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prefs: [accessibility.ARIAElementReflection.enabled:true]
[Element interface: attribute ariaControlsElements]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: attribute ariaDescribedByElements]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: attribute ariaDetailsElements]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: attribute ariaFlowToElements]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: attribute ariaLabelledByElements]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: attribute ariaOwnsElements]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaControlsElements" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaDescribedByElements" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaDetailsElements" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaFlowToElements" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaLabelledByElements" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaOwnsElements" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: attribute ariaErrorMessageElements]
expected: FAIL
[Element interface: element must inherit property "ariaErrorMessageElements" with the proper type]
expected: FAIL