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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
#ifndef nsMenuBarX_h_
#define nsMenuBarX_h_
#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>
#include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h"
#include "mozilla/WeakPtr.h"
#include "nsISupports.h"
#include "nsMenuParentX.h"
#include "nsChangeObserver.h"
#include "nsTArray.h"
#include "nsString.h"
class nsMenuBarX;
class nsMenuGroupOwnerX;
class nsMenuX;
class nsIWidget;
class nsIContent;
namespace mozilla {
namespace dom {
class Document;
class Element;
} // namespace dom
} // namespace mozilla
// ApplicationMenuDelegate is used to receive Cocoa notifications.
@interface ApplicationMenuDelegate : NSObject <NSMenuDelegate> {
nsMenuBarX* mApplicationMenu; // weak ref
- (id)initWithApplicationMenu:(nsMenuBarX*)aApplicationMenu;
// Objective-C class used to allow us to intervene with keyboard event handling.
// We allow mouse actions to work normally.
@interface GeckoNSMenu : NSMenu {
- (BOOL)performSuperKeyEquivalent:(NSEvent*)aEvent;
// Objective-C class used as action target for menu items
@interface NativeMenuItemTarget : NSObject {
- (IBAction)menuItemHit:(id)aSender;
// Objective-C class used for menu items on the Services menu to allow Gecko
// to override their standard behavior in order to stop key equivalents from
// firing in certain instances.
@interface GeckoServicesNSMenuItem : NSMenuItem {
- (id)target;
- (SEL)action;
- (void)_doNothing:(id)aSender;
// Objective-C class used as the Services menu so that Gecko can override the
// standard behavior of the Services menu in order to stop key equivalents
// from firing in certain instances.
@interface GeckoServicesNSMenu : NSMenu {
- (void)addItem:(NSMenuItem*)aNewItem;
- (NSMenuItem*)addItemWithTitle:(NSString*)aString
- (void)insertItem:(NSMenuItem*)aNewItem atIndex:(NSInteger)aIndex;
- (NSMenuItem*)insertItemWithTitle:(NSString*)aString
- (void)_overrideClassOfMenuItem:(NSMenuItem*)aMenuItem;
// Once instantiated, this object lives until its DOM node or its parent window
// is destroyed. Do not hold references to this, they can become invalid any
// time the DOM node can be destroyed.
class nsMenuBarX : public nsMenuParentX,
public nsChangeObserver,
public mozilla::SupportsWeakPtr {
explicit nsMenuBarX(mozilla::dom::Element* aElement);
static NativeMenuItemTarget* sNativeEventTarget;
static nsMenuBarX* sLastGeckoMenuBarPainted;
// The following content nodes have been removed from the menu system.
// We save them here for use in command handling.
RefPtr<nsIContent> mAboutItemContent;
RefPtr<nsIContent> mPrefItemContent;
RefPtr<nsIContent> mAccountItemContent;
RefPtr<nsIContent> mQuitItemContent;
// nsChangeObserver
// nsMenuParentX
nsMenuBarX* AsMenuBar() override { return this; }
// nsMenuBarX
uint32_t GetMenuCount();
bool MenuContainsAppMenu();
nsMenuX* GetMenuAt(uint32_t aIndex);
nsMenuX* GetXULHelpMenu();
void SetSystemHelpMenu();
nsresult Paint();
void ForceUpdateNativeMenuAt(const nsAString& aIndexString);
void ForceNativeMenuReload(); // used for testing
static void ResetNativeApplicationMenu();
void SetNeedsRebuild();
void ApplicationMenuOpened();
bool PerformKeyEquivalent(NSEvent* aEvent);
GeckoNSMenu* NativeNSMenu() { return mNativeMenu; }
// nsMenuParentX
void MenuChildChangedVisibility(const MenuChild& aChild,
bool aIsVisible) override;
virtual ~nsMenuBarX();
void ConstructNativeMenus();
void ConstructFallbackNativeMenus();
void InsertMenuAtIndex(RefPtr<nsMenuX>&& aMenu, uint32_t aIndex);
void RemoveMenuAtIndex(uint32_t aIndex);
RefPtr<mozilla::dom::Element> HideItem(mozilla::dom::Document* aDocument,
const nsAString& aID);
void AquifyMenuBar();
NSMenuItem* CreateNativeAppMenuItem(nsMenuX* aMenu, const nsAString& aNodeID,
SEL aAction, int aTag,
NativeMenuItemTarget* aTarget);
void CreateApplicationMenu(nsMenuX* aMenu);
// Calculates the index at which aChild's NSMenuItem should be inserted into
// our NSMenu. The order of NSMenuItems in the NSMenu is the same as the order
// of nsMenuX objects in mMenuArray; there are two differences:
// - mMenuArray contains both visible and invisible menus, and the NSMenu
// only contains visible
// menus.
// - Our NSMenu may also contain an item for the app menu, whereas mMenuArray
// never does.
// So the insertion index is equal to the number of visible previous siblings
// of aChild in mMenuArray, plus one if the app menu is present.
NSInteger CalculateNativeInsertionPoint(nsMenuX* aChild);
RefPtr<nsIContent> mContent;
RefPtr<nsMenuGroupOwnerX> mMenuGroupOwner;
nsTArray<RefPtr<nsMenuX>> mMenuArray;
GeckoNSMenu* mNativeMenu; // root menu, representing entire menu bar
bool mNeedsRebuild;
ApplicationMenuDelegate* mApplicationMenuDelegate;
#endif // nsMenuBarX_h_