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Test Info: Warnings

/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
"use strict";
const testConfiguration = {
identifier: "wikipedia",
default: {
// Not default anywhere.
available: {
excluded: [
// Should be available everywhere.
details: [
// Details generated below.
* Generates the expected details for the given locales and inserts
* them into the testConfiguration.
* @param {string[]} locales
* The locales for this details entry - which locales this variant of
* Wikipedia is expected to be deployed to.
* @param {string} [subDomainName]
* The expected sub domain name for this variant of Wikipedia. If not
* specified, defaults to the first item in the locales array.
* @param {string} [telemetrySuffix]
* The expected suffix used when this variant is reported via telemetry. If
* not specified, defaults to the first item in the array. If this is the
* empty string, then it "wikipedia" (i.e. no suffix) will be the expected
* value.
function generateExpectedDetails(locales, subDomainName, telemetrySuffix) {
if (!subDomainName) {
subDomainName = locales[0];
if (telemetrySuffix == undefined) {
telemetrySuffix = locales[0];
domain: `${subDomainName}`,
telemetryId: telemetrySuffix ? `wikipedia-${telemetrySuffix}` : "wikipedia",
aliases: ["@wikipedia"],
included: [{ locales }],
// This is an array of an array of arguments to be passed to generateExpectedDetails().
// These are the locale, sub domain name and telemetry id suffix expectations for
// the test to check.
// Note that the expectations for are generated in add_setup.
const LOCALES_INFO = [
[["ca", "ca-valencia"], "ca", "ca"],
[["cs"], "cs", "cz"],
[["cak", "es-AR", "es-CL", "es-ES", "es-MX", "trs"], "es", "es"],
[["fr", "ff", "son"], "fr", "fr"],
[["fy-NL"], "fy", "fy-NL"],
[["ga-IE"], "ga", "ga-IE"],
[["gu-IN"], "gu", "gu"],
[["hi-IN"], "hi", "hi"],
[["hy-AM"], "hy", "hy"],
[["ja", "ja-JP-macos"], "ja", "ja"],
[["ko"], "ko", "kr"],
[["it", "fur", "sc"], "it", "it"],
[["nb-NO"], "no", "NO"],
[["ne-NP"], "ne", "ne"],
[["nn-NO"], "nn", "NN"],
[["pa-IN"], "pa", "pa"],
[["pl", "szl"], "pl", "pl"],
[["pt-BR", "pt-PT"], "pt", "pt"],
[["sv-SE"], "sv", "sv-SE"],
[["zh-CN"], "zh", "zh-CN"],
[["zh-TW"], "zh", "zh-TW"],
const test = new SearchConfigTest(testConfiguration);
add_setup(async function () {
const allLocales = await test.getLocales();
// For the "en" version of Wikipedia, we ship it to all locales where other
// Wikipedias are not shipped. We form the list based on all-locales to avoid
// needing to update the test whenever all-locales is updated.
let enLocales = [];
for (let locale of allLocales) {
if (!LOCALES_INFO.find(d => d[0].includes(locale))) {
console.log(" expected locales are:", enLocales);
generateExpectedDetails(enLocales, "en", "");
for (let details of LOCALES_INFO) {
await test.setup();
add_task(async function test_searchConfig_wikipedia() {