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/* -*- tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
include protocol PBackgroundStarter;
include protocol PBrowser;
include protocol PClipboardReadRequest;
include protocol PClipboardWriteRequest;
include protocol PCompositorManager;
include protocol PContentPermissionRequest;
include protocol PCycleCollectWithLogs;
include protocol PDocumentChannel;
include protocol PExtensions;
include protocol PExternalHelperApp;
include protocol PHandlerService;
include protocol PHal;
include protocol PHeapSnapshotTempFileHelper;
include protocol PProcessHangMonitor;
include protocol PImageBridge;
include protocol PRemotePrintJob;
include protocol PMedia;
include protocol PNecko;
include protocol PStreamFilter;
include protocol PGMPContent;
include protocol PGMPService;
include protocol PGMP;
include protocol PSpeechSynthesis;
include protocol PTestShell;
include protocol PRemoteSpellcheckEngine;
include protocol PWebBrowserPersistDocument;
include protocol PWebrtcGlobal;
include protocol PWindowGlobal;
include protocol PURLClassifier;
include protocol PURLClassifierLocal;
include protocol PVRManager;
include protocol PRemoteDecoderManager;
include protocol PProfiler;
include protocol PScriptCache;
include protocol PSessionStorageObserver;
include protocol PBenchmarkStorage;
include DOMTypes;
include WindowGlobalTypes;
include IPCBlob;
include IPCStream;
include IPCTransferable;
include PPrintingTypes;
include PTabContext;
include ProtocolTypes;
include PBackgroundSharedTypes;
include PContentPermission;
include GraphicsMessages;
include MemoryReportTypes;
include ClientIPCTypes;
include HangTypes;
include PrefsTypes;
include NeckoChannelParams;
include PSMIPCTypes;
include LookAndFeelTypes;
#if defined(MOZ_SANDBOX) && defined(MOZ_DEBUG) && defined(ENABLE_TESTS)
include protocol PSandboxTesting;
include "ipc/MediaControlIPC.h";
include "mozilla/AntiTrackingIPCUtils.h";
include "mozilla/GfxMessageUtils.h";
include "mozilla/dom/BindingIPCUtils.h";
include "mozilla/dom/CSPMessageUtils.h";
include "mozilla/dom/DocShellMessageUtils.h";
include "mozilla/dom/FeaturePolicyUtils.h";
include "mozilla/dom/MediaSessionIPCUtils.h";
include "mozilla/dom/PageLoadEventUtils.h";
include "mozilla/dom/ReferrerInfoUtils.h";
include "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h";
include "mozilla/ipc/ByteBufUtils.h";
include "mozilla/ipc/TransportSecurityInfoUtils.h";
include "mozilla/ipc/URIUtils.h";
include "mozilla/net/NeckoMessageUtils.h";
include "mozilla/PermissionDelegateIPCUtils.h";
[RefCounted] using class nsIDOMGeoPosition from "nsGeoPositionIPCSerialiser.h";
[RefCounted] using class nsIAlertNotification from "mozilla/AlertNotificationIPCSerializer.h";
using struct ChromePackage from "mozilla/chrome/RegistryMessageUtils.h";
using struct SubstitutionMapping from "mozilla/chrome/RegistryMessageUtils.h";
using struct OverrideMapping from "mozilla/chrome/RegistryMessageUtils.h";
using base::ProcessId from "base/process.h";
using struct IPC::Permission from "mozilla/net/NeckoMessageUtils.h";
using mozilla::dom::NativeThreadId from "mozilla/dom/NativeThreadId.h";
using mozilla::hal::ProcessPriority from "mozilla/HalTypes.h";
using mozilla::gfx::IntSize from "mozilla/gfx/2D.h";
using mozilla::gfx::SurfaceFormat from "mozilla/gfx/Types.h";
using mozilla::dom::TabId from "mozilla/dom/ipc/IdType.h";
using mozilla::dom::ContentParentId from "mozilla/dom/ipc/IdType.h";
using mozilla::EventMessage from "mozilla/EventForwards.h";
using mozilla::LayoutDeviceIntPoint from "Units.h";
using mozilla::ImagePoint from "Units.h";
using mozilla::widget::ThemeChangeKind from "mozilla/widget/WidgetMessageUtils.h";
using class mozilla::dom::MessagePort from "mozilla/dom/MessagePort.h";
[MoveOnly=data] using class mozilla::dom::ipc::StructuredCloneData from "mozilla/dom/ipc/StructuredCloneData.h";
using mozilla::OriginAttributes from "mozilla/ipc/BackgroundUtils.h";
using struct mozilla::layers::TextureFactoryIdentifier from "mozilla/layers/CompositorTypes.h";
using mozilla::layers::CompositorOptions from "mozilla/layers/CompositorOptions.h";
using mozilla::layers::LayersId from "mozilla/layers/LayersTypes.h";
using mozilla::Telemetry::HistogramAccumulation from "mozilla/TelemetryComms.h";
using mozilla::Telemetry::KeyedHistogramAccumulation from "mozilla/TelemetryComms.h";
using mozilla::Telemetry::ScalarAction from "mozilla/TelemetryComms.h";
using mozilla::Telemetry::KeyedScalarAction from "mozilla/TelemetryComms.h";
using mozilla::Telemetry::DynamicScalarDefinition from "mozilla/TelemetryComms.h";
using mozilla::Telemetry::ChildEventData from "mozilla/TelemetryComms.h";
#if defined(XP_WIN)
[MoveOnly] using mozilla::UntrustedModulesData from "mozilla/UntrustedModulesData.h";
[MoveOnly] using mozilla::ModulePaths from "mozilla/UntrustedModulesData.h";
[MoveOnly] using mozilla::ModulesMapResult from "mozilla/UntrustedModulesData.h";
#endif // defined(XP_WIN)
using mozilla::Telemetry::DiscardedData from "mozilla/TelemetryComms.h";
using mozilla::glean::perf::PageLoadExtra from "mozilla/glean/GleanMetrics.h";
[MoveOnly] using mozilla::CrossProcessMutexHandle from "mozilla/ipc/CrossProcessMutex.h";
using mozilla::dom::MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext from "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContext.h";
using mozilla::dom::BrowsingContextTransaction from "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContext.h";
using mozilla::dom::BrowsingContextInitializer from "mozilla/dom/BrowsingContext.h";
using mozilla::dom::PermitUnloadResult from "nsIDocumentViewer.h";
using mozilla::dom::MaybeDiscardedWindowContext from "mozilla/dom/WindowContext.h";
using mozilla::dom::WindowContextTransaction from "mozilla/dom/WindowContext.h";
[MoveOnly] using base::SharedMemoryHandle from "base/shared_memory.h";
using gfxSparseBitSet from "gfxFontUtils.h";
using FontVisibility from "gfxFontEntry.h";
using mozilla::dom::MediaControlAction from "mozilla/dom/MediaControlKeySource.h";
using mozilla::dom::MediaPlaybackState from "mozilla/dom/MediaPlaybackStatus.h";
using mozilla::dom::MediaAudibleState from "mozilla/dom/MediaPlaybackStatus.h";
using mozilla::dom::MediaMetadataBase from "mozilla/dom/MediaMetadata.h";
using mozilla::dom::MediaSessionAction from "mozilla/dom/MediaSessionBinding.h";
using mozilla::dom::MediaSessionPlaybackState from "mozilla/dom/MediaSessionBinding.h";
using mozilla::dom::PositionState from "mozilla/dom/MediaSession.h";
using mozilla::dom::ServiceWorkerShutdownState::Progress from "mozilla/dom/ServiceWorkerShutdownState.h";
using mozilla::ContentBlockingNotifier::StorageAccessPermissionGrantedReason from "mozilla/ContentBlockingNotifier.h";
using mozilla::ContentBlockingNotifier::BlockingDecision from "mozilla/ContentBlockingNotifier.h";
using mozilla::StorageAccessAPIHelper::StorageAccessPromptChoices from "mozilla/StorageAccessAPIHelper.h";
using mozilla::dom::JSActorMessageKind from "mozilla/dom/JSActor.h";
using mozilla::dom::JSActorMessageMeta from "mozilla/dom/PWindowGlobal.h";
using mozilla::PermissionDelegateHandler::DelegatedPermissionList from "mozilla/PermissionDelegateHandler.h";
[RefCounted] using class nsILayoutHistoryState from "nsILayoutHistoryState.h";
using class mozilla::dom::SessionHistoryInfo from "mozilla/dom/SessionHistoryEntry.h";
using struct nsPoint from "nsPoint.h";
using struct mozilla::dom::LoadingSessionHistoryInfo from "mozilla/dom/SessionHistoryEntry.h";
using mozilla::media::MediaCodecsSupported from "MediaCodecsSupport.h";
using mozilla::RemoteDecodeIn from "mozilla/RemoteDecoderManagerChild.h";
using mozilla::dom::PerformanceTimingData from "mozilla/dom/PerformanceTiming.h";
[RefCounted] using mozilla::dom::FeaturePolicy from "mozilla/dom/FeaturePolicy.h";
using mozilla::dom::Wireframe from "mozilla/dom/DocumentBinding.h";
using mozilla::PerfStats::MetricMask from "mozilla/PerfStats.h";
[RefCounted] using class nsIX509Cert from "nsIX509Cert.h";
using nsIDNSService::ResolverMode from "nsIDNSService.h";
using mozilla::dom::UserActivation::Modifiers from "mozilla/dom/UserActivation.h";
union ChromeRegistryItem
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
// SetXPCOMProcessAttributes passes an array of font data to the child,
// but each platform needs different details so we have platform-specific
// versions of the SystemFontListEntry type:
#if defined(ANDROID)
// Used on Android to pass the list of fonts on the device
// to the child process
struct SystemFontListEntry {
nsCString familyName;
nsCString faceName;
nsCString filepath;
uint32_t weightRange;
uint32_t stretchRange;
uint32_t styleRange;
uint8_t index;
FontVisibility visibility;
#elif defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(XP_IOS)
// Used on Mac OS X to pass the list of font families (not faces)
// from chrome to content processes.
