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Test Info: Warnings

"use strict";
// The validate_action_redirect_transform task of test_ext_dnr_session_rules.js
// confirms that redirect transform rules meet some minimum bar of validation.
// Despite passing validation, there are still interesting cases to explore,
// ranging from verifying that special characters appear as expected, to
// verifying that an invalid URL (e.g. too long after the transform) is handled
// reasonably well.
add_setup(() => {
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.manifestV3.enabled", true);
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("extensions.dnr.enabled", true);
// Allow navigation to URLs with embedded credentials, without prompt.
Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.auth.confirmAuth.enabled", false);
const server = createHttpServer({
hosts: ["from", "dest", "", "[::1]", "", "fqdn."],
server.identity.add("http", "dest", 443); // test_redirect_transform_port
server.identity.add("http", "dest", 700); // test_redirect_transform_port
server.identity.add("http", "dest", 777); // Dummy port in test cases.
server.registerPrefixHandler("/", (req, res) => {
res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
// This function is serialized and called in the context of the test extension's
// background page. dnrTestUtils is passed to the background function.
function makeDnrTestUtils() {
const dnrTestUtils = {};
const dnr = browser.declarativeNetRequest;
function makeRedirectTransformRule(transform) {
return {
id: 1,
condition: { requestDomains: ["from"] },
action: {
type: "redirect",
// redirect to "dest" by default, different from "from", to avoid an
// infinite redirect loop.
redirect: { transform: { host: "dest", ...transform } },
async function setRedirectTransform(transform) {
await dnr.updateSessionRules({
removeRuleIds: [1],
addRules: [makeRedirectTransformRule(transform)],
// testFetch is simple/fast, but cannot always be used:
// - when the request URL contains embedded credentials.
// - when the final URL is supposed to contain a reference fragment.
async function testFetch(from, to, description) {
let res = await fetch(from);
browser.test.assertEq(to, res.url, description);
browser.test.assertEq("GOOD_RESPONSE", await res.text(), "expected body");
// testNavigate is the slower, complex version of testFetch. It should be
// used in tests where the username, password or fragment components of a URL
// are significant.
async function testNavigate(from, to, description) {
let resultPromise = new Promise(resolve => {
browser.test.onMessage.addListener(function listener(msg, result) {
if (msg === "test_navigate_result") {
// resolve only resolves on the first call, which is ideal because
// browser.test.onMessage.removeListener does not work (bug 1428213).
browser.test.sendMessage("test_navigate", from);
browser.test.assertDeepEq({ from, to }, await resultPromise, description);
Object.assign(dnrTestUtils, {
return dnrTestUtils;
async function runAsDNRExtension({ background, manifest }) {
let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({
background: `(${background})((${makeDnrTestUtils})())`,
allowInsecureRequests: true,
manifest: {
manifest_version: 3,
permissions: ["declarativeNetRequest"],
host_permissions: ["<all_urls>"],
granted_host_permissions: true,
web_accessible_resources: [
{ resources: ["war.txt"], matches: ["http://from/*"] },
temporarilyInstalled: true, // <-- for granted_host_permissions
files: {
"war.txt": "GOOD_RESPONSE",
"nowar.txt": "nowar.txt is not in web_accessible_resources",
extension.onMessage("test_navigate", async url => {
// The DNR rule does not redirect the main frame.
let contentPage = await ExtensionTestUtils.loadContentPage("http://from/");
info(`Loading ${url}`);
await contentPage.spawn([url], async url => {
let { document } = this.content;
let frame = document.createElement("iframe");
frame.src = url;
await new Promise(resolve => {
frame.onload = resolve;
let finalURL = contentPage.browsingContext.children[0].currentURI.spec;
await contentPage.close();
extension.sendMessage("test_navigate_result", { from: url, to: finalURL });
await extension.startup();
await extension.awaitFinish();
await extension.unload();
add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_all_at_once() {
await runAsDNRExtension({
background: async dnrTestUtils => {
const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils;
await setRedirectTransform({
scheme: "http",
username: "a",
password: "b",
host: "dest",
port: "777",
path: "/d",
query: "?e",
queryTransform: null,
fragment: "#f",
await testFetch(
"http://a:b@dest:777/d?e", // note: fetch cannot see '#f'.
