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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#include "jit/BaselineDebugModeOSR.h"
#include "jit/BaselineFrame.h"
#include "jit/BaselineIC.h"
#include "jit/BaselineJIT.h"
#include "jit/Invalidation.h"
#include "jit/IonScript.h"
#include "jit/JitFrames.h"
#include "jit/JitRuntime.h"
#include "jit/JSJitFrameIter.h"
#include "jit/JitScript-inl.h"
#include "jit/JSJitFrameIter-inl.h"
#include "vm/JSScript-inl.h"
#include "vm/Realm-inl.h"
using namespace js;
using namespace js::jit;
struct DebugModeOSREntry {
JSScript* script;
BaselineScript* oldBaselineScript;
uint32_t pcOffset;
RetAddrEntry::Kind frameKind;
explicit DebugModeOSREntry(JSScript* script)
: script(script),
frameKind(RetAddrEntry::Kind::Invalid) {}
DebugModeOSREntry(JSScript* script, const RetAddrEntry& retAddrEntry)
: script(script),
frameKind(retAddrEntry.kind()) {
#ifdef DEBUG
MOZ_ASSERT(pcOffset == retAddrEntry.pcOffset());
MOZ_ASSERT(frameKind == retAddrEntry.kind());
DebugModeOSREntry(DebugModeOSREntry&& other)
: script(other.script),
frameKind(other.frameKind) {}
bool recompiled() const {
return oldBaselineScript != script->baselineScript();
using DebugModeOSREntryVector = Vector<DebugModeOSREntry>;
class UniqueScriptOSREntryIter {
const DebugModeOSREntryVector& entries_;
size_t index_;
explicit UniqueScriptOSREntryIter(const DebugModeOSREntryVector& entries)
: entries_(entries), index_(0) {}
bool done() { return index_ == entries_.length(); }
const DebugModeOSREntry& entry() {
return entries_[index_];
UniqueScriptOSREntryIter& operator++() {
while (++index_ < entries_.length()) {
bool unique = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < index_; i++) {
if (entries_[i].script == entries_[index_].script) {
unique = false;
if (unique) {
return *this;
static bool CollectJitStackScripts(JSContext* cx,
const DebugAPI::ExecutionObservableSet& obs,
const ActivationIterator& activation,
DebugModeOSREntryVector& entries) {
for (OnlyJSJitFrameIter iter(activation); !iter.done(); ++iter) {
const JSJitFrameIter& frame = iter.frame();
switch (frame.type()) {
case FrameType::BaselineJS: {
JSScript* script = frame.script();
if (!obs.shouldRecompileOrInvalidate(script)) {
BaselineFrame* baselineFrame = frame.baselineFrame();
if (baselineFrame->runningInInterpreter()) {
// Baseline Interpreter frames for scripts that have a BaselineScript
// or IonScript don't need to be patched but they do need to be
// invalidated and recompiled. See also CollectInterpreterStackScripts
// for C++ interpreter frames.
if (!entries.append(DebugModeOSREntry(script))) {
return false;
} else {
// The frame must be settled on a pc with a RetAddrEntry.
uint8_t* retAddr = frame.resumePCinCurrentFrame();
const RetAddrEntry& retAddrEntry =
if (!entries.append(DebugModeOSREntry(script, retAddrEntry))) {
return false;
case FrameType::BaselineStub:
case FrameType::IonJS: {
InlineFrameIterator inlineIter(cx, &frame);
while (true) {
if (obs.shouldRecompileOrInvalidate(inlineIter.script())) {
if (!entries.append(DebugModeOSREntry(inlineIter.script()))) {
return false;
if (!inlineIter.more()) {
return true;
static bool CollectInterpreterStackScripts(
JSContext* cx, const DebugAPI::ExecutionObservableSet& obs,
const ActivationIterator& activation, DebugModeOSREntryVector& entries) {
// Collect interpreter frame stacks with IonScript or BaselineScript as
// well. These do not need to be patched, but do need to be invalidated
// and recompiled.