// The entryType field distinguishes several types of font family
// record; see gfxMacPlatformFontList.h for values and meaning.
struct SystemFontListEntry {
nsCString familyName;
FontVisibility visibility;
uint8_t entryType;
// Used on Linux to pass list of font patterns from chrome to content.
// (Unused on Windows, but there needs to be a definition of the type.)
struct SystemFontListEntry {
nsCString pattern;
bool appFontFamily;
struct SystemFontOptions {
int32_t antialias; // cairo_antialias_t
int32_t subpixelOrder; // cairo_subpixel_order_t
int32_t hintStyle; // cairo_hint_style_t
int32_t lcdFilter; // cairo_lcd_filter_t
struct SystemFontList {
SystemFontListEntry[] entries;
SystemFontOptions options;
union SystemParameterValue {
struct ClipboardCapabilities {
bool supportsSelectionClipboard;
bool supportsFindClipboard;
bool supportsSelectionCache;
union FileDescOrError {
struct DomainPolicyClone
bool active;
nullable nsIURI[] blocklist;
nullable nsIURI[] allowlist;
nullable nsIURI[] superBlocklist;
nullable nsIURI[] superAllowlist;
struct AndroidSystemInfo
nsString device;
nsString manufacturer;
nsString release_version;
nsString hardware;
uint32_t sdk_version;
bool isTablet;
struct GetFilesResponseSuccess
IPCBlob[] blobs;
struct GetFilesResponseFailure
nsresult errorCode;
union GetFilesResponseResult
struct BlobURLRegistrationData
nsCString url;
IPCBlob blob;
nullable nsIPrincipal principal;
nsCString partitionKey;
bool revoked;
struct JSWindowActorEventDecl
nsString name;
bool capture;
bool systemGroup;
bool allowUntrusted;
bool? passive;
bool createActor;
struct JSWindowActorInfo
nsCString name;
bool allFrames;
// True if `url` is for ESM.
// False if `url` is for JSM or nothing.
bool isESModule;
// This is to align with JSProcessActorInfo.
// This attribute isn't used for JSWindow Actors.
bool loadInDevToolsLoader;
// The module of the url.
nsCString? url;
JSWindowActorEventDecl[] events;
// Observer notifications this actor listens to.
nsCString[] observers;
nsString[] matches;
nsCString[] remoteTypes;
nsString[] messageManagerGroups;
struct JSProcessActorInfo
// The name of the actor.
nsCString name;
// True if `url` is for ESM.
// False if `url` is for JSM or nothing.
bool isESModule;
// True if the actor should be loaded in the distinct loader dedicated to DevTools.
bool loadInDevToolsLoader;
// The module of the url.
nsCString? url;
// Observer notifications this actor listens to.
nsCString[] observers;
nsCString[] remoteTypes;
struct GMPAPITags
nsCString api;
nsCString[] tags;
struct GMPCapabilityData
nsCString name;
nsCString version;
GMPAPITags[] capabilities;
struct L10nFileSourceDescriptor {
nsCString name;
nsCString metasource;
nsCString[] locales;
nsCString prePath;
nsCString[] index;
struct XPCOMInitData
bool isOffline;
bool isConnected;
int32_t captivePortalState;
bool isLangRTL;
bool haveBidiKeyboards;
nsCString[] dictionaries;
ClipboardCapabilities clipboardCaps;
DomainPolicyClone domainPolicy;
nullable nsIURI userContentSheetURL;
GfxVarUpdate[] gfxNonDefaultVarUpdates;
ContentDeviceData contentDeviceData;
GfxInfoFeatureStatus[] gfxFeatureStatus;
nsCString[] appLocales;
nsCString[] requestedLocales;
L10nFileSourceDescriptor[] l10nFileSources;
DynamicScalarDefinition[] dynamicScalarDefs;
MetricMask perfStatsMask;
nsCString trrDomain;
ResolverMode trrMode;
// This is the value of network.trr.mode and can be diffrent than trrMode.
ResolverMode trrModeFromPref;
struct VisitedQueryResult
nullable nsIURI uri;
bool visited;
struct StringBundleDescriptor
nsCString bundleURL;
FileDescriptor mapFile;
uint32_t mapSize;
struct IPCURLClassifierFeature
nsCString featureName;
nsCString[] tables;
nsCString exceptionHostList;
// Transport structure for Notifications API notifications
// used exclusively by the NotificationEvent PContent method.
struct NotificationEventData
nsCString originSuffix;
nsCString scope;
nsString ID;
nsString title;
nsString dir;
nsString lang;
nsString body;
nsString tag;
nsString icon;
nsString data;
nsString behavior;
struct PostMessageData
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext source;
nsString origin;
nsString targetOrigin;
nullable nsIURI targetOriginURI;
nullable nsIPrincipal callerPrincipal;
nullable nsIPrincipal subjectPrincipal;
nullable nsIURI callerURI;
bool isFromPrivateWindow;
nsCString scriptLocation;
uint64_t innerWindowId;
union SyncedContextInitializer
union BlobURLDataRequestResult
struct TextRecognitionQuad {
float confidence;
nsString string;
ImagePoint[] points;
struct TextRecognitionResult {
TextRecognitionQuad[] quads;
union TextRecognitionResultOrError {
struct ClipboardReadRequest {
ManagedEndpoint<PClipboardReadRequestChild> childEndpoint;
nsCString[] availableTypes;
union ClipboardReadRequestOrError {
* The PContent protocol is a top-level protocol between the UI process
* and a content process. There is exactly one PContentParent/PContentChild pair
* for each content process.
[NestedUpTo=inside_cpow, NeedsOtherPid, ChildProc=Content]
sync protocol PContent
manages PBrowser;
manages PClipboardReadRequest;
manages PClipboardWriteRequest;
manages PContentPermissionRequest;
manages PCycleCollectWithLogs;
manages PExtensions;
manages PExternalHelperApp;
manages PHal;
manages PHandlerService;
manages PHeapSnapshotTempFileHelper;
manages PRemotePrintJob;
manages PMedia;
manages PNecko;
manages PSpeechSynthesis;
manages PTestShell;
manages PRemoteSpellcheckEngine;
manages PWebBrowserPersistDocument;
manages PWebrtcGlobal;
manages PURLClassifier;
manages PURLClassifierLocal;
manages PScriptCache;
manages PSessionStorageObserver;
manages PBenchmarkStorage;
// Depending on exactly how the new browser is being created, it might be
// created from either the child or parent process!
// The child creates the PBrowser as part of
// BrowserChild::BrowserFrameProvideWindow (which happens when the child's
// content calls, and the parent creates the PBrowser as part
// of ContentParent::CreateBrowser.
