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# -*- Mode: python; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 40 -*-
# vim: set filetype=python:
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import json
import os
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "eslint"))
from mozbuild.nodeutil import find_node_executable
from mozlint import result
from eslint import setup_helper
An error occurred running eslint. Please check the following error messages:
Could not find eslint! We looked at the --binary option, at the ESLINT
environment variable, and then at your local node_modules path. Please Install
eslint and needed plugins with:
mach eslint --setup
and try again.
An error occurred running prettier. Please check the following error messages:
"This file needs formatting with Prettier (use 'mach lint --fix <path>')."
def setup(root, **lintargs):
if not setup_helper.check_node_executables_valid():
return 1
return setup_helper.eslint_maybe_setup()
def lint(paths, config, binary=None, fix=None, rules=[], setup=None, **lintargs):
"""Run eslint."""
log = lintargs["log"]
module_path = setup_helper.get_project_root()
# Valid binaries are:
# - Any provided by the binary argument.
# - Any pointed at by the ESLINT environmental variable.
# - Those provided by |mach lint --setup|.
if not binary:
binary, _ = find_node_executable()
if not binary:
return 1
extra_args = lintargs.get("extra_args") or []
exclude_args = []
for path in config.get("exclude", []):
["--ignore-pattern", os.path.relpath(path, lintargs["root"])]
for rule in rules:
extra_args.extend(["--rule", rule])
# First run ESLint
cmd_args = (
os.path.join(module_path, "node_modules", "eslint", "bin", "eslint.js"),
# This keeps ext as a single argument.
+ rules
+ extra_args
+ exclude_args
+ paths
if fix:
# eslint requires that --fix be set before the --ext argument.
cmd_args.insert(2, "--fix")
log.debug("ESLint command: {}".format(" ".join(cmd_args)))
result = run(cmd_args, config)
if result == 1:
return result
# Then run Prettier
cmd_args = (
os.path.join(module_path, "node_modules", "prettier", "bin-prettier.js"),
+ extra_args
# Prettier does not support exclude arguments.
# + exclude_args
+ paths
log.debug("Prettier command: {}".format(" ".join(cmd_args)))
if fix:
prettier_result = run_prettier(cmd_args, config, fix)
if prettier_result == 1:
return prettier_result
result["fixed"] = result["fixed"] + prettier_result["fixed"]
return result
def run(cmd_args, config):
shell = False
if (
os.environ.get("MSYSTEM") in ("MINGW32", "MINGW64")
or "MOZILLABUILD" in os.environ
# The eslint binary needs to be run from a shell with msys
shell = True
encoding = "utf-8"
orig = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
proc = subprocess.Popen(
cmd_args, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, orig)
output, errors = proc.communicate()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return {"results": [], "fixed": 0}
if errors:
errors = errors.decode(encoding, "replace")
if proc.returncode >= 2:
return 1
if not output:
return {"results": [], "fixed": 0} # no output means success
output = output.decode(encoding, "replace")
jsonresult = json.loads(output)
except ValueError:
return 1
results = []
fixed = 0
for obj in jsonresult:
errors = obj["messages"]
# This will return a count of files fixed, rather than issues fixed, as
# that is the only count we have.
if "output" in obj:
fixed = fixed + 1
for err in errors:
"hint": err.get("fix"),
"level": "error" if err["severity"] == 2 else "warning",
"lineno": err.get("line") or 0,
"path": obj["filePath"],
"rule": err.get("ruleId"),
results.append(result.from_config(config, **err))
return {"results": results, "fixed": fixed}
def run_prettier(cmd_args, config, fix):
shell = False
if is_windows():
# The eslint binary needs to be run from a shell with msys
shell = True
encoding = "utf-8"
orig = signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
proc = subprocess.Popen(
cmd_args, shell=shell, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, orig)
output, errors = proc.communicate()
except KeyboardInterrupt:
return {"results": [], "fixed": 0}
results = []
if errors:
errors = errors.decode(encoding, "replace").strip().split("\n")
errors = [
for error in errors
# Unknown options are not an issue for Prettier, this avoids
# errors during tests.
if not ("Ignored unknown option" in error)
if len(errors):
"name": "eslint",
"path": os.path.abspath("."),
"message": PRETTIER_ERROR_MESSAGE.format("\n".join(errors)),
"level": "error",
"rule": "prettier",
"lineno": 0,
"column": 0,
if not output:
# If we have errors, but no output, we assume something really bad happened.
if errors and len(errors):
return {"results": results, "fixed": 0}
return {"results": [], "fixed": 0} # no output means success
output = output.decode(encoding, "replace").splitlines()
fixed = 0
if fix:
# When Prettier is running in fix mode, it outputs the list of files
# that have been fixed, so sum them up here.
# If it can't fix files, it will throw an error, which will be handled
# above.
fixed = len(output)
# When in "check" mode, Prettier will output the list of files that
# need changing, so we'll wrap them in our result structure here.
for file in output:
if not file:
file = os.path.abspath(file)
"name": "eslint",
"path": file,
"level": "error",
"rule": "prettier",
"lineno": 0,
"column": 0,
return {"results": results, "fixed": fixed}
def is_windows():
return (
os.environ.get("MSYSTEM") in ("MINGW32", "MINGW64")
or "MOZILLABUILD" in os.environ