InterpreterActivation* act = activation.activation()->asInterpreter();
for (InterpreterFrameIterator iter(act); !iter.done(); ++iter) {
JSScript* script = iter.frame()->script();
if (obs.shouldRecompileOrInvalidate(script)) {
if (!entries.append(DebugModeOSREntry(iter.frame()->script()))) {
return false;
return true;
static const char* RetAddrEntryKindToString(RetAddrEntry::Kind kind) {
switch (kind) {
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::IC:
return "IC";
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::CallVM:
return "callVM";
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::StackCheck:
return "stack check";
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::InterruptCheck:
return "interrupt check";
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugTrap:
return "debug trap";
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugPrologue:
return "debug prologue";
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugAfterYield:
return "debug after yield";
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugEpilogue:
return "debug epilogue";
MOZ_CRASH("bad RetAddrEntry kind");
#endif // JS_JITSPEW
static void SpewPatchBaselineFrame(const uint8_t* oldReturnAddress,
const uint8_t* newReturnAddress,
JSScript* script,
RetAddrEntry::Kind frameKind,
const jsbytecode* pc) {
"Patch return %p -> %p on BaselineJS frame (%s:%u:%u) from %s at %s",
oldReturnAddress, newReturnAddress, script->filename(),
script->lineno(), script->column().oneOriginValue(),
RetAddrEntryKindToString(frameKind), CodeName(JSOp(*pc)));
static void PatchBaselineFramesForDebugMode(
JSContext* cx, const DebugAPI::ExecutionObservableSet& obs,
const ActivationIterator& activation, DebugModeOSREntryVector& entries,
size_t* start) {
// Recompile Patching Overview
// When toggling debug mode with live baseline scripts on the stack, we
// could have entered the VM via the following ways from the baseline
// script.
// Off to On:
// A. From a non-prologue IC (fallback stub or "can call" stub).
// B. From a VM call.
// C. From inside the interrupt handler via the prologue stack check.
// On to Off:
// - All the ways above.
// D. From the debug trap handler.
// E. From the debug prologue.
// F. From the debug epilogue.
// G. From a JSOp::AfterYield instruction.
// In general, we patch the return address from VM calls and ICs to the
// corresponding entry in the recompiled BaselineScript. For entries that are
// not present in the recompiled script (cases D to G above) we switch the
// frame to interpreter mode and resume in the Baseline Interpreter.
// Specifics on what needs to be done are documented below.
const BaselineInterpreter& baselineInterp =
CommonFrameLayout* prev = nullptr;
size_t entryIndex = *start;
for (OnlyJSJitFrameIter iter(activation); !iter.done(); ++iter) {
const JSJitFrameIter& frame = iter.frame();
switch (frame.type()) {
case FrameType::BaselineJS: {
// If the script wasn't recompiled or is not observed, there's
// nothing to patch.
if (!obs.shouldRecompileOrInvalidate(frame.script())) {
DebugModeOSREntry& entry = entries[entryIndex];
if (!entry.recompiled()) {
BaselineFrame* baselineFrame = frame.baselineFrame();
if (baselineFrame->runningInInterpreter()) {
// We recompiled the script's BaselineScript but Baseline Interpreter
// frames don't need to be patched.
JSScript* script = entry.script;
uint32_t pcOffset = entry.pcOffset;
jsbytecode* pc = script->offsetToPC(pcOffset);
MOZ_ASSERT(script == frame.script());
MOZ_ASSERT(pcOffset < script->length());
BaselineScript* bl = script->baselineScript();
RetAddrEntry::Kind kind = entry.frameKind;
uint8_t* retAddr = nullptr;
switch (kind) {
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::IC:
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::CallVM:
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::InterruptCheck:
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::StackCheck: {
// Cases A, B, C above.
// For the baseline frame here, we resume right after the CallVM or
// IC returns.
