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Test Info: Warnings

"use strict";
// This file verifies the quota on regexFilter rules for all ruleset.
// The generic rule limits (not specific to regexFilter) are covered elsewhere:
// - session_rules_total_rule_limit in test_ext_dnr_session_rules.js
// - test_dynamic_rules_count_limits in test_ext_dnr_dynamic_rules.js
// (also checks that the quota of session and dynamic rules are separate.)
// - test_getAvailableStaticRulesCountAndLimits and test_static_rulesets_limits
// in test_ext_dnr_static_rules.js.
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
add_setup(async () => {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.manifestV3.enabled", true);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.dnr.enabled", true);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("", true);
// We want to install add-ons through the add-on manager in order to be able
// to disable / re-enable the add-on.
await ExtensionTestUtils.startAddonManager();
// Create an extension composed of the given test cases, and start or reload
// the extension before each test case.
// testCases is an array of:
// - name - unique name describing purpose of test
// - setup - optional function run before (re-)enabling the extension.
// - backgroundFn - logic to run in the extension's background.
// - checkConsoleMessages - function to run to verify the console messages
// collected between extension (re)startup and the execution of backgroundFn.
// extensionDataTemplate should be a value for ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension,
// without the background key.
async function startOrReloadExtensionForEach(testCases, extensionDataTemplate) {
for (let testCase of testCases) {
// Verify that the keys are supported, so that the test does not pass
// trivially because of a typo or something.
let okKeys = ["name", "setup", "backgroundFn", "checkConsoleMessages"];
let keys = Object.keys(testCase).filter(k => !okKeys.includes(k));
if (keys.length) {
throw new Error(`Unexpected key in testCase ${}: ${keys}`);
if (extensionDataTemplate.background) {
// background is generated here, so the template should not specify it.
throw new Error("extensionDataTemplate.background should not be set");
function background(testCases) {
browser.test.onMessage.addListener(async testName => {
try {
browser.test.log(`Starting backgroundFn for ${testName}`);
await testCases.find(({ name }) => name === testName).backgroundFn();
} catch (e) {`Unexpected error for ${testName}: ${e}`);
browser.test.log(`Completed backgroundFn for ${testName}`);
const serializedTestCases =
({ name, backgroundFn }) => `{name:"${name}",backgroundFn:${backgroundFn}}`
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
background: `(${background})([${serializedTestCases.join(",")}])`,
for (let [i, { name, setup, checkConsoleMessages }] of testCases.entries()) {
info(`Running test case: ${name}`);
await setup?.();
let { messages } = await promiseConsoleOutput(async () => {
if (i === 0) {
await extension.startup();
} else {
await extension.addon.enable();
await extension.awaitMessage("background_started");
// DNR rule loading errors should be emitted at startup. But since the
// rule loading is async and not blocking background startup, we need to
// roundtrip through the DNR API before we can verify the error message.
await extension.awaitMessage(`${name}:done`);
checkConsoleMessages(name, messages);
if (i === testCases.length - 1) {
await extension.unload();
} else {
await extension.addon.disable();
info(`Completed test case: ${name}`);
// Create the extensionDataTemplate value (without "background" key!) for use
// with ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension, through startOrReloadExtensionForEach.
function makeExtensionDataTemplate({ manifest, files }) {
return {
// Note: no "background" key because startOrReloadExtensionForEach adds it.
useAddonManager: "permanent",
manifest: {
manifest_version: 3,
permissions: ["declarativeNetRequest", "declarativeNetRequestFeedback"],
browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id: "dnr@ext" } },
function genStaticRules(count) {
let rules = [];
for (let i = 1; i <= count; ++i) {
id: i,
condition: { regexFilter: `prefix_${i}_suffix` },
action: { type: "block" },
return JSON.stringify(rules);
add_task(async function session_and_dynamic_regexFilter_limit() {
let extensionDataTemplate = makeExtensionDataTemplate({});
// Note: Every testPart* function will be serialized and be part of the test
// extension's background script.
async function testPart1_session_and_dynamic_quota() {
let rules = [];
const { MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGEX_RULES } = browser.declarativeNetRequest;
for (let i = 1; i <= MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGEX_RULES; ++i) {
id: i,
condition: { regexFilter: `prefix_${i}_suffix` },
action: { type: "block" },
const lastRuleId = rules[rules.length - 1].id;
browser.test.log(`Adding ${rules.length} regex rules (dynamic)`);
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateDynamicRules({
addRules: rules,
{ matchedRules: [{ ruleId: lastRuleId, rulesetId: "_dynamic" }] },
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.testMatchOutcome({
url: `${lastRuleId}_suffix`,
type: "other",
"Expected last regexFilter to match the request"
// Dynamic and session rules should have a separate quota for regexFilter.
browser.test.log(`Adding ${rules.length} regex rules (session)`);
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateSessionRules({
addRules: rules,
{ matchedRules: [{ ruleId: lastRuleId, rulesetId: "_session" }] },
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.testMatchOutcome({
url: `${lastRuleId}_suffix`,
type: "other",
"Expected registered regexFilter to match"
// Now we should not be able to add another one.
const newRule = {
id: lastRuleId + 1,
condition: { regexFilter: "." },
action: { type: "block" },
await browser.test.assertRejects(
browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateSessionRules({ addRules: [newRule] }),
`Number of regexFilter rules in ruleset "_session" exceeds MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGEX_RULES.`,
"Should not allow regexFilter over quota for session ruleset"
await browser.test.assertRejects(
browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateDynamicRules({ addRules: [newRule] }),
`Number of regexFilter rules in ruleset "_dynamic" exceeds MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGEX_RULES.`,
"Should not allow regexFilter over quota for dynamic ruleset"
async function testPart2_after_reload() {
(await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getSessionRules()).length,
"Session rules gone after restart"
let rules = await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getDynamicRules();
"Dynamic regexFilter rules still there after restart"
// This confirms that the quota for session rules is not somehow persisted
// somewhere else.
browser.test.log(`Verifying that we can add ${rules.length} rules again.`);
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateSessionRules({
addRules: rules,
async function testPart3_too_many_regexFilters_stored_after_lowering_quota() {
(await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getDynamicRules()).length,
"Ignore all stored dynamic rules when regexFilter quota is exceeded"
async function testPart4_reload_after_quota_back() {
// Implementation detail: while the in-memory representation of the
// dynamic rules has been wiped at the previous extension load, the disk
// representation did not change because we only read the dynamic rules
// without anything else triggering a save request.
// Therefore, when the limit was somehow restored, the on-disk data is
// now considered valid again.
(await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getDynamicRules()).length,
"On-disk dynamic rules accepted when regexFilter quota is not exceeded"
// Expected warning in console when there are too many regexFilter rules in
// the dynamic ruleset data on disk.
const errorMsg = `Ignoring dynamic ruleset in extension "dnr@ext" because: Number of regexFilter rules in ruleset "_dynamic" exceeds MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGEX_RULES.`;
function expectError(testName, messages) {
messages.filter(m => m.message.includes(errorMsg)).length,
`${testName} should trigger the following error in the log: ${errorMsg}`
function noErrors(testName, messages) {
messages.filter(m => m.message.includes(errorMsg)).length,
`${testName} should not trigger any logged errors`
const testCases = [
name: "testPart1_session_and_dynamic_quota",
backgroundFn: testPart1_session_and_dynamic_quota,
checkConsoleMessages: noErrors,
name: "testPart2_after_reload",
backgroundFn: testPart2_after_reload,
checkConsoleMessages: noErrors,
name: "testPart3_too_many_regexFilters_stored_after_lowering_quota",
setup() {
// Artificially decrease the max number of allowed regexFilter rules,
// so that whatever that was stored on disk is no longer within quota.
backgroundFn: testPart3_too_many_regexFilters_stored_after_lowering_quota,
checkConsoleMessages: expectError,
name: "testPart4_reload_after_quota_back",
setup() {
// Restore the original quota after it was lowered in testPart3.
backgroundFn: testPart4_reload_after_quota_back,
checkConsoleMessages: noErrors,
await startOrReloadExtensionForEach(testCases, extensionDataTemplate);
add_task(async function static_regexFilter_limit() {
const { MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGEX_RULES } = ExtensionDNRLimits;
let extensionDataTemplate = makeExtensionDataTemplate({
manifest: {
declarative_net_request: {
rule_resources: [
// limit_plus_1 is over quota, but the other rules should be loaded
// if possible.
{ id: "limit_plus_1", path: "limit_plus_1.json", enabled: true },
{ id: "just_one", path: "just_one.json", enabled: true },
{ id: "just_two", path: "just_two.json", enabled: true },
{ id: "limit_minus_2", path: "limit_minus_2.json", enabled: true },
{ id: "limit_minus_1", path: "limit_minus_1.json", enabled: false },
files: {
"limit_plus_1.json": genStaticRules(MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGEX_RULES + 1),
"just_one.json": genStaticRules(1),
"just_two.json": genStaticRules(2),
"limit_minus_2.json": genStaticRules(MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGEX_RULES - 2),
"limit_minus_1.json": genStaticRules(MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGEX_RULES - 1),
// Note: Every testPart* function will be serialized and be part of the test
// extension's background script.
async function testPart1_start_over_static_quota() {
["just_one", "just_two"],
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getEnabledRulesets(),
"Should only load rules that fit in the quota for static rules"
async function testPart2_after_reload() {
// Should still be the same.
["just_one", "just_two"],
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getEnabledRulesets(),
"Should only load rules that fit in the quota for static rules (again)"
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateEnabledRulesets({
disableRulesetIds: ["just_one"],
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getEnabledRulesets(),
"After disabling 'just_one', there should only be one enabled ruleset"
async function testPart3_after_updateEnabledRulesets_within_limit() {
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getEnabledRulesets(),
"limit_minus_2 should still be disabled because of a previous updateEnabledRulesets call"
// This should succeed, as there is now enough space.
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateEnabledRulesets({
enableRulesetIds: ["limit_minus_2"],
["just_two", "limit_minus_2"],
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getEnabledRulesets(),
"limit_minus_2 should be enabled by updateEnabledRulesets"
await browser.test.assertRejects(
enableRulesetIds: ["just_one"],
`Number of regexFilter rules across all enabled static rulesets exceeds MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGEX_RULES if ruleset "just_one" were to be enabled.`,
"Should not be able to enable just_one because limit was reached"
async function testPart4_toggling_rulesets_at_quota() {
["just_two", "limit_minus_2"],
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getEnabledRulesets(),
"Should have the two rulesets occupying all quota from the previous run"
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateEnabledRulesets({
disableRulesetIds: ["just_two"],
enableRulesetIds: ["just_one"],
["just_one", "limit_minus_2"],
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getEnabledRulesets(),
"Should be able to replace a ruleset as long as the result is within quota"
// Try to enable just_one + just_two (+existing limit_minus_2).
await browser.test.assertRejects(
disableRulesetIds: ["just_one"],
enableRulesetIds: ["just_one", "just_two"],
`Number of regexFilter rules across all enabled static rulesets exceeds MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGEX_RULES if ruleset "just_two" were to be enabled.`,
"Should reject updateEnabledRulesets that would exceed the quota by 1"
["just_one", "limit_minus_2"],
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getEnabledRulesets(),
"Rulesets should not have changed due to rejection"
async function testPart5_after_doubling_quota() {
["just_one", "limit_minus_2"],
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getEnabledRulesets(),
"Initial ruleset not changed after bumping the quota"
// Explicitly disable before re-enabling them all to see whether the order
// of passed-in rulesets has any impact on the evaluation order at startup.
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateEnabledRulesets({
disableRulesetIds: ["limit_minus_2", "just_one"],
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.updateEnabledRulesets({
enableRulesetIds: [
["just_one", "just_two", "limit_minus_2", "limit_minus_1"],
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getEnabledRulesets(),
"All rulesets within new quota - ruleset order should match manifest order"
async function testPart6_after_restoring_original_quota_half() {
["just_one", "just_two"],
await browser.declarativeNetRequest.getEnabledRulesets(),
"Should have trimmed excess rules in the manifest order"
const errorMsgPattern =
/Ignoring static ruleset "([^"]+)" in extension "dnr@ext" because: Number of regexFilter rules across all enabled static rulesets exceeds MAX_NUMBER_OF_REGEX_RULES if ruleset "\1" were to be enabled./;
function checkFailedRulesets(testName, messages, rulesetIds) {
let actualRulesetIds = messages
.map(m => errorMsgPattern.exec(m.message)?.[1])
`${testName} should only trigger errors for rejected rulesets at start`
const testCases = [
name: "testPart1_start_over_static_quota",
backgroundFn: testPart1_start_over_static_quota,
checkConsoleMessages: (n, m) =>
checkFailedRulesets(n, m, ["limit_plus_1", "limit_minus_2"]),
name: "testPart2_after_reload",
backgroundFn: testPart2_after_reload,
// The extension has not called updateEnabledRulesets, so the "enabled"
// state of limit_minus_2 from manifest.json is still the extension's
// desired state for the ruleset. When the browser thus tries to enable
// the ruleset, it should encounter the same error as before.
// An alternative would be for the latest understanding of "enabled" to
// be persisted to disk and used when we load the persisted ruleset state.
// But if we do that, then we would not be able to distinguish "disabled
// because of a browser limit" from "disabled by extension". And if we
// cannot do that, then we would not be able to enable rulesets from
// already-installed extensions if we were to bump the limits in a browser
// update.
// Note: even if caching is implemented (bug 1803365), the observed
// behavior should happen, because the cache is cleared when we disable
// the extension.
checkConsoleMessages: (n, m) =>
checkFailedRulesets(n, m, ["limit_plus_1", "limit_minus_2"]),
name: "testPart3_after_updateEnabledRulesets_within_limit",
backgroundFn: testPart3_after_updateEnabledRulesets_within_limit,
checkConsoleMessages: (n, m) => checkFailedRulesets(n, m, []),
name: "testPart4_toggling_rulesets_at_quota",
backgroundFn: testPart4_toggling_rulesets_at_quota,
checkConsoleMessages: (n, m) => checkFailedRulesets(n, m, []),
name: "testPart5_after_doubling_quota",
setup() {
backgroundFn: testPart5_after_doubling_quota,
checkConsoleMessages: (n, m) => checkFailedRulesets(n, m, []),
name: "testPart6_after_restoring_original_quota_half",
setup() {
// Restore the original quota after it was raised in testPart5.
backgroundFn: testPart6_after_restoring_original_quota_half,
checkConsoleMessages: (n, m) =>
checkFailedRulesets(n, m, ["limit_minus_2", "limit_minus_1"]),
await startOrReloadExtensionForEach(testCases, extensionDataTemplate);