Name Description Size
bigint.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: typeof BigInt literal and BigInt object info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Return a String according to Table 35. #table-35 BigInt "bigint" Object(BigInt()) "object" features: [BigInt] --- 1016
boolean.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: typeof Boolean literal info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Return a String according to Table 35. #table-35 Boolean "boolean" --- 573
browser.js 0
built-in-exotic-objects-no-call.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: typeof Object (standard exotic and does not implement [[Call]]) === "object" info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Return a String according to Table 35. #table-35 Object (standard exotic and does not implement [[Call]]) "object" --- 1347
built-in-functions.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: typeof Object (implements [[Call]]) === "function" info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Return a String according to Table 35. #table-35 Object (implements [[Call]]) "function" --- 735
built-in-ordinary-objects-no-call.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: typeof Object (ordinary and does not implement [[Call]]) === "object" info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Return a String according to Table 35. #table-35 Object (ordinary and does not implement [[Call]]) "object" --- 660
get-value-ref-err.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Operator "typeof" uses GetValue info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Set val to ? GetValue(val). ... GetValue ( V ): ... If IsUnresolvableReference(V) is true, throw a ReferenceError exception. --- 547
get-value.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: Operator "typeof" uses GetValue info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Set val to ? GetValue(val). ... --- 693
native-call.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: typeof Object (implements [[Call]]) === "function" info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Return a String according to Table 35. #table-35 Object (implements [[Call]]) "function" --- 1322
null.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: typeof Object (implements [[Call]]) === "function" info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Return a String according to Table 35. #table-35 Null "object" --- 624
number.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: typeof Number literal info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Return a String according to Table 35. #table-35 Number "number" --- 811
proxy.js --- description: | The typeof operator on an proxy should match the typeof value the proxy wraps, even if the proxy is later revoked. esid: sec-typeof-operator info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Return a String according to Table 35. #table-35 Object (does not implement [[Call]]) "object" Object (implements [[Call]]) "function" ProxyCreate ( target, handler ) ... 7. If IsCallable(target) is true, then a. Set P.[[Call]] as specified in 9.5.12. ... features: [Proxy] --- 1042
shell.js 0
string.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: typeof String literal info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Return a String according to Table 35. #table-35 String "string" --- 889
symbol.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: typeof Symbol() and Object(Symbol) info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Return a String according to Table 35. #table-35 Symbol "symbol" Object(Symbol()) "object" features: [Symbol] --- 859
syntax.js --- info: | White Space and Line Terminator between "typeof" and UnaryExpression are allowed es5id: 11.4.3_A1 es6id: description: Checking by using eval --- 1756
undefined.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: typeof undefined and void 0 info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... Return a String according to Table 35. #table-35 Undefined "undefined" --- 598
unresolvable-reference.js --- esid: sec-typeof-operator-runtime-semantics-evaluation description: If IsUnresolvableReference(val) is true, return "undefined". info: | The typeof Operator Runtime Semantics: Evaluation ... If Type(val) is Reference, then If IsUnresolvableReference(val) is true, return "undefined". ... --- 558