoRecovery.js 1004
downloadInterruptedOffline.js 835
downloadInterruptedRecovery.js 1095
downloadResumeForSameAppVersion.js 1234
ensureExperimentToRolloutTransitionPerformed.js 3807
head_update.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 225
languagePackUpdates.js Checks for updates and waits for the update to download. 8394
multiUpdate.js This tests the multiple update downloads per Firefox session feature. This test does some unusual things, compared to the other files in this directory. We want to start the updates with aus.checkForBackgroundUpdates() to ensure that we test the whole flow. Other tests start update with things like aus.downloadUpdate(), but that bypasses some of the exact checks that we are trying to test as part of the multiupdate flow. In order to accomplish all this, we will be using app_update.sjs to serve updates XMLs and MARs. Outside of this test, this is really only done by browser-chrome mochitests (in ../browser). So we have to do some weird things to make it work properly in an xpcshell test. Things like defining URL_HTTP_UPDATE_SJS in testConstants.js so that it can be read by app_update.sjs in order to provide the correct download URL for MARs, but not reading that file here, because URL_HTTP_UPDATE_SJS is already defined (as something else) in xpcshellUtilsAUS.js. 13537
onlyDownloadUpdatesThisSession.js Checks for updates and makes sure that the update process does not proceed beyond the downloading stage. 2086
perInstallationPrefs.js 8880
remoteUpdateXML.js 9983
testConstants.js eslint-disable no-unused-vars 362
updateAutoPrefMigrate.js 2525
updateCheckCombine.js This test checks that multiple foreground update checks are combined into a single web request. 1253
updateDirectoryMigrate.js Gets the root directory for the old (unmigrated) updates directory. @return nsIFile for the updates root directory. 7905
updateEnabledTelemetry.js This test ensures that packaged installations don't send an `update.enabled` value of `true` in the telemetry environment. 1216
updateManagerXML.js 15445
updateSyncManager.js Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. 3551
urlConstruction.js Application Update URL Construction Tests 912
xpcshell.toml 2210