Name Description Size
ActorsChild.cpp QuotaChild **************************************************************************** 10261
ActorsChild.h 3821
ActorsParent.cpp 265148
ActorsParent.h 667
Assertions.cpp 1210
Assertions.h 794
AssertionsImpl.h 1413
CachingDatabaseConnection.cpp 5701
CachingDatabaseConnection.h 7361
CanonicalQuotaObject.cpp aTruncate 9978
CanonicalQuotaObject.h aIsRemote 2418
CheckedUnsafePtr.h 20056
CipherKeyManager.h 3194
CipherStrategy.h 1426
Client.cpp 6683
Client.h 5612
ClientImpl.h 1134
ClientUsageArray.cpp 1605
ClientUsageArray.h 1004
CommonMetadata.h 3026
components.conf 869
Config.h 1047
Constants.h 1021
DebugOnlyMacro.h 586
DecryptingInputStream.cpp 3572
DecryptingInputStream.h 5851
DecryptingInputStream_impl.h 14765
DirectoryLock.h / 3238
DirectoryLockCategory.h 591
DirectoryLockImpl.cpp 12560
DirectoryLockImpl.h aExclusive 10018
DummyCipherStrategy.h 1746
EncryptedBlock.h 3592
EncryptingOutputStream.cpp 2033
EncryptingOutputStream.h 3850
EncryptingOutputStream_impl.h 8563
FileStreams.cpp aTruncate 6864
FileStreams.h 6204
FileUtils.cpp 1408
FileUtils.h 715
FirstInitializationAttempts.h 2448
FirstInitializationAttemptsImpl.h 1394
Flatten.h 3192
ForwardDecls.h 1584
GroupInfo.cpp 2705
GroupInfo.h 1992
GroupInfoPair.cpp 928
GroupInfoPair.h 2538
InitializationTypes.cpp 2041
InitializationTypes.h 2476
IPCQuotaObject.ipdlh 441
IPCStreamCipherStrategy.h 575 3481
NormalOriginOperationBase.cpp 1073
NormalOriginOperationBase.h 1677
nsIndexedDBProtocolHandler.cpp 1359
nsIndexedDBProtocolHandler.h 821
nsIQuotaCallbacks.idl 745
nsIQuotaManagerService.idl Asynchronously retrieves storage name and returns it as a plain string. If the dom.quotaManager.testing preference is not true the call will be a no-op. 14366
nsIQuotaRequests.idl 1404
nsIQuotaResults.idl 1957
NSSCipherStrategy.cpp 4837
NSSCipherStrategy.h 1824
OriginInfo.cpp 6115
OriginInfo.h In some special cases like the LocalStorage client where it's possible to create a Quota-using representation but not actually write any data, we want to be able to track quota for an origin without creating its origin directory or the per-client files until they are actually needed to store data. In those cases, the OriginInfo will be created by EnsureQuotaForOrigin and the resulting mDirectoryExists will be false until the origin actually needs to be created. It is possible for mUsage to be greater than zero while mDirectoryExists is false, representing a state where a client like LocalStorage has reserved quota for disk writes, but has not yet flushed the data to disk. 4223
OriginOperationBase.cpp 3611
OriginOperationBase.h 1871
OriginOperations.cpp 84904
OriginOperations.h 5174
OriginParser.cpp 11863
OriginParser.h 3187
OriginScope.h 9107
PersistenceType.cpp 7150
PersistenceType.h 2323
PQuota.ipdl 4000
PQuotaRequest.ipdl 1428
PQuotaUsageRequest.ipdl 984
PRemoteQuotaObject.ipdl 730
QMResult.cpp 670
QMResult.h Propagate the result. This is used by GenericErrorResult<QMResult> to create a propagated result. 1622
QuotaCommon.cpp aStart 22703
QuotaCommon.h 70660
QuotaManager.h For initialization of an origin where the directory already exists. This is used by EnsureTemporaryStorageIsInitializedInternal/InitializeRepository once it has tallied origin usage by calling each of the QuotaClient InitOrigin methods. 29104
QuotaManagerImpl.h 1418
QuotaManagerService.cpp 34449
QuotaManagerService.h mozilla_dom_quota_QuotaManagerService_h 2554
QuotaObject.cpp 2507
QuotaObject.h 2547
QuotaParent.cpp 22540
QuotaParent.h 4030
QuotaRequestBase.cpp 1050
QuotaRequestBase.h 1197
QuotaRequests.cpp 6331
QuotaRequests.h 2775
QuotaResults.cpp 4459
QuotaResults.h 1943
QuotaUsageRequestBase.cpp recursive 5528
QuotaUsageRequestBase.h 1863
RemoteQuotaObject.cpp aIsRemote 1623
RemoteQuotaObject.h 1385
RemoteQuotaObjectChild.cpp 1002
RemoteQuotaObjectChild.h 1084
RemoteQuotaObjectParent.cpp aTruncate 1995
RemoteQuotaObjectParent.h 1363
RemoteQuotaObjectParentTracker.h 1526
RemoveParen.h 900
ResolvableNormalOriginOp.h 1537
ResultExtensions.h 5012
SanitizationUtils.cpp 1146
SanitizationUtils.h 682
ScopedLogExtraInfo.cpp static 2665
ScopedLogExtraInfo.h 2475
SerializationHelpers.h 4876
StorageHelpers.cpp 2015
StorageHelpers.h This class provides a RAII wrap of attaching and detaching database in a given C++ scope. It is guaranteed that an attached database will be detached even if you have an exception or return early. @param aConnection The connection to attach a database to. @param aDatabaseFile The database file to attach. @param aSchemaName The schema-name. Can be any string literal which is supported by the underlying database. For more details about schema-name, see 1779
StorageManager.cpp 22234
StorageManager.h 1769
StorageOriginAttributes.cpp 2769
StorageOriginAttributes.h 2010
StreamUtils.cpp 2731
StreamUtils.h 1209
StringifyUtils.cpp static 1711
StringifyUtils.h 1848
UsageInfo.h 2599