Name Description Size --- esid: sec-undefined description: > Global.undefined is a data property with default attribute values (false) --- 535 --- esid: sec-undefined description: undefined is not writable, should not throw in non-strict mode flags: [noStrict] --- 453 --- esid: sec-undefined description: undefined is not writable, should throw TypeError in strict mode flags: [onlyStrict] --- 518 --- esid: sec-undefined description: > undefined is not writable, simple assignment should return the rval value (11.13.1-6) flags: [noStrict] --- 403
browser.js 0
prop-desc.js --- esid: sec-undefined description: Property descriptor of undefined info: | This property has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: false }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] --- 474
S15.1.1.3_A1.js --- info: The initial value of undefined is undefined esid: sec-undefined description: Use typeof, isNaN, isFinite --- 686
S15.1.1.3_A3_T2.js --- info: The undefined is DontDelete esid: sec-undefined description: Use delete flags: [noStrict] --- 402
S15.1.1.3_A4.js --- info: The undefined is DontEnum esid: sec-undefined description: Use for-in statement --- 387
shell.js 0