// When the parent constructs a PBrowser, the child trusts the attributes it
// receives from the parent. In that case, the context should be
// FrameIPCTabContext.
// When the child constructs a PBrowser, the parent doesn't trust the
// attributes it receives from the child. In this case, context must have
// type PopupIPCTabContext. The parent checks that if the opener is a
// browser element, the context is also for a browser element.
// If |sameTabGroupAs| is non-zero, the new tab should go in the same
// TabGroup as |sameTabGroupAs|. This parameter should always be zero
// for PBrowser messages sent from the child to the parent.
// Separate messages are used for the parent and child side constructors due
// to the differences in data and actor setup required.
// Keep the last 3 attributes in sync with GetProcessAttributes!
async ConstructPopupBrowser(ManagedEndpoint<PBrowserParent> browserEp,
ManagedEndpoint<PWindowGlobalParent> windowEp,
TabId tabId, IPCTabContext context,
WindowGlobalInit windowInit,
uint32_t chromeFlags);
// TODO: Do I need to make this return something to watch for completion?
// Guess we'll see how we end up triggering the actual print, for preview
// this should be enough...
async CloneDocumentTreeInto(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aSourceBc,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aTargetBc,
PrintData aPrintData);
async UpdateRemotePrintSettings(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aBc,
PrintData aPrintData);
async PExtensions();
async ConstructBrowser(ManagedEndpoint<PBrowserChild> browserEp,
ManagedEndpoint<PWindowGlobalChild> windowEp,
TabId tabId,
IPCTabContext context,
WindowGlobalInit windowInit,
uint32_t chromeFlags, ContentParentId cpId,
bool isForBrowser, bool isTopLevel);
// For parent->child, aBrowser must be non-null; aContext can
// be null to indicate the browser's current root document, or non-null
// to persist a subdocument. For child->parent, arguments are
// ignored and should be null.
async PWebBrowserPersistDocument(nullable PBrowser aBrowser,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext);
async RawMessage(JSActorMessageMeta aMetadata, ClonedMessageData? aData,
ClonedMessageData? aStack);
async InitGMPService(Endpoint<PGMPServiceChild> service);
async InitProcessHangMonitor(Endpoint<PProcessHangMonitorChild> hangMonitor);
async InitProfiler(Endpoint<PProfilerChild> aEndpoint);
// Give the content process its endpoints to the compositor.
async InitRendering(
Endpoint<PCompositorManagerChild> compositor,
Endpoint<PImageBridgeChild> imageBridge,
Endpoint<PVRManagerChild> vr,
Endpoint<PRemoteDecoderManagerChild> video,
uint32_t[] namespaces);
// Re-create the rendering stack using the given endpoints. This is sent
// after the compositor process has crashed. The new endpoints may be to a
// newly launched GPU process, or the compositor thread of the UI process.
async ReinitRendering(
Endpoint<PCompositorManagerChild> compositor,
Endpoint<PImageBridgeChild> bridge,
Endpoint<PVRManagerChild> vr,
Endpoint<PRemoteDecoderManagerChild> video,
uint32_t[] namespaces);
async NetworkLinkTypeChange(uint32_t type);
async SocketProcessCrashed();
// Re-create the rendering stack for a device reset.
async ReinitRenderingForDeviceReset();
* Enable system-level sandboxing features, if available. Can
* usually only be performed zero or one times. The child may
* abnormally exit if this fails; the details are OS-specific.
async SetProcessSandbox(FileDescriptor? aBroker);
async RequestMemoryReport(uint32_t generation,
bool anonymize,
bool minimizeMemoryUsage,
FileDescriptor? DMDFile)
returns (uint32_t aGeneration);
#if defined(XP_WIN)
* Used by third-party modules telemetry (aka "untrusted modules" telemetry)
* to pull data from content processes.
async GetUntrustedModulesData() returns (UntrustedModulesData? data);
* This method is used to notifty a child process to start
* processing module loading events in UntrustedModulesProcessor.
* This should be called when the parent process has gone idle.
async UnblockUntrustedModulesThread();
#endif // defined(XP_WIN)
* Communication between the PuppetBidiKeyboard and the actual
* BidiKeyboard hosted by the parent
async BidiKeyboardNotify(bool isLangRTL, bool haveBidiKeyboards);
* Dump this process's GC and CC logs to the provided files.
* For documentation on the other args, see dumpGCAndCCLogsToFile in
* nsIMemoryInfoDumper.idl
async PCycleCollectWithLogs(bool dumpAllTraces,
FileDescriptor gcLog,
FileDescriptor ccLog);
async PTestShell();
async PScriptCache(FileDescOrError cacheFile, bool wantCacheData);
async RegisterChrome(ChromePackage[] packages, SubstitutionMapping[] substitutions,
OverrideMapping[] overrides, nsCString locale, bool reset);
async RegisterChromeItem(ChromeRegistryItem item);
async ClearImageCacheFromPrincipal(nullable nsIPrincipal aPrincipal);
async ClearImageCacheFromBaseDomain(nsCString aBaseDomain);
async ClearImageCache(bool privateLoader, bool chrome);
async ClearStyleSheetCache(nullable nsIPrincipal? aForPrincipal,
nsCString? aBaseDomain);
async SetOffline(bool offline);
async SetConnectivity(bool connectivity);
async SetCaptivePortalState(int32_t aState);
async SetTRRMode(ResolverMode aMode, ResolverMode aModeFromPref);
async NotifyVisited(VisitedQueryResult[] uri);
* Tell the child that the system theme has changed, and that a repaint is
* necessary.
async ThemeChanged(FullLookAndFeel lookAndFeelData, ThemeChangeKind aKind);
async PreferenceUpdate(Pref pref);
async VarUpdate(GfxVarUpdate var);
async UpdatePerfStatsCollectionMask(uint64_t aMask);
async CollectPerfStatsJSON() returns (nsCString aStats);
async CollectScrollingMetrics() returns (uint32_t pixelsScrolled, uint32_t scrollDurationMS);
async NotifyAlertsObserver(nsCString topic, nsString data);
async GeolocationUpdate(nullable nsIDOMGeoPosition aPosition);
async GeolocationError(uint16_t errorCode);
async UpdateDictionaryList(nsCString[] dictionaries);
async UpdateFontList(SystemFontList fontList);
* The shared font list has been updated by the parent, so child processes
* should globally reflow everything to pick up new character coverage etc.
* If aFullRebuild is true, child processes must discard and recreate
* their mappings to the shmem blocks, as those are no longer valid.
* This message has raised priority so that it will take precedence over
* vsync messages to the child.
[Priority=mediumhigh] async RebuildFontList(bool aFullRebuild);
* The shared font list has been modified, potentially adding matches
* for src:local() names that were previously not known, so content
* may need to be reflowed.
async FontListChanged();
* The font list or prefs have been updated in such a way that we might need
* to do a reflow and maybe reframe.
async ForceGlobalReflow(bool aNeedsReframe);
* A new shmem block has been added to the font list; the child process
* should map the new block and add to its index.
async FontListShmBlockAdded(uint32_t aGeneration, uint32_t aIndex,
SharedMemoryHandle aHandle);
async UpdateAppLocales(nsCString[] appLocales);
async UpdateRequestedLocales(nsCString[] requestedLocales);
* The system timezone has changed; the child process should ensure that
* calls to get the default timezone return the new value.
async SystemTimezoneChanged();
async UpdateL10nFileSources(L10nFileSourceDescriptor[] sources);
async RegisterStringBundles(StringBundleDescriptor[] stringBundles);
async UpdateSharedData(FileDescriptor mapFile, uint32_t aSize,
IPCBlob[] blobs,
nsCString[] changedKeys);
// nsIPermissionManager messages
async AddPermission(Permission permission);
async RemoveAllPermissions();
async FlushMemory(nsString reason);
async ApplicationBackground();
async ApplicationForeground();
async GarbageCollect();
async CycleCollect();
async UnlinkGhosts();
* Start accessibility engine in content process.
async ActivateA11y();
* Shutdown accessibility engine in content process (if not in use).
async ShutdownA11y();
async AppInfo(nsCString version, nsCString buildID, nsCString name, nsCString UAName,
nsCString ID, nsCString vendor, nsCString sourceURL, nsCString updateURL);
* Send the remote type associated with the content process.