// For CallVM (case B) the assumption is that all callVMs which can
// trigger debug mode OSR are the *only* callVMs generated for their
// respective pc locations in the Baseline JIT code.
const RetAddrEntry* retAddrEntry = nullptr;
switch (kind) {
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::IC:
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::CallVM:
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::InterruptCheck:
retAddrEntry = &bl->retAddrEntryFromPCOffset(pcOffset, kind);
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::StackCheck:
retAddrEntry = &bl->prologueRetAddrEntry(kind);
MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected kind");
retAddr = bl->returnAddressForEntry(*retAddrEntry);
SpewPatchBaselineFrame(prev->returnAddress(), retAddr, script, kind,
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugPrologue:
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugEpilogue:
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugTrap:
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugAfterYield: {
// Cases D, E, F, G above.
// Resume in the Baseline Interpreter because these callVMs are not
// present in the new BaselineScript if we recompiled without debug
// instrumentation.
if (kind == RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugPrologue) {
} else {
frame.baselineFrame()->switchFromJitToInterpreter(cx, pc);
switch (kind) {
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugTrap:
// DebugTrap handling is different from the ones below because
// it's not a callVM but a trampoline call at the start of the
// bytecode op. When we return to the frame we can resume at the
// interpretOp label.
retAddr = baselineInterp.interpretOpAddr().value;
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugPrologue:
retAddr = baselineInterp.retAddrForDebugPrologueCallVM();
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugEpilogue:
retAddr = baselineInterp.retAddrForDebugEpilogueCallVM();
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugAfterYield:
retAddr = baselineInterp.retAddrForDebugAfterYieldCallVM();
MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected kind");
SpewPatchBaselineFrame(prev->returnAddress(), retAddr, script, kind,
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::NonOpCallVM:
case RetAddrEntry::Kind::Invalid:
// These cannot trigger BaselineDebugModeOSR.
MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected RetAddrEntry Kind");
case FrameType::IonJS: {
// Nothing to patch.
InlineFrameIterator inlineIter(cx, &frame);
while (true) {
if (obs.shouldRecompileOrInvalidate(inlineIter.script())) {
if (!inlineIter.more()) {
prev = frame.current();
*start = entryIndex;
static void SkipInterpreterFrameEntries(
const DebugAPI::ExecutionObservableSet& obs,
const ActivationIterator& activation, size_t* start) {
size_t entryIndex = *start;
// Skip interpreter frames, which do not need patching.
InterpreterActivation* act = activation.activation()->asInterpreter();
for (InterpreterFrameIterator iter(act); !iter.done(); ++iter) {
if (obs.shouldRecompileOrInvalidate(iter.frame()->script())) {
*start = entryIndex;
static bool RecompileBaselineScriptForDebugMode(
JSContext* cx, JSScript* script, DebugAPI::IsObserving observing) {
// If a script is on the stack multiple times, it may have already
// been recompiled.
if (script->baselineScript()->hasDebugInstrumentation() == observing) {
return true;
JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineDebugModeOSR, "Recompiling (%s:%u:%u) for %s",
script->filename(), script->lineno(),
AutoKeepJitScripts keepJitScripts(cx);
BaselineScript* oldBaselineScript =
script->jitScript()->clearBaselineScript(cx->gcContext(), script);
MethodStatus status =
BaselineCompile(cx, script, /* forceDebugMode = */ observing);
if (status != Method_Compiled) {
// We will only fail to recompile for debug mode due to OOM. Restore
// the old baseline script in case something doesn't properly
// propagate OOM.
MOZ_ASSERT(status == Method_Error);
script->jitScript()->setBaselineScript(script, oldBaselineScript);
return false;
// Don't destroy the old baseline script yet, since if we fail any of the
// recompiles we need to rollback all the old baseline scripts.
