Name Description Size
clean.bat 138
invoke_test.cpp class baz : public base { public: NS_IMETHOD ignored() override; NS_IMETHOD callme1() override; NS_IMETHOD callme2() override; NS_IMETHOD callme3() override; void setfoo(foo* f) {other = f;} foo* other; }; NS_IMETHODIMP baz::ignored(){return 0;} 5149
mk_invoke.bat 296
mk_stub.bat 278 340
README These are just simple test programs in which stripped down versions of the 444
stub_test.cpp / #if defined(WIN32) static int __stdcall PrepareAndDispatch(baz* self, uint32_t methodIndex, uint32_t* args, uint32_t* stackBytesToPop) { fprintf(stdout, "PrepareAndDispatch (%p, %d, %p)\n", (void*)self, methodIndex, (void*)args); foo* a = self->other; int p1 = (int)*args; int p2 = (int)*(args + 1); int out = 0; switch (methodIndex) { case 1: out = a->callme1(p1, p2); break; case 2: out = a->callme2(p1, p2); break; case 3: out = a->callme3(p1, p2); break; } stackBytesToPop = 2 * 4; return out; } # ifndef __GNUC__ static __declspec(naked) void SharedStub(void) { __asm { push ebp // set up simple stack frame mov ebp, esp // stack has: ebp/vtbl_index/retaddr/this/args push ecx // make room for a ptr lea eax, [ebp-4] // pointer to stackBytesToPop push eax lea ecx, [ebp+16] // pointer to args push ecx mov edx, [ebp+4] // vtbl_index push edx mov eax, [ebp+12] // this push eax call PrepareAndDispatch mov edx, [ebp+8] // return address mov ecx, [ebp-4] // stackBytesToPop add ecx, 12 // for this, the index, and ret address mov esp, ebp pop ebp add esp, ecx // fix up stack pointer jmp edx // simulate __stdcall return } } // these macros get expanded (many times) in the file #included below # define STUB_ENTRY(n) \ __declspec(naked) nsresult __stdcall baz::callme##n() { \ __asm push n __asm jmp SharedStub \ } # else /* __GNUC__ 6324