async RemoteType(nsCString aRemoteType, nsCString aProfile);
* Send BlobURLRegistrationData to child process.
async InitBlobURLs(BlobURLRegistrationData[] registrations);
* Send JS{Content, Window}ActorInfos to child process.
async InitJSActorInfos(JSProcessActorInfo[] aContentInfos, JSWindowActorInfo[] aWindowInfos);
* Unregister a previously registered JSWindowActor in the child process.
async UnregisterJSWindowActor(nsCString name);
* Unregister a previously registered JSProcessActor in the child process.
async UnregisterJSProcessActor(nsCString name);
async SetXPCOMProcessAttributes(XPCOMInitData xpcomInit,
StructuredCloneData initialData,
FullLookAndFeel lookAndFeeldata,
/* used on MacOSX/Linux/Android only: */
SystemFontList systemFontList,
SharedMemoryHandle? sharedUASheetHandle,
uintptr_t sharedUASheetAddress,
SharedMemoryHandle[] sharedFontListBlocks,
bool aIsStartingUp);
// Notify child that last-pb-context-exited notification was observed
async LastPrivateDocShellDestroyed();
async NotifyProcessPriorityChanged(ProcessPriority priority);
async MinimizeMemoryUsage();
* Used to manage nsIStyleSheetService across processes.
async LoadAndRegisterSheet(nullable nsIURI uri, uint32_t type);
async UnregisterSheet(nullable nsIURI uri, uint32_t type);
* Notify idle observers in the child
async NotifyIdleObserver(uint64_t observerId, nsCString topic, nsString str);
async InvokeDragSession(MaybeDiscardedWindowContext aSourceWindowContext,
MaybeDiscardedWindowContext aSourceTopWindowContext,
IPCTransferableData[] transfers, uint32_t action);
async UpdateDragSession(IPCTransferableData[] transfers, EventMessage message);
async EndDragSession(bool aDoneDrag, bool aUserCancelled,
LayoutDeviceIntPoint aDragEndPoint,
uint32_t aKeyModifiers,
uint32_t aDropEffect);
async DomainSetChanged(uint32_t aSetType, uint32_t aChangeType, nullable nsIURI aDomain);
* Notify the child that it will soon be asked to shutdown.
* This is sent with high priority right before the normal shutdown.
[Priority=control] async ShutdownConfirmedHP();
* Notify the child to shutdown. The child will in turn call FinishShutdown
* and let the parent close the channel.
async Shutdown();
async LoadProcessScript(nsString url);
* Requests a full native update of a native plugin child window. This is
* a Windows specific call.
async UpdateWindow(uintptr_t aChildId);
* Notify the child that cache is emptied.
async NotifyEmptyHTTPCache();
* Send a `push` event without data to a service worker in the child.
async Push(nsCString scope, nullable nsIPrincipal principal, nsString messageId);
* Send a `push` event with data to a service worker in the child.
async PushWithData(nsCString scope, nullable nsIPrincipal principal,
nsString messageId, uint8_t[] data);
* Send a `pushsubscriptionchange` event to a service worker in the child.
async PushSubscriptionChange(nsCString scope, nullable nsIPrincipal principal);
async GetFilesResponse(nsID aID, GetFilesResponseResult aResult);
async BlobURLRegistration(nsCString aURI, IPCBlob aBlob,
nullable nsIPrincipal aPrincipal, nsCString aPartitionKey);
async BlobURLUnregistration(nsCString aURI);
async GMPsChanged(GMPCapabilityData[] capabilities);
async ProvideAnonymousTemporaryFile(uint64_t aID, FileDescOrError aFD);
async SetPermissionsWithKey(nsCString aPermissionKey, Permission[] aPermissions);
async RefreshScreens(ScreenDetails[] aScreens);
async ShareCodeCoverageMutex(CrossProcessMutexHandle handle);
async FlushCodeCoverageCounters() returns (bool unused);
* IPC message to enable the input event queue on the main thread of the
* content process.
async SetInputEventQueueEnabled();
* IPC message to flush the input event queue on the main thread of the
* content process.
* When the ContentParent stops sending the input event with input priority,
* there may be some pending events in the input event queue and normal
* event queue. Here is a possible scenario.
* R: Runnables.
* D: Enable the input priority event.
* E: Disable the input priority evnet.
* D E
* Normal Queue: R1 R2 R3
* Input Queue: II I2 I3
* To avoid the newly added normal events (e.g. R2, which may be an input
* event) preempt the pending input events (e.g. I1), or the newly added
* input events (e.g. I3) preempt the pending normal events (e.g. R2), we
* have to flush all pending events before enabling and disabling the input
* priority event.
* To flush the normal event queue and the input event queue, we use three
* IPC messages as the followings.
* FI: Flush the input queue.
* SI: Suspend the input queue.
* RI: Resume the input queue.
* Normal Queue: R1 FI RI R2 FI RI R3
* Input Queue: II SI I2 SI I3
* When the flush input request is processed before the other two requests,
* we consume all input events until the suspend request. After handling the
* suspend request, we stop consuming the input events until the resume
* request to make sure we consume all pending normal events.
* If we process the suspend request before the other two requests, we
* ignore the flush request and consume all pending normal events until the
* resume request.
async FlushInputEventQueue();
* IPC message to resume consuming the pending events in the input event
* queue.
async ResumeInputEventQueue();
* IPC message to suspend consuming the pending events in the input event
* queue.
[Priority=input] async SuspendInputEventQueue();
* IPC message to propagate dynamic scalar definitions, added after the
* content process is spawned, from the parent to the child.
* Dynamic scalar definitions added at the process startup are handled
* using the |TelemetryIPC::AddDynamicScalarDefinitions| functions.
async AddDynamicScalars(DynamicScalarDefinition[] definitions);
// This message is sent to content processes, and triggers the creation of a
// new HttpChannelChild that will be connected to the parent channel
// represented by registrarId.
// This is on PContent not PNecko, as PNecko may not be initialized yet.
// The returned loadInfo needs to be set on the channel - since the channel
// moved to a new process it now has different properties.
async CrossProcessRedirect(RedirectToRealChannelArgs args,
Endpoint<PStreamFilterParent>[] aEndpoint)
returns (nsresult rv);
* This method is used to notifty content process to start delayed autoplay
* media via browsing context.
async StartDelayedAutoplayMediaComponents(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext);
* This method is used to dispatch MediaControlAction to content process in
* order to control media within a specific browsing context tree.
async UpdateMediaControlAction(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
MediaControlAction aAction);
// Begin subscribing to a new BrowsingContextGroup, sending down the current
// value for every individual BrowsingContext.
async RegisterBrowsingContextGroup(uint64_t aGroupId, SyncedContextInitializer[] aInits);
// The BrowsingContextGroup has been destroyed in the parent process. The
// content process won't destroy the group until it receives this message or
// during shutdown.
// When the content process receives this message, all contexts in the group
// should have already been destroyed.
async DestroyBrowsingContextGroup(uint64_t aGroupId);
#if defined(MOZ_SANDBOX) && defined(MOZ_DEBUG) && defined(ENABLE_TESTS)
// Initialize top-level actor for testing content process sandbox.
async InitSandboxTesting(Endpoint<PSandboxTestingChild> aEndpoint);
async LoadURI(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, nsDocShellLoadState aLoadState, bool aSetNavigating)
returns (bool aSuccess);
async InternalLoad(nsDocShellLoadState aLoadState);
async DisplayLoadError(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, nsString aURI);
async GoBack(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, int32_t? aCancelContentJSEpoch, bool aRequireUserInteraction, bool aUserActivation);
async GoForward(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, int32_t? aCancelContentJSEpoch, bool aRequireUserInteraction, bool aUserActivation);
async GoToIndex(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, int32_t aIndex, int32_t? aCancelContentJSEpoch, bool aUserActivation);
async Reload(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, uint32_t aReloadFlags);
async StopLoad(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, uint32_t aStopFlags);
async OnAllowAccessFor(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aParentContext,
nsCString aTrackingOrigin,
uint32_t aCookieBehavior,
StorageAccessPermissionGrantedReason aReason);
async OnContentBlockingDecision(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
BlockingDecision aReason,
uint32_t aRejectedReason);
* Abort orientationPendingPromises for documents in the child which
* are part of a BrowsingContextGroup.