MOZ_ASSERT(script->baselineScript()->hasDebugInstrumentation() == observing);
return true;
static bool InvalidateScriptsInZone(JSContext* cx, Zone* zone,
const Vector<DebugModeOSREntry>& entries) {
RecompileInfoVector invalid;
for (UniqueScriptOSREntryIter iter(entries); !iter.done(); ++iter) {
JSScript* script = iter.entry().script;
if (script->zone() != zone) {
if (script->hasIonScript()) {
if (!invalid.emplaceBack(script, script->ionScript()->compilationId())) {
return false;
// Cancel off-thread Ion compile for anything that has a
// BaselineScript. If we relied on the call to Invalidate below to
// cancel off-thread Ion compiles, only those with existing IonScripts
// would be cancelled.
if (script->hasBaselineScript()) {
// No need to cancel off-thread Ion compiles again, we already did it
// above.
Invalidate(cx, invalid,
/* resetUses = */ true, /* cancelOffThread = */ false);
return true;
static void UndoRecompileBaselineScriptsForDebugMode(
JSContext* cx, const DebugModeOSREntryVector& entries) {
// In case of failure, roll back the entire set of active scripts so that
// we don't have to patch return addresses on the stack.
for (UniqueScriptOSREntryIter iter(entries); !iter.done(); ++iter) {
const DebugModeOSREntry& entry = iter.entry();
JSScript* script = entry.script;
if (entry.recompiled()) {
BaselineScript* baselineScript =
script->jitScript()->clearBaselineScript(cx->gcContext(), script);
script->jitScript()->setBaselineScript(script, entry.oldBaselineScript);
BaselineScript::Destroy(cx->gcContext(), baselineScript);
bool jit::RecompileOnStackBaselineScriptsForDebugMode(
JSContext* cx, const DebugAPI::ExecutionObservableSet& obs,
DebugAPI::IsObserving observing) {
// First recompile the active scripts on the stack and patch the live
// frames.
Vector<DebugModeOSREntry> entries(cx);
for (ActivationIterator iter(cx); !iter.done(); ++iter) {
if (iter->isJit()) {
if (!CollectJitStackScripts(cx, obs, iter, entries)) {
return false;
} else if (iter->isInterpreter()) {
if (!CollectInterpreterStackScripts(cx, obs, iter, entries)) {
return false;
if (entries.empty()) {
return true;
// When the profiler is enabled, we need to have suppressed sampling,
// since the basline jit scripts are in a state of flux.
// Invalidate all scripts we are recompiling.
if (Zone* zone = obs.singleZone()) {
if (!InvalidateScriptsInZone(cx, zone, entries)) {
return false;
} else {
using ZoneRange = DebugAPI::ExecutionObservableSet::ZoneRange;
for (ZoneRange r = obs.zones()->all(); !r.empty(); r.popFront()) {
if (!InvalidateScriptsInZone(cx, r.front(), entries)) {
return false;
// Try to recompile all the scripts. If we encounter an error, we need to
// roll back as if none of the compilations happened, so that we don't
// crash.
for (size_t i = 0; i < entries.length(); i++) {
JSScript* script = entries[i].script;
AutoRealm ar(cx, script);
if (!RecompileBaselineScriptForDebugMode(cx, script, observing)) {
UndoRecompileBaselineScriptsForDebugMode(cx, entries);
return false;
// If all recompiles succeeded, destroy the old baseline scripts and patch
// the live frames.
// After this point the function must be infallible.
for (UniqueScriptOSREntryIter iter(entries); !iter.done(); ++iter) {
const DebugModeOSREntry& entry = iter.entry();
if (entry.recompiled()) {
BaselineScript::Destroy(cx->gcContext(), entry.oldBaselineScript);
size_t processed = 0;
for (ActivationIterator iter(cx); !iter.done(); ++iter) {
if (iter->isJit()) {
PatchBaselineFramesForDebugMode(cx, obs, iter, entries, &processed);
} else if (iter->isInterpreter()) {
SkipInterpreterFrameEntries(obs, iter, &processed);
MOZ_ASSERT(processed == entries.length());
return true;