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name = "wgpu_bindings"
version = "0.1.0"
authors = [
"Dzmitry Malyshau <>",
"Joshua Groves <>",
edition = "2018"
license = "MPL-2.0"
publish = false
default = []
package = "wgpu-core"
rev = "d5d683d3c491ec8cd2f5cdb43ac61e526cb7c231"
# TODO: remove the replay feature on the next update containing
features = ["serde", "replay", "trace", "strict_asserts", "wgsl", "api_log_info"]
# We want the wgpu-core Metal backend on macOS and iOS.
# (We should consider also enabling "vulkan" for Vulkan Portability.)
[target.'cfg(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios"))'.dependencies.wgc]
package = "wgpu-core"
rev = "d5d683d3c491ec8cd2f5cdb43ac61e526cb7c231"
features = ["metal"]
# We want the wgpu-core Direct3D backends on Windows.
package = "wgpu-core"
rev = "d5d683d3c491ec8cd2f5cdb43ac61e526cb7c231"
features = ["dx12"]
# We want the wgpu-core Vulkan backend on Linux and Windows.
[target.'cfg(any(windows, all(unix, not(any(target_os = "macos", target_os = "ios")))))'.dependencies.wgc]
package = "wgpu-core"
rev = "d5d683d3c491ec8cd2f5cdb43ac61e526cb7c231"
features = ["vulkan"]
package = "wgpu-types"
rev = "d5d683d3c491ec8cd2f5cdb43ac61e526cb7c231"
package = "wgpu-hal"
rev = "d5d683d3c491ec8cd2f5cdb43ac61e526cb7c231"
features = ["windows_rs", "oom_panic", "device_lost_panic", "internal_error_panic"]
rev = "d5d683d3c491ec8cd2f5cdb43ac61e526cb7c231"
winapi = "0.3"
bincode = "1"
log = "0.4"
parking_lot = "0.12"
serde = "1"
nsstring = { path = "../../xpcom/rust/nsstring" }
static_prefs = { path = "../../modules/libpref/init/static_prefs" }
arrayvec = "0.7"