async AbortOrientationPendingPromises(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext);
async HistoryCommitIndexAndLength(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
uint32_t aIndex, uint32_t aLength,
nsID aChangeID);
async GetLayoutHistoryState(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext)
returns (nullable nsILayoutHistoryState aState, Wireframe? aWireframe);
async DispatchLocationChangeEvent(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext);
// Dispatches a "beforeunload" event to each in-process content window in the
// subtree beginning at `aStartingAt`, and returns the result as documented in
// the `PermitUnloadResult` enum.
async DispatchBeforeUnloadToSubtree(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aStartingAt)
returns (PermitUnloadResult result);
// Update the cached list of codec supported in the given process.
async UpdateMediaCodecsSupported(RemoteDecodeIn aLocation, MediaCodecsSupported aSupported);
// Send the list of the supported mimetypes in the given process. GeckoView-specific
async DecoderSupportedMimeTypes(nsCString[] supportedTypes);
// Used to initialize the global variable in content processes with the
// latched value in the parent process. See dom/LocalStorageCommon.h for more
// details.
async InitNextGenLocalStorageEnabled(bool enabled);
async PRemotePrintJob();
async SynchronizeLayoutHistoryState(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
nullable nsILayoutHistoryState aState);
async SessionHistoryEntryTitle(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
nsString aTitle);
async SessionHistoryEntryScrollRestorationIsManual(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
bool aIsManual);
async SessionHistoryEntryScrollPosition(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
int32_t aX, int32_t aY);
async SessionHistoryEntryCacheKey(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
uint32_t aCacheKey);
async SessionHistoryEntryStoreWindowNameInContiguousEntries(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
nsString aName);
async SessionHistoryEntryWireframe(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
Wireframe aWireframe);
async GetLoadingSessionHistoryInfoFromParent(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext)
returns (LoadingSessionHistoryInfo? aLoadingInfo);
async RemoveFromBFCache(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext);
async InitBackground(Endpoint<PBackgroundStarterParent> aEndpoint);
async CreateGMPService();
async InitStreamFilter(uint64_t channelId, nsString addonId)
returns (Endpoint<PStreamFilterChild> aEndpoint);
async PRemoteSpellcheckEngine();
async InitCrashReporter(NativeThreadId tid);
sync IsSecureURI(nullable nsIURI aURI, OriginAttributes aOriginAttributes)
returns (bool isSecureURI);
async AccumulateMixedContentHSTS(nullable nsIURI aURI, bool aActive,
OriginAttributes aOriginAttributes);
[Nested=inside_cpow] async PHal();
async PHeapSnapshotTempFileHelper();
async PNecko();
async PSpeechSynthesis();
async PMedia();
async PWebrtcGlobal();
async CreateAudioIPCConnection() returns (FileDescOrError fd);
sync PURLClassifier(nullable nsIPrincipal principal)
returns (bool success);
async PURLClassifierLocal(nullable nsIURI uri, IPCURLClassifierFeature[] features);
async PSessionStorageObserver();
async PBenchmarkStorage();
// Services remoting
async StartVisitedQueries(nullable nsIURI[] uri);
async SetURITitle(nullable nsIURI uri, nsString title);
async LoadURIExternal(nullable nsIURI uri,
nullable nsIPrincipal triggeringPrincipal,
nullable nsIPrincipal redirectPrincipal,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext browsingContext,
bool wasExternallyTriggered,
bool hasValidUserGestureActivation);
async ExtProtocolChannelConnectParent(uint64_t registrarId);
sync SyncMessage(nsString aMessage, ClonedMessageData aData)
returns (StructuredCloneData[] retval);
async ShowAlert(nullable nsIAlertNotification alert);
async CloseAlert(nsString name, bool contextClosed);
async DisableNotifications(nullable nsIPrincipal principal);
async OpenNotificationSettings(nullable nsIPrincipal principal);
async AddSecurityState(MaybeDiscardedWindowContext aContext, uint32_t aStateFlags);
// Request that the ServiceWorkerManager in the parent process create a
// notification "click" or "close" event and dispatch it on the relevant
// ServiceWorker. This needs to happen because when a notification is
// created it is tied to a specific content process and when the user clicks
// on the notification, it will be that content process that is notified.
// However, even if the ServiceWorker lives in that process (it may no
// longer be in that process, or may have never lived there), the right/only
// way to talk through the ServiceWorker is through the parent.
// This happens on PContent because the ServiceWorkerManager lives on the
// main thread and bouncing this off of PBackground would be silly and
// complex. In the long run, the notification implementation will be
// overhauled to directly process the notification click/close and directly
// translate that to a ServiceWorker event.
async NotificationEvent(nsString type, NotificationEventData data);
// Creates a helper for forwarding data from an nsExternalAppHandler
// running in the content process, to one running in the parent
// process.
// Bug 1574372 aims to run nsExternalAppHandler entirely in the
// parent so that we can remove this.
// Serializes the uri, loadInfo, contentType, referrer, contentDisposition
// headers and contentLength of the channel so that we can make them
// available to the parent instance via a nsIChannel helper. Also
// passes whether the original channel was an instance of nsIFileChannel.
// aContext is the BrowsingContext that initiated the load, and created the
// channel.
// Pass true for aForceSave to always save this content to disk, regardless of
// nsIMIMEInfo and other such influences.
// Pass true for aShouldCloseWindow to specify that aContext was opened specifically
// for this load, and should be closed once we've handled it.
async PExternalHelperApp(nullable nsIURI uri,
LoadInfoArgs loadInfoArgs,
nsCString aMimeContentType,
nsCString aContentDisposition,
uint32_t aContentDispositionHint,
nsString aContentDispositionFilename,
bool aForceSave,
int64_t aContentLength,
bool aWasFileChannel,
nullable nsIURI aReferrer,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
bool aShouldCloseWindow);
async PHandlerService();
async AddGeolocationListener(bool highAccuracy);
async RemoveGeolocationListener();
async SetGeolocationHigherAccuracy(bool enable);
async ConsoleMessage(nsString message);
async ScriptErrorWithStack(nsString message, nsString sourceName, nsString sourceLine,
uint32_t lineNumber, uint32_t colNumber, uint32_t flags,
nsCString category, bool isFromPrivateWindow,
bool isFromChromeContext, ClonedMessageData stack);
// Places the items within dataTransfer on the clipboard.
async SetClipboard(IPCTransferable aTransferable,
int32_t aWhichClipboard, MaybeDiscardedWindowContext aRequestingWindowContext);
// Given a list of supported types, returns the clipboard data for the
// first type that matches.
// aRequestingWindowContext is the window that is requesting the clipboard,
// which is used for content analysis.
sync GetClipboard(nsCString[] aTypes, int32_t aWhichClipboard,
MaybeDiscardedWindowContext aRequestingWindowContext)
returns (IPCTransferableDataOrError transferableDataOrError);
// Requests getting data from clipboard.
async GetClipboardAsync(nsCString[] aTypes, int32_t aWhichClipboard,
MaybeDiscardedWindowContext aRequestingWindowContext,
nsIPrincipal aRequestingPrincipal)
returns (ClipboardReadRequestOrError aClipboardReadRequestOrError);
// Requests getting data from clipboard.
sync GetClipboardDataSnapshotSync(nsCString[] aTypes, int32_t aWhichClipboard,
MaybeDiscardedWindowContext aRequestingWindowContext)
returns (ClipboardReadRequestOrError aClipboardReadRequestOrError);
// Clears the clipboard.
async EmptyClipboard(int32_t aWhichClipboard);
// Returns true if data of one of the specified types is on the clipboard.
sync ClipboardHasType(nsCString[] aTypes, int32_t aWhichClipboard)
returns (bool hasType);
* Notify the parent that the child has started a clipboard write request,
* and that the data will be sent over another IPC message once it is ready.
* @param aClipboardType
* The clipboard type defined in nsIClipboard.
* @param aSettingWindowContext
* The window context that is setting the clipboard, if any. This is used
* to possibly bypass Content Analysis if a set clipboard and get clipboard
* operation are done on the same page.
async PClipboardWriteRequest(int32_t aClipboardType, MaybeDiscardedWindowContext aSettingWindowContext);
sync GetIconForExtension(nsCString aFileExt, uint32_t aIconSize)
returns (uint8_t[] bits);
// Tell the parent that the child has gone idle for the first time.
async FirstIdle();
async CopyFavicon(nullable nsIURI oldURI, nullable nsIURI newURI, bool isPrivate);
async FindImageText(IPCImage image, nsCString[] languages)
returns (TextRecognitionResultOrError result);
// Graphics errors
async GraphicsError(nsCString aError);
// Driver crash guards. aGuardType must be a member of CrashGuardType.
sync BeginDriverCrashGuard(uint32_t aGuardType) returns (bool crashDetected);
sync EndDriverCrashGuard(uint32_t aGuardType);
async AddIdleObserver(uint64_t observerId, uint32_t idleTimeInS);
async RemoveIdleObserver(uint64_t observerId, uint32_t idleTimeInS);
* This message is only used on X11 platforms.
* Send a dup of the plugin process's X socket to the parent
* process. In theory, this scheme keeps the plugin's X resources
* around until after both the plugin process shuts down *and* the
* parent process closes the dup fd. This is used to prevent the
* parent process from crashing on X errors if, e.g., the plugin
* crashes *just before* a repaint and the parent process tries to
* use the newly-invalid surface.
async BackUpXResources(FileDescriptor aXSocketFd);
async RequestAnonymousTemporaryFile(uint64_t aID);
* Notifies the parent that the child needs no more ForceKill dump.
[Priority=control] async NotifyShutdownSuccess();
* Notifies the parent to continue shutting down after the child performs
* its shutdown tasks.
async FinishShutdown();
async UpdateDropEffect(uint32_t aDragAction, uint32_t aDropEffect);
* Initiates an asynchronous request for permission for the
* provided principal.
* @param aRequests
* The array of permissions to request.
* @param aPrincipal
* The principal of the request.
* @param aTopLevelPrincipal
* The principal of the top level page the request comes from.
* @param tabId
* To identify which tab issues this request.
* NOTE: The principal is untrusted in the parent process. Only
* principals that can live in the content process should
* provided.
async PContentPermissionRequest(PermissionRequest[] aRequests,
nullable nsIPrincipal aPrincipal,
nullable nsIPrincipal aTopLevelPrincipal,
bool aIsHandlingUserInput,
bool aMaybeUnsafePermissionDelegate,
TabId tabId);
* If the profiler is running when the process shuts down, this sends the
* profile data collected so far.
* @param aProfile
* This may contain an empty string (unknown issue), an error message
* starting with '*', or a profile as a stringified JSON object.
async ShutdownProfile(nsCString aProfile);
* This sends any collected perf stats data on shutdown.
async ShutdownPerfStats(nsCString aPerfStats);
* A shared font list (see gfx/thebes/SharedFontList.*) contains a list
* of shared-memory blocks that are used to store all the font list data.
* The font list created in the parent process is the only one that can
* create or store objects into the shared memory; content processes font
* lists have read-only access to it.
* To minimize the cost of record allocations, the shared font list
* bump-allocates new objects that it adds to the shared memory blocks
* (i.e. the records stored in the shared memory blocks are only ever
* appended, and never freed except when the entire font list is
* reconstructed).
* When initially created by the parent process, the font list may contain
* nothing except a header, and the list of the system's installed font
* family names. Additional data about the families (styled faces available
* and character coverage) is appended to the font list during the session
* as a given font is considered for use, because loading all data for all
* installed fonts during startup is too expensive/slow.
* During content process launch, a content process's first step in
* gaining access to the font list is to call GetFontListShmBlock,
* passing index zero in order to get access to the first block, which
* contains the font list header and the list of font-family records
* (which may be virtually all uninitialized at this time, containing
* nothing but the family names). Once a content process determines a
* font-family name it wants to use (e.g. from a CSS font-family list, or
* from preferences), if that Family record has not yet been initialized,
* it will call InitializeFamily (below) to have the parent process
* populate Face records in the shared memory with the family's styles.
* The content process can then pick the face with best style match from
* the available faces according to the CSS font matching algorithm, load
* its character map, then send the map to the parent process using
* SetCharacterMap (so that the parent process can share the map with all
* processes to avoid duplication of work).
* At some point, as the parent process adds data to the font list, a new
* shared-memory block will probably be needed. At that point the parent
* will create a new block and append it to its share memory block list.
* The new Block index will start to appear in Pointer records in the
* shared memory, and the content process's can then fetch those other
* blocks using this function as needed.
* @param aGeneration
* The font list has a Generation ID stored in its Header, and any time
* the parent process needs to reinitialize the list (because of a change
* in the available font repertoire) a new Generation ID is assigned.
* Content processes pass the Generation of the list they're using in
* all messages, so that the parent can recognize if they're out of date
* and safely ignore such messages. (When the parent rebuilds the list,
* it will notify all content processes, but they may still send a few
* messages that relate to the obsolete list before they have processed
* this notification.)
* @param aIndex
* (Zero-based) index of the shared-memory block to be mapped.
* In a typical case, there will be a handful of blocks altogether, so
* each content process only needs to make this request a few times.
* @returns aHandle
* Handle that can be used to construct a SharedMemory that maps the
* requested block of memory.
* If aGeneration does not match the parent's font list generation ID, or
* if requesting a block that does not exist (i.e. with aIndex greater
* than or equal to the number of blocks actually in existence), returns
* a null handle.
* This is a sync message because the content process needs font data in
* order to perform font-matching (e.g. during reflow), and cannot continue
* until it has mapped the font-list memory.
sync GetFontListShmBlock(uint32_t aGeneration, uint32_t aIndex)
returns (SharedMemoryHandle aHandle);
* Ask the parent to initialize a given font family, so that face metadata
* will be available. Content processes will only call this for families
* where the Face data has not yet been populated, so it will generally be
* called no more than once per family. (It may not be needed at all, if
* the parent process has already initialized the families that content
* wants to use.)
* @param aGeneration
* Font-list generation, so requests relating to an obsolete list can be
* ignored (see comments for GetFontListShmBlock).
* @param aFamilyIndex
* The 0-based index of the Family within the font-list that a content
* process needs to use.
* @param aLoadCmaps
* If true, the parent should eagerly load character maps for the faces
* in the family.
* This is a sync message because the content process cannot complete its
* font-matching until the family is fully populated with Face records.
* If we make it async, content processes will reflow using fallbacks,
* and then have to reflow again once all the font information needed
* becomes available.
sync InitializeFamily(uint32_t aGeneration, uint32_t aFamilyIndex,
bool aLoadCmaps);
* Record the character map of a given Face in the font list.
* @param aGeneration
* Font-list generation, so requests relating to an obsolete list can be
* ignored (see comments for GetFontListShmBlock).
* @param aFamilyIndex
* Index of the font family in the font list (see aAlias for which list).
* @param aAlias
* Whether aFamilyIndex refers to the Families() or AliasFamilies() list.
* @param aFaceIndex
* Index of the face within the family's Faces() list.
* @param aMap
* The character coverage map of the face. (This will be stored as a
* SharedBitSet record within the shared font list, and the Face record
* will be updated to reference it.)
async SetCharacterMap(uint32_t aGeneration, uint32_t aFamilyIndex, bool aAlias,
uint32_t aFaceIndex, gfxSparseBitSet aMap);
* Ask the parent to set up the merged charmap for a family, to accelerate
* future fallback searches.
* aFamilyIndex may refer to an element in either Families() or AliasFamilies(),
* with aAlias determining which.
async SetupFamilyCharMap(uint32_t aGeneration, uint32_t aFamilyIndex, bool aAlias);
* Ask the parent to try and complete the InitOtherFamilyNames task, because
* we're trying to look up a localized font name. This is a sync method so that
* the update will be available before the child continues reflow; however, it
* is possible the task will have timed-out in the parent and not actually
* completed during this call.
* @param aGeneration
* Font-list generation, so requests relating to an obsolete list can be
* ignored (see comments for GetFontListShmBlock).
* @param aDefer
* Parameter aDeferOtherFamilyNamesLoading to be passed to
* gfxPlatformFontList::InitOtherFamilyNames, to determine whether name
* loading should be deferred to a background task or run immediately.
* @param aLoaded
* Returns whether the font name loading process has completed.
* TODO: This is currently a sync message but can probably be made async,
* at the cost of an increased chance of some testcases failing because
* they depend on lazily-loaded font names.
sync InitOtherFamilyNames(uint32_t aGeneration, bool aDefer) returns (bool aLoaded);
* Ask the parent to load all font character maps, as we need to do an
* exhaustive font-fallback search. This is done asynchronously; when it
* finishes, the parent will trigger global reflow so that font selection
* is re-done in all content, making use of the newly-loaded cmaps.
* Normally this will only happen once per browser session (unless the
* font list is rebuilt due to installation/removal of system fonts).
* @param aGeneration
* Font-list generation, so requests relating to an obsolete list can be
* ignored (see comments for GetFontListShmBlock).
* @param aStartIndex
* The family index to start from; the sender has determined that cmaps
* up to this point are already loaded.
async StartCmapLoading(uint32_t aGeneration, uint32_t aStartIndex);
* Ask the parent for a specific hyphenation resource (identified by URI)
* as a shared memory block.
* This is a sync method because at the point where a content process finds
* that it requires a particular hyphenation dictionary, this is blocking
* reflow; making it async would require scheduling another reflow after
* the resource is available, and a possible layout "jump" as line-breaks
* change. Note that the content process retains a reference to each such
* resource it requests, so it will only make this call once per locale for
* which hyphenation data exists.
* @param aURI
* The URI (which currently must always point to an omnijar resource)
* for the required hyphenation dictionary.
* @param aHandle
* Returns the shmem handle to the resource (or an invalid shmem handle
* in case of failure).
* @param aLoaded
* Returns the size in bytes of the resource.
sync GetHyphDict(nullable nsIURI aURI) returns (SharedMemoryHandle aHandle, uint32_t aSize);
async CreateWindow(PBrowser aThisTab,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aParent,
PBrowser aNewTab,
uint32_t aChromeFlags,
bool aCalledFromJS,
bool aForPrinting,
bool aForWindowDotPrint,
nullable nsIURI aURIToLoad,
nsCString aFeatures,
Modifiers aModifiers,
nullable nsIPrincipal aTriggeringPrincipal,
nullable nsIContentSecurityPolicy aCsp,
nullable nsIReferrerInfo aReferrerInfo,
OriginAttributes aOriginAttributes)
returns (CreatedWindowInfo window);
async CreateWindowInDifferentProcess(
PBrowser aThisTab,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aParent,
uint32_t aChromeFlags,
bool aCalledFromJS,
nullable nsIURI aURIToLoad,
nsCString aFeatures,
Modifiers aModifiers,
nsString aName,
nullable nsIPrincipal aTriggeringPrincipal,
nullable nsIContentSecurityPolicy aCsp,
nullable nsIReferrerInfo aReferrerInfo,
OriginAttributes aOriginAttributes);
* Tell the parent that a decoder's' benchmark has been completed.
* The result can then be stored in permanent storage.
async NotifyBenchmarkResult(nsString aCodecName, uint32_t aDecodeFPS);
* Notify `push-message` observers without data in the parent.
async NotifyPushObservers(nsCString scope, nullable nsIPrincipal principal,
nsString messageId);
* Notify `push-message` observers with data in the parent.
async NotifyPushObserversWithData(nsCString scope, nullable nsIPrincipal principal,
nsString messageId, uint8_t[] data);
* Notify `push-subscription-change` observers in the parent.
async NotifyPushSubscriptionChangeObservers(nsCString scope,
nullable nsIPrincipal principal);
async GetFilesRequest(nsID aID, nsString aDirectory, bool aRecursiveFlag);
async DeleteGetFilesRequest(nsID aID);
async StoreAndBroadcastBlobURLRegistration(nsCString url, IPCBlob blob,
nullable nsIPrincipal principal, nsCString aPartitionKey);
async UnstoreAndBroadcastBlobURLUnregistration(nsCString url, nullable nsIPrincipal principal);
* Messages for communicating child Glean data to the parent process
async RecordPageLoadEvent(PageLoadExtra event);
* Messages for communicating child Telemetry to the parent process
async AccumulateChildHistograms(HistogramAccumulation[] accumulations);
async AccumulateChildKeyedHistograms(KeyedHistogramAccumulation[] accumulations);
async UpdateChildScalars(ScalarAction[] updates);
async UpdateChildKeyedScalars(KeyedScalarAction[] updates);
async RecordChildEvents(ChildEventData[] events);
async RecordDiscardedData(DiscardedData data);
async AddMemoryReport(MemoryReport aReport);
async BHRThreadHang(HangDetails aHangDetails);
* Adds a certificate exception for the given hostname and port.
async AddCertException(nullable nsIX509Cert aCert, nsCString aHostName,
int32_t aPort, OriginAttributes aOriginAttributes,
bool aIsTemporary)
returns (nsresult success);
* Determines whether storage access can be granted automatically by the
* storage access API without showing a user prompt.
async AutomaticStorageAccessPermissionCanBeGranted(nullable nsIPrincipal aPrincipal)
returns (bool success);
* A 3rd party tracking origin (aTrackingOrigin) has received the permission
* granted to have access to aGrantedOrigin when loaded by aParentWindowId.
async StorageAccessPermissionGrantedForOrigin(uint64_t aTopLevelWindowId,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aParentContext,
nullable nsIPrincipal aTrackingPrincipal,
nsCString aTrackingOrigin,
int aAllowMode,
StorageAccessPermissionGrantedReason? aReason,
bool aFrameOnly)
returns (bool unused);
async CompleteAllowAccessFor(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aParentContext,
uint64_t aTopLevelWindowId,
nullable nsIPrincipal aTrackingPrincipal,
nsCString aTrackingOrigin,
uint32_t aCookieBehavior,
StorageAccessPermissionGrantedReason aReason)
returns (StorageAccessPromptChoices? choice);
async SetAllowStorageAccessRequestFlag(
nullable nsIPrincipal aEmbeddingPrincipal,
nullable nsIURI aEmbeddedOrigin)
returns (bool success);
async TestAllowStorageAccessRequestFlag(
nullable nsIPrincipal aEmbeddedPrincipal,
nullable nsIURI aEmbeddingOrigin)
returns (bool success);
async StoreUserInteractionAsPermission(nullable nsIPrincipal aPrincipal);
async TestCookiePermissionDecided(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
nullable nsIPrincipal aPrincipal)
returns (bool? allowed);
async TestStorageAccessPermission(nullable nsIPrincipal aEmbeddingPrincipal,
nsCString aEmbeddedOrigin)
returns (bool? allowed);
* When media element's controlled state changed in the content process, we
* have to notify the chrome process in order to update the status of the
* corresponding media controller, which is used to control all media in the
* certain tab. We would use the browsing context to find the corresponding
* controller.
async NotifyMediaPlaybackChanged(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
MediaPlaybackState aState);
* When media became audible or inaudible in content process, we have to
* notify chrome process in order to which tab is audible.
async NotifyMediaAudibleChanged(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
MediaAudibleState aState);
* When media enabled or disabled the Picture-in-Picture mode, we have to
* update that to the media controller in the chrome process.
async NotifyPictureInPictureModeChanged(
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, bool aEnabled);
* This method is used to update media session's status when it's being
* created or destroyed.
async NotifyMediaSessionUpdated(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, bool aIsCreated);
* This method is used to update media session's media metadata whenever its
* metadata is being updated.
async NotifyUpdateMediaMetadata(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
MediaMetadataBase? aMetadata);
* This method is used to update media session's playback state whenever its
* playback state is changed.
async NotifyMediaSessionPlaybackStateChanged(
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
MediaSessionPlaybackState aMetadata);
* This method is used to update media session's supported media session
* action when the action becomes supported or unsupported.
async NotifyMediaSessionSupportedActionChanged(
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
MediaSessionAction aAction,
bool aEnabled);
* This method is used to notify the media controller in chrome process that
* the media element in the browsing context entered fullscreen.
async NotifyMediaFullScreenState(
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
bool aIsInFullScreen);
* This method is used to update media session's position state whenever its
* position state is being updated.
async NotifyPositionStateChanged(
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
PositionState? aState);
* This method is used to update a media's position state whenever its
* guessed position state is being updated.
async NotifyGuessedPositionStateChanged(
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
nsID aMediaId,
PositionState? aState);
* This method will make canonical browsing context to update the count of
* callers which want to keep the page from being suspended even if the page
* is inactive.
async AddOrRemovePageAwakeRequest(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
bool aShouldAddCount);
#if defined(XP_WIN)
* Due to sandboxing, a child process's UntrustedModulesProcessor cannot
* obtain enough information about a DLL file to determine its
* trustworthiness. This API asks the chrome process to perform that
* evaluation.
async GetModulesTrust(ModulePaths aModPaths, bool aRunAtNormalPriority)
returns (ModulesMapResult? modMapResult);
#endif // defined(XP_WIN)
* Used to route shutdown diagnostic info from the content process
* ServiceWorkers to the parent process' ServiceWorkerManager's
* ServiceWorkerShutdownBlocker. (The only other actor chain available
* for this would be very convoluted and create ordering problems).
async ReportServiceWorkerShutdownProgress(uint32_t aShutdownStateId,
Progress aProgress);
* Whenever a document is updating the OrientationLock, we need to
* reject the orientationPendingPromises in other processes.
async AbortOtherOrientationPendingPromises(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext);
async HistoryReload(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, uint32_t aReloadFlags);
async NotifyOnHistoryReload(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
bool aForceReload)
returns (bool canReload, nsDocShellLoadState? loadState,
bool? reloadActiveEntry);
async HistoryCommit(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
uint64_t aLoadID, nsID aChangeID, uint32_t aLoadType,
bool aPersist, bool aCloneEntryChildren,
bool aChannelExpired, uint32_t aCacheKey);
async HistoryGo(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, int32_t aOffset,
uint64_t aHistoryEpoch, bool aRequireUserInteraction,
bool aUserActivation) returns(int32_t? requestedIndex);
async BlobURLDataRequest(nsCString aBlobURL,
nullable nsIPrincipal aTriggeringPrincipal,
nullable nsIPrincipal aLoadingPrincipal,
OriginAttributes aOriginAttributes,
uint64_t aInnerWindowId,
nsCString aPartitionKey)
returns (BlobURLDataRequestResult aResult);
async SetActiveSessionHistoryEntry(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext context,
nsPoint? previousScrollPosition,
SessionHistoryInfo info, uint32_t loadType,
uint32_t updatedCacheKey, nsID changeID);
async ReplaceActiveSessionHistoryEntry(
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext context, SessionHistoryInfo info);
async RemoveDynEntriesFromActiveSessionHistoryEntry(
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext);
async RemoveFromSessionHistory(
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, nsID changeID);
// Called when a nsDocShellLoadState which was received over IPC is
// destroyed in the content process to clean up pending state left behind
// tracking the load state in the parent process.
[LazySend] async CleanupPendingLoadState(uint64_t aLoadIdentifier);
async ScriptError(nsString message, nsString sourceName, nsString sourceLine,
uint32_t lineNumber, uint32_t colNumber, uint32_t flags,
nsCString category, bool isFromPrivateWindow, uint64_t innerWindowId,
bool isFromChromeContext);
* Used in fission to report timing data when the parent window is in
* another process. Child frame will send data to its ContentParent which
* will then identify the ContentParent for the innerWindowId and pass
* the data to the correct process.
* loadInfo is passed in order to enforce same-origin security checks
* aData must be non-null.
async ReportFrameTimingData(LoadInfoArgs loadInfo, nsString entryName,
nsString initiatorType,
UniquePtr<PerformanceTimingData> aData);
async CommitBrowsingContextTransaction(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
BrowsingContextTransaction aTransaction,
uint64_t aEpoch);
async AsyncMessage(nsString aMessage, ClonedMessageData aData);
* Notify `push-subscription-modified` observers in the parent and child.
async NotifyPushSubscriptionModifiedObservers(nsCString scope,
nullable nsIPrincipal principal);
* Send a Push error message to all service worker clients in the parent or
* child.
async PushError(nsCString scope, nullable nsIPrincipal principal, nsString message,
uint32_t flags);
* Creates a new BrowsingContext, initialized with the values provided in
* `BrowsingContextInitializer`.
* This message may only be sent to the parent in limited situations. If the
* new BrowsingContext has a parent window, it must be owned by the
* embedding process, otherwise it must be owned by the opener, if set.
[LazySend] async CreateBrowsingContext(uint64_t aGroupId, BrowsingContextInitializer aInit);
* If aDoDiscard is true, discards the passed-in BrowsingContext. If the
* BrowsingContext has already been discarded, this message does nothing.
* If the receiver is the parent process, resolves when all content
* processes have flagged the BrowsingContext as discarded, and if the
* receiver is a child process, resolves when that child process has flagged
* the BrowsingContext as discarded.
async DiscardBrowsingContext(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, bool aDoDiscard)
returns (uint64_t unused);
* aContext is the one that's taking the affect. Either the one that
* receives the focus, or the one that loses the focus.
* aAncestorBrowsingContextToFocus can only be non-null when
* aShouldClearAncestorFocus is true. This is the browsing context
* that receives the focus when aContext loses the focus.
async AdjustWindowFocus(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
bool aIsVisible, uint64_t aActionId,
bool aShouldClearAncestorFocus,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aAncestorBrowsingContextToFocus);
async WindowClose(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
bool aTrustedCaller);
async WindowFocus(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
CallerType aCallerType, uint64_t aActionId);
async WindowBlur(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
CallerType aCallerType);
async RaiseWindow(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, CallerType aCallerType, uint64_t aActionId);
async ClearFocus(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext);
async SetFocusedBrowsingContext(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, uint64_t aActionId);
async SetActiveBrowsingContext(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, uint64_t aActionId);
async UnsetActiveBrowsingContext(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, uint64_t aActionId);
async SetFocusedElement(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, bool aNeedsFocus);
async FinalizeFocusOuter(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext, bool aCanFocus,
CallerType aCallerType);
[LazySend] async InsertNewFocusActionId(uint64_t aActionId);
async BlurToParent(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aFocusedBrowsingContext,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aBrowsingContextToClear,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aAncestorBrowsingContextToFocus,
bool aIsLeavingDocument, bool aAdjustWidget,
bool aBrowsingContextToClearHandled,
bool aAncestorBrowsingContextToFocusHandled, uint64_t aActionId);
async BlurToChild(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aFocusedBrowsingContext,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aBrowsingContextToClear,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aAncestorBrowsingContextToFocus,
bool aIsLeavingDocument, bool aAdjustWidget, uint64_t aActionId);
async SetupFocusedAndActive(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aFocusedBrowsingContext,
uint64_t aActionIdForFocused,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aActiveBrowsingContext,
uint64_t aActionId);
async ReviseActiveBrowsingContext(uint64_t aOldActionId,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aActiveBrowsingContext,
uint64_t aNewActionId);
async ReviseFocusedBrowsingContext(uint64_t aOldActionId,
MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aFocusedBrowsingContext,
uint64_t aNewActionId);
async MaybeExitFullscreen(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext);
async WindowPostMessage(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContext,
ClonedOrErrorMessageData aMessage,
PostMessageData aData);
async CommitWindowContextTransaction(MaybeDiscardedWindowContext aContext,
WindowContextTransaction aTransaction,
uint64_t aEpoch);
// NOTE: These methods are only needed on the child, as the parent
// WindowContext is managed using the PWindowGlobal actor's lifecycle.
[LazySend] async CreateWindowContext(WindowContextInitializer aInit);
async DiscardWindowContext(uint64_t aContextId) returns (bool unused);
// Temporary (bug 1641989) conduit for Glean data in content processes.
// Sent from time-to-time to limit the amount of data vulnerable to loss.
// Buffer contains bincoded Rust structs.
async FOGData(ByteBuf buf);
// Temporary (bug 1641989) conduit for Glean data in content processes.
// Tells the child to flush any pending data. Used in tests and ping
// assembly. Buffer contains bincoded Rust structs.
async FlushFOGData() returns (ByteBuf buf);
async SetContainerFeaturePolicy(MaybeDiscardedBrowsingContext aContainerContext,
nullable FeaturePolicy aContainerFeaturePolicy);
// Obtain an icon from the system widget toolkit, in nsIconDecoder
// format. Not supported (or needed) on all platforms; see the
// implementation in ContentParent::RecvGetSystemIcon for details.
async GetSystemIcon(nullable nsIURI aURI) returns (nsresult aResult, ByteBuf? aData);
// Used by the child process to signal that it is ready to start fuzzing.
// This can in particular be used to wait for a particular event in a
// test document before taking the snapshot and starting e.g. IPC fuzzing.
async SignalFuzzingReady();