Name Description Size
browser.js 0
consecutive-yields.js --- es6id: 25.2 description: > When a generator body contains two consecutive yield statements, it should produce an iterable that visits each yielded value and then completes. features: [generators] --- 898
context-method-invocation.js --- es6id: 25.2 description: > When a generator function is invoked as a method of an object, its context is that object. features: [generators] --- 461
from-state-executing.js --- esid: sec-generatorvalidate description: > A TypeError should be thrown if the generator is resumed while in the "executing" state and the generator should be marked as "completed" info: | GeneratorStart [...] 4. Set the code evaluation state of genContext such that when evaluation is resumed for that execution context the following steps will be performed: a. Let result be the result of evaluating generatorBody. b. Assert: If we return here, the generator either threw an exception or performed either an implicit or explicit return. c. Remove genContext from the execution context stack and restore the execution context that is at the top of the execution context stack as the running execution context. d. Set generator.[[GeneratorState]] to "completed". [...] GeneratorResume 1. Let state be ? GeneratorValidate(generator). GeneratorValidate 1. If Type(generator) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. 2. If generator does not have a [[GeneratorState]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception. 3. Assert: generator also has a [[GeneratorContext]] internal slot. 4. Let state be generator.[[GeneratorState]]. 5. If state is "executing", throw a TypeError exception. features: [generators] --- 2404
length.js --- es6id: description: > is 1. info: | ( value ) 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Every built-in Function object, including constructors, has a length property whose value is an integer. Unless otherwise specified, this value is equal to the largest number of named arguments shown in the subclause headings for the function description, including optional parameters. However, rest parameters shown using the form “” are not included in the default argument count. Unless otherwise specified, the length property of a built-in Function object has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [generators] --- 1188
lone-return.js --- es6id: 25.2 description: > When a generator body contains a lone return statement, it should produce an iterator that immediately completes with the returned value. features: [generators] --- 562
lone-yield.js --- es6id: 25.2 description: > When a generator body contains a lone yield statement, it should produce an iterable that visits the yielded value and then completes. features: [generators] --- 728
name.js --- es6id: description: > is "next". info: | ( value ) 17 ECMAScript Standard Built-in Objects: Every built-in Function object, including constructors, that is not identified as an anonymous function has a name property whose value is a String. Unless otherwise specified, the name property of a built-in Function object, if it exists, has the attributes { [[Writable]]: false, [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. includes: [propertyHelper.js] features: [generators] --- 949
no-control-flow.js --- es6id: 25.2 description: > When a generator body contains no control flow statements, it should produce an iterator that is initially completed with `undefined` as its value. features: [generators] --- 741
not-a-constructor.js --- esid: sec-ecmascript-standard-built-in-objects description: > Object.getPrototypeOf((function* g() {}).prototype).next does not implement [[Construct]], is not new-able info: | ECMAScript Function Objects Built-in function objects that are not identified as constructors do not implement the [[Construct]] internal method unless otherwise specified in the description of a particular function. sec-evaluatenew ... 7. If IsConstructor(constructor) is false, throw a TypeError exception. ... includes: [isConstructor.js] features: [Reflect.construct, generators, arrow-function] --- 1060
property-descriptor.js --- description: > The GeneratorPrototype intrinsic should define a `next` property that is non-enumerable, writable, and configurable (as per section 17). includes: [propertyHelper.js] es6id: 25.3.1 features: [generators] --- 621
result-prototype.js --- es6id: 25.2 description: > The `next` method returns an object that has "own" properties `value` and `done` and that inherits directly from the Object prototype. features: [generators] --- 668
return-yield-expr.js --- es6id: 25.2 description: > Yield expressions are valid yield expression operands. features: [generators] --- 642
shell.js --- description: | Test if a given function is a constructor function. defines: [isConstructor] features: [Reflect.construct] --- 596
this-val-not-generator.js --- esid: description: > A TypeError should be thrown from GeneratorValidate ( if the context of `next` does not define the [[GeneratorState]] internal slot. info: | 1. Let g be the this value. 2. Return GeneratorResume(g, value). GeneratorResume 1. Let state be ? GeneratorValidate(generator). GeneratorValidate [...] 2. If generator does not have a [[GeneratorState]] internal slot, throw a TypeError exception. features: [generators] --- 1873
this-val-not-object.js --- esid: description: > A TypeError should be thrown from GeneratorValidate ( if the "this" value of `next` is not an object. info: | 1. Let g be the this value. 2. Return GeneratorResume(g, value). GeneratorResume 1. Let state be ? GeneratorValidate(generator). GeneratorValidate 1. If Type(generator) is not Object, throw a TypeError exception. features: [generators, Symbol] --- 2157