"Adds components to minimal URL (fetch)"
await testNavigate(
"Adds components to minimal URL (navigation)"
await browser.test.assertRejects(
"Window.fetch: https://user:pass@from:777/path?query#ref is an url with embedded credentials.",
"fetch does not work with embedded credentials"
await testNavigate(
"Replaces all components in existing URL (navigation)"
add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_scheme() {
await runAsDNRExtension({
background: async dnrTestUtils => {
const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils;
await setRedirectTransform({ scheme: "http" });
await testFetch("https://from/", "http://dest/", "scheme change");
await testNavigate(
"scheme change in complex URL with embedded credentials"
await setRedirectTransform({
scheme: "moz-extension",
host: location.hostname,
await testFetch(
"Scheme change to moz-extension:-URL"
await testNavigate(
"Scheme change to moz-extension:-URL (navigation)"
// While the initiator (extension) would be allowed to read the resource
// due to it being same-origin, the pre-redirect URL (http://from) is not
// matching web_accessible_resources[].matches, so the load is rejected.
// This scenario is also tested in test_ext_dnr_without_webrequest.js, at
// the redirect_request_with_dnr_to_extensionPath task.
await browser.test.assertRejects(
"NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.",
"Cannot load redirect to moz-extension: not in web_accessible_resources"
add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_username() {
await runAsDNRExtension({
background: async dnrTestUtils => {
const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils;
await setRedirectTransform({ username: "" });
await testNavigate(
"username cleared"
await setRedirectTransform({ username: "new" });
// Cannot pass credentials to fetch, but can read from response.url:
await testFetch("http://from/", "http://new@dest/", "username added");
await testNavigate("http://from/", "http://new@dest/", "username added");
await testNavigate(
"username changed"
await setRedirectTransform({ username: "new User:name@%%20/" });
await testNavigate(
"username changed to complex value"
add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_password() {
await runAsDNRExtension({
background: async dnrTestUtils => {
const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils;
await setRedirectTransform({ password: "" });
await testNavigate(
"password cleared"
await setRedirectTransform({ password: "new" });
// Cannot pass credentials to fetch, but can read from response.url:
await testFetch("http://from/", "http://:new@dest/", "password added");
await testNavigate("http://from/", "http://:new@dest/", "password added");
await testNavigate(
"password changed"
await setRedirectTransform({ password: "new Pass:@%%20/" });
await testNavigate(
"password changed to complex value"
add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_host() {
await runAsDNRExtension({
background: async dnrTestUtils => {
const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils;
await setRedirectTransform({ host: "dest" });
await testFetch(
"host changed"
await testNavigate(
"host changed without affecting embedded credentials"
await setRedirectTransform({ host: "DEST" });
await testFetch(
"host changed (non-canonical, upper case)"
await setRedirectTransform({ host: "%44%65%73%54" }); // "DesT", escaped.
await testFetch(
"host changed (non-canonical, percent-escaped)"
await setRedirectTransform({ host: "" });
await testFetch(
"host change to IPv4"
await setRedirectTransform({ host: "[::1]" });
await testFetch("http://from/", "http://[::1]/", "host change to IPv6");
await setRedirectTransform({ host: "" });
await testFetch(
"host change to IDN (internationalized domain name, in punycode)"
await setRedirectTransform({ host: "straß.de" });
await testFetch(
"host change to IDN (not punycode-encoded)"
await setRedirectTransform({ host: "fqdn." });
await testFetch(
"host change to FQDN (fully-qualified domain name)"
add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_port() {
await runAsDNRExtension({
background: async dnrTestUtils => {
const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils;
await setRedirectTransform({ port: "" });
await testFetch("http://from:777/", "http://dest/", "port cleared");
await testNavigate(
"port cleared from URL with embedded credentials"
await setRedirectTransform({ port: "700" });
await testFetch("http://from/", "http://dest:700/", "port added");
await testFetch("http://from:777/", "http://dest:700/", "port changed");
// 0-padded should not be misinterpreted as an octal number.
await setRedirectTransform({ port: "0700" });
await testFetch(
"port changed (non-canonical, 0-padded port)"
await setRedirectTransform({ port: "80" });
await testFetch(
"port cleared if default protocol"
await setRedirectTransform({ scheme: "http", port: "443" });
await testFetch(
"port added if new port is not default port of new protocol"
await setRedirectTransform({ scheme: "http", port: "80" });
await testFetch(
"port cleared if new port is default port of new protocol"
add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_path() {
await runAsDNRExtension({
background: async dnrTestUtils => {
const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils;
await setRedirectTransform({ path: "" });
await testFetch("http://from/path", "http://dest/", "path cleared");
await testNavigate(
"path cleared from URL with embedded credentials"
await setRedirectTransform({ path: "/new" });
await testFetch("http://from/", "http://dest/new", "path added");
await testFetch("http://from/path", "http://dest/new", "path changed");
await setRedirectTransform({ path: "///" });
await testFetch("http://from/", "http://dest///", "path added (///)");
await setRedirectTransform({ path: "path" });
await testFetch(
"path added (non-canonical, missing slash)"
// " " -> "%20" (space)
// "\x00" -> "%00" (null byte)
// "<>" -> "%3C%3E" (URL encoding of angle brackets)
// "%", "%20", "%3A", "%3a" -> not changed (%-encoding kept as-is).
await setRedirectTransform({ path: "/Path_%_ _%20_?_#_\x00_<>_%3A%3a" });
await testFetch(
"path added (non-canonical, partial percent encoding)"
add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_query() {
await runAsDNRExtension({
background: async dnrTestUtils => {
const { setRedirectTransform, testFetch, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils;
await setRedirectTransform({ query: "" });
await testFetch("http://from/?query", "http://dest/", "query cleared");
await testNavigate(
"query cleared from URL with embedded credentials"
await setRedirectTransform({ query: "?new" });
await testFetch("http://from/", "http://dest/?new", "query added");
await testFetch(
"query changed"
await setRedirectTransform({ query: "?" });
await testFetch("http://from/", "http://dest/?", "query set to just '?'");
await setRedirectTransform({ query: "?Query_#_ _%20_%3a%3A_<>_\x00" });
await testFetch(
"query added (non-canonical, partial percent encoding)"
// Now rule.action.redirect.transform.queryTransform:
await setRedirectTransform({
queryTransform: {
removeParams: ["query"],
await testFetch(
"queryTransform removed query"
await testFetch(
"queryTransform removed part of query"
await testFetch(
"queryTransform removed all occurrences of 'query' key"
await testFetch(
"queryTransform does not match param when it starts with '??'"
await setRedirectTransform({
queryTransform: {
removeParams: ["query"],
addOrReplaceParams: [{ key: "query", value: "newvalue" }],
await testFetch(
"queryTransform appended query despite new param being in removeParams"
await testFetch(
"queryTransform removed query, and appended new value"
await testFetch(
"queryTransform ignores existing param starting with '??', and appends"
await setRedirectTransform({
queryTransform: {
addOrReplaceParams: [{ key: "query", value: "newvalue" }],
await testFetch(
"queryTransform appended query"
await testFetch(
"queryTransform replaced the first occurrence and kept the others"
await setRedirectTransform({
queryTransform: {
addOrReplaceParams: [
{ key: "r", value: "default" }, // default:false
{ key: "r", value: "false", replaceOnly: false },
{ key: "r", value: "true", replaceOnly: true },
{ key: "r", value: "false2", replaceOnly: false },
{ key: "r", value: "true2", replaceOnly: true },
// r=true and r=true2 are missing because there are no matching "r".
await testFetch(
"queryTransform appends all except replaceOnly=true"
// r=true2 should be missing because there is no matching "r".
await testFetch(
"queryTransform replaced in order and ignores last replaceOnly=true"
await setRedirectTransform({
queryTransform: {
addOrReplaceParams: [
{ key: "a", value: "appenda" },
{ key: "b", value: "b1" },
{ key: "c", value: "c1" },
{ key: "c", value: "c2" },
{ key: "c", value: "appendc" },
{ key: "d", value: "d1" },
// Test case has: b c c d.
// Rule only has: appenda b1 c2 appendc d1.
// Expected out : b1 c2 d1 appenda appendc.
await testFetch(
"queryTransform replaces matched queries and appends the rest, in order"
await setRedirectTransform({
queryTransform: {
addOrReplaceParams: [{ key: "query", value: " _+_%00_#" }],
await testFetch(
"queryTransform urlencodes values"
// This part tests how param names with non-alphanumeric characters can be
// (and not be) matched and replaced. This follows Chrome's behavior, see
await setRedirectTransform({
queryTransform: {
removeParams: ["?x", "%3Fx", "&x", "%26x"],
addOrReplaceParams: [
// Internally interpreted as: %3Fp:
{ key: "?p", value: "rawq", replaceOnly: true },
// Internally interpreted as: %253Fp:
{ key: "%3Fp", value: "escape_upper_q", replaceOnly: true },
// Internally interpreted as: %253fp:
{ key: "%3fp", value: "escape_lower_q", replaceOnly: true },
// Internally interpreted as: %26p:
{ key: "&p", value: "rawa", replaceOnly: true },
// Internally interpreted as: %2526p:
{ key: "%26p", value: "escape_a", replaceOnly: true },
await testFetch(
"queryTransform does not match the '?' or '&' separators"
await testFetch(
"queryTransform cannot match literal '?p' because it is not urlencoded"
await testFetch(
"queryTransform matches already-urlencoded '%3Fp' with raw '?p'"
await testFetch(
"queryTransform cannot match non-canonical percent encoding (lowercase)"
await testFetch(
"queryTransform matches double-urlencoded '?p' with single-encoded '?p'"
await testFetch(
"queryTransform matches already-urlencoded '%26p' with raw '&p'"
add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_fragment() {
await runAsDNRExtension({
background: async dnrTestUtils => {
// Note: not using testFetch because it cannot see fragment changes.
const { setRedirectTransform, testNavigate } = dnrTestUtils;
await setRedirectTransform({ fragment: "" });
await testNavigate(
"fragment cleared from URL with embedded credentials"
await setRedirectTransform({ fragment: "#new" });
await testNavigate("http://from/", "http://dest/#new", "fragment added");
await testNavigate(
"fragment changed"
add_task(async function test_redirect_transform_failed_at_runtime() {
await runAsDNRExtension({
background: async dnrTestUtils => {
const { setRedirectTransform } = dnrTestUtils;
// Maximum length of a UTL is 1048576 (network.standard-url.max-length).
const network_standard_url_max_length = 1048576;
// updateSessionRules does some validation on the limit (as seen by
// validate_action_redirect_transform in test_ext_dnr_session_rules.js),
// but it is still possible to pass validation and fail in practice when
// the existing URL + new component exceeds the limit.
const VERY_LONG_STRING = "x".repeat(network_standard_url_max_length - 20);
// Like testFetch, except truncates URLs in log messages to avoid logspam.
async function testFetchPossiblyLongUrl(from, to, body, description) {
let res = await fetch(from);
const shortx = s => s.replace(/x{10,}/g, xxx => `x{${xxx.length}}`);
// VERY_LONG_STRING consists of many 'X'. Shorten to avoid logspam.
browser.test.assertEq(shortx(to), shortx(res.url), description);
browser.test.assertEq(body, await res.text(), "expected body");
await setRedirectTransform({ query: "?" + VERY_LONG_STRING });
await testFetchPossiblyLongUrl(
// Somehow the httpd server raises NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI when it tries
// to use newURI to parse the received URL. But the server responding
// with that implies that the redirect was successful, so for the
// purpose of this test, that response is acceptable.
"Bad request\n",
"Can redirect to URL near (but not over) url max-length"
// This check confirms that not only does the request not redirect to
// an invalid URL, but also that the request does not somehow end up in
// an infinite redirect loop.
await testFetchPossiblyLongUrl(
"Redirect to URL over max length is ignored